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Posts posted by RU5781

  1. The Devils can not beat the Sabres, However, it's possible the Sabres can beat the Sabres when they are playing the Devils.


    Right now, with all cylinders cranking, the Sabres are the Devils worst nightmare, IMO. They just can't skate with all four Sabre lines...no team can. The problem for the Devils is, any mistake, against any line will KILL them...and they will, and do, make mistakes. Against most teams you can concentrate on the top two lines and.or the top three players. That's s#it just won't flush against the Sabres.


    I'm not woofing and I know the Sabres are no lock to win it all. But, seriously, I hope the Sabres meet the Devils as I think that matchup is clearly in favor of the Sabres. The Devils do ONE thing. They do it well, but it's all they can do. When that thing doesn't work they are Royally Screwed. You saw that in the last game between the two teems.


    Now Max and Connelly are back. It's just too good...SCARY GOOD! If things don't go the Sabres way (as might happen) the Sabres can adjust. If things aren't going well for the Devils, what are they going to do? Play SLOWER?


    You can't stop what you can't see and you can't hit what you can't catch. The Devils are a GREAT team...three years ago. This is the new NHL and The Sabres are built for speed. Wake up and smell the chicken wings, Ed.


    They split the series 2-2, yet the Devs can't play with the Sabres? :thumbdown:

    Both teams are healthy, so I don't want to hear "boo-hoo, the Sabres had injuries" (like losing Gionta, Elias, and Madden aren't bad enough).

    The games will come down to Miller and Brodeur. Hmmm, I wonder who will step up in a big game.

  2. Wow. What a great Boz Scaggs reference. Kudos, Dean.


    And Tater, while I know how much you like to stand in judgement of what the world should consider funny, before you bust the nuts of Crayonz, you should take a little trip down Taterhill Memory Lane. Was it really funny when you started a thread titled "What is your Social Security Number," only to ask people for the PIN numbers? What is funny when you started a thread just because you had Chaivatta's chicken for lunch? Or maybe your thread titled "Ieatcrayonz Sucks" was the real rib-tickler after garnering three entire responses.


    Where am I going with this?


    Simple. You are clearly Ieatcrayonz. You must be because you're the only one who seems to find his humor just as stupid as your own.


    Yeah, I know. I'm predictable. Maybe you'll insert a "yawn" here, cuz that's always good for a yuck or two.


    Just ignore yourself and Crayonz may actually go away.


    But for the love of god, stop policing humor. You are the last person who should be doing that.


    You could always entertain us with your Fabio story again instead. :unsure:

  3. Wow, so wrong. She "acts like a whore"? Have you met her.


    Ed, don't walk...RUN AWAY from this discussion. Suggesting it's OK if a woman is raped because if what she wears certain clothes? STOP IT NOW...please, for you own good.


    I didn't say it was OK if she were raped. What I said was, I BET SHE's MAKING IT UP!!!

    Why is it so hard to imagine a girl who's obviously crying for attention to be a liar? :unsure::ph34r::wallbash:

  4. Yeah, I'm sure she was asking for it. Most rape victims are.


    Oh, and Jesus....you're an idiot to even suggest such a thing.


    I'm sorry Mark. Next time, why don't you enlighten us with your Fabio date again. :ph34r:

    I'm sorry you lack deductive reasoning. She looks like a whore, acts like a whore, guess what, she probably is. She probably wants a little cash.

    Fabio Mark, Fabio. :unsure:

  5. I am baffled. I spent the last 10 minutes doing the following:


    1) Watching the Alanis video- 37 seconds was plenty


    2) Trying to figure out if the "This is awesome, plus Alanis is a total babe" post was serious or not- 9 minutes, 23 seconds


    You have that much free time, huh? Must be nice...

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