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Posts posted by bdelma

  1. Actually when people start getting remedial about a guy like Aaron Schobels' paycheck you gotta ask yourself (or atleast i do) are you serious. the guy is still one of our best players and leaves it all on the field. The next time you half ass at work if you ever have, why don't you hand half your check over to your boss at the end of the week, would you do that?



    So he deserves all the money their paying him for just effort. What about making plays.

  2. Yep it was rather amazing even to me. It was just like the Carolina game that I attended with Aussiew. Every time the Bills made plays Bills Nation would go nuts just like Steeler fans did last night. The sound on the TV of the Steeler fans in the stands was off the chart and I don't have a plasma or HD TV!!! I bet the Steeler fans had just as much FUN leaving Invesco Field as us Bills fans did walking down the long winding ramps at the B of A singing ""Lets Go Buffalo""!!!



    As good as the Bills fans are, the steelers will travel to RW stadium and show their presence as well.

  3. Steeler fans travel well and always support the team on the road (combo of transplants and travelers I'm sure).


    I was surprised at how many had tickets to last night's game. Shame on the Denver folks who sold their tickets en masse.


    Looks like the Charger fan base, when the hated raiders come to town. All the season ticket holders place ads in the paper unloading their seats.

  4. Steven Tyler: Storyteller


    Oddly enough, Tyler just announced a "storyteller-style" tour that kicks off (in all places) Concord NH. FYI: Aerosmith actually got its start in Sunapee NH in a place called the Green Barn. The Tallarico family (Steven's real name) owns a house on Lake Sunapee. In fact its not an uncommon sight to see Steven, sometimes Liv and Joe Perry too, hanging out by the lake, grabbing a drink, or hitting the mall in Concord.


    Too bad I'm not running the local classic rock FM anymore. We'd probably be the sponsoring station and I'd have free tickets. That's the one perk I miss from my radio days. That and all the blow from record promoters :worthy:





    Your not either Cindy Chan or Carl Russo?

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