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Posts posted by bdelma

  1. What would there be to lose? He gave a great analysis of the lack of leadership last week on wgr last Tuesday. Called out the receivers for failing to block, problems with the shotgun, etc.


    When asked if his wife told him to play QB again - he said his wife and daughter kept telling him he needed to coach. He said the only reason he wouldn't was because he wanted to hunt. Is hunting season almost over yet?


    If he turned out to be a good coach, he could choose to continue. If he didnt, then he would be interim. Would at least keep the rest of the year interesting.



    lay the crack pipe down.

  2. Okk bdelma I will call bs on myself. After making a phone call too the shop I found out where I got mixed up. Looked at two cars side by side(this was a few years ago) and I got my facts crossed. The gto is a special made model for Hurst shifters. A few goodies on it like a different shifter, wheel covers and badges. That GTO is worth approx $50,000. So I'm full of bull on that one. However, sitting beside that car, and the one I got mixed up with the GTO on, is a 59 2 door Bel Air. THIS was the car that I had in my brain and it was the one with one of, or the first factory car to have fuel injection. It is worth, in these recessionary times, between 250,00-300,000. Only 3 of these were made apparently. So, my bad.



    I watch quite a bit of the auctions like BJ and Mecum's The fuely sounds like a rare piece. I have friends that are into custom rods and corvettes.

  3. My brother in law has old cars stored at his shop. He has a mid 60s gto in there worth over $400,000. Not his, a rich customers. Have a pic of it somewhere. If I remember correctly whats special about this particular car is that its one of the first American production cars with fuel injection. Or something to do with fuel injection. Anyway, $110,000 is not surprising at all for these things. I would think the Galaxie is worth that much becasue they seem so rare. I work 4 big car shows a year out here and almost never see those cars. If you don't find em out here there probably isn't many around.



    $400,000 your kidding. Is it one of one? Find that hard to believe.

  4. Why does everyone think Polian is this football GM God? What has he done since leaving Buffalo? He had one of the best QB's to play the game fall into his lap while drafting at the top of the draft and has won 1 Super bowl. His defences have been mediocre all while they ride a strong offence made up of some high draft picks cause they were bad for so long. Where would Polian be without Manning being a Colt?



    A competive team every year! WTF do we have here?

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