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Posts posted by RU5781

  1. Wow, way to borrow a talking point from Willis McGahee. How persuasive. :devil:


    People on this message board live all over the country and all over the world, and I don't think there's one of them who would actually want to live in NJ over where they are now.


    Really? I guess living in a safe area right on the shore isn't attractive, huh?

    I guess living in the Pharm. capital of the world making great money isn't attractive, huh? B-)

  2. Heh I'm pissed that the Habs lost last night and Millbank is too nice to take it out on him. Might as well take it out on mr i spentmyhoneymoonontsw.


    I couldn't go on a honeymoon because:

    A). My wife isn't tenured at her University yet, and WAS NOT allowed to cancel classes, and

    B). I started a brand new job where I make more money than you will ever see.


    Keep trying though. B-)

    By the way, tell Chris Hansen I said hello.

  3. Yes because we all know that the Devils play with so much intensity when it matters. Must be the reason they avg about 8000 fans a game. God New Jersey must be a great hockey town.


    Without getting into such specific detail, here's why the Devs don't sell out all of the time.

    The Meadowlands is in a crappy area, there is no mass transit there, the tickets are the second most expensive in the NHL, and unlike Buffalo or Canada, people have other things to do then live and breathe hockey. An exciting night in NJ isn't going to Applebees. B-)

  4. Yeah, a bandwaggoner. You're a friggin' BILLS fan because when you started paying attention to football, the BILLS were a great team. It's just as likely that you started paying attention to the Devils when they won their first Stanley Cup and not a moment before. You're closer to the Jets than the BILLS, so proximity apparently only matters in hockey, right? Sure.


    Yeah, I'm a Notre Dame fan. In my "formative years", they pretty much sucked (much like the Yankees and BILLS) but they were on the radio every week. I guess I'll apologize for following the family tradition where that's concerned (though my father and grandfather are NY Giants (football) fans because the BILLS didn't exist during their formative years).


    And there's nothing better than a supposed BILLS fan gloating about the success of another sports team. No hypocrisy there. You're such a douche bag.


    My dad is a huge Giants fan you Alaskan Douche. I became a Bills fan is 1986. Hmmm 1986...What happened that year? Oh yeah, the Giants won the SB. Would have been easy for me to be a Giants fan, wouldn't it have?

    You're such a douche bag.

  5. What in the hell are you babbling about?

    Do you even watch hockey?


    "your defense absolutely blows"

    Ummm they're 4th in the conference in goals against and there are about 28 teams in the NHL who'd gladly trade thier defensive corps for Spacek, Campbell, Lydman, Tallinder, Numminen and Kalinin. And your hair-brained GM is one of them.


    "I would take a one-legged Marty before Miller in a big game (considering a strong majority here wanted him gone during the season)."

    Since you don't even watch hockey you may have missed the fact that Ryan Miller has become one of the best goalies on the planet; it's no co-incidence that he has a better winning% than Marty. His Goalsagainst and Save% are also very respectable even though in the Sabres wide open system he only gets about half the support that Brodeur regularly gets. The Sabres have very few worries heading into the postseason and Ryan Miller is certainly not one of them.

    Before you start talking out yer ass, you ought to be sure you know what you're talking about before you make any bigger of an ass out of yourself. :devil:


    Do you feel better? Nice for a mod to act this way.

    I like how everyone is quick to insult when all I said was the Devs would win, and Buff would choke. I talk about sports, and people make it personal. Nice. B-)

  6. Haha. Yeah, Frys in the store can be pretty sketchy. This was frys.com though, (formerly outpost.com), which while its the same company, is run by separate people and maintain separate prices.


    My Parents actually bought that TV, got it within a week, and love it. The remote they got didn't work but Frys sent out a tech just to deliver a remote and make sure nothing else was wrong.


    I've bought a bunch of stuff at the real Frys. As long as you are CAREFUL (check the SKUs on everything you buy, check your receipt, etc) you can get some incredible deals. I'll gladly let them !@#$ over the people who don't know better to get lower prices. :wallbash:


    Ohhh, OK. I thought it was the same place. :thumbdown:

  7. I love how fans with declining teams and little chance to go all the way rely on "history". Well, for the Devils, it is just that, HISTORY. That should make all the NJ fans feel better when they exit in Rd #1 or #2.


    It's true the Swords need to tighten up the D some for the playoffs as they may play a team who can take advantage of mistake on D. But, the Devils aren't that team. They are old and slow and play a style that has always been boring and is now nowhere near effective as it once was.


    Marty is a terrific goaltender, but our boys threw 4 by him EVEN STRENGTH the last time we played. If the games are 2-1 or 1-0, Marty has the advantage. IF the game is 4-3 or 7-4, we know who will be on top.


    BTW, were ANY fans here looking to dump Marty? I know some thought he should get some rest for a few games. I certainly can't believe a "strong majority" here wanted him gone. Remarks like that and the "one-legged Marty" over Miller nonsense, tell me you know this is not a real advantageous matchup (should it happen) for NJ, so you resort to hyperbole to make a joke out of it.


    Well, you are right to do so, Eddy Christ (good hockey name), it is a joke to think NJ has the advantage over the 'Bres.


    Declining? 106 points and second in the conference is hardly declining. :thumbdown:

    Old? Gomez 27, Zajac 21, Parise 22, Gionta 28, Jannssen 22, Martin 26, White 29, Oduya 25, ELias 30, Langenbrunner 31. Yeah, real over the hill there. :wallbash:

  8. The Devils can beat the Sabres in an isolated game. Then they go play other crappy teams. What we're talking about here is the Devils having to face the speed and versatility of the 'Bres night after night. I think we BOTH know how that is likely to end.


    The Devils could win the first game, hell they MIGHT win the first two (but, I doubt it). By the third game, these old slow bastards (the Devils, to be clear) will be puking on center ice. By game five (if it goes to five) Marty B will be waving a white flag BEGGING SOMEONE to PLEASE skate for him. By that time, I expect the Devils to be so gassed, there will be medical personnel at the ready, like at a Country Club restaurant in Miami.


    I know you are afraid and so do you. A beat up and injured Sabres team made it to one game short of the finals last year. Where did the Devils end up?


    So...when's the last time the Devils ended up better than the Sabres? Like I stated earlier, the Devils are a GREAT team...three years ago.


    I hope you are enjoying your team's long slow descent. The Devils are built for comfort, the Sabres are built for SPEED!





    I love how the Sabres fans are sooooooo overconfident. Why?! You have little history, and the history you do have, you've choked.

    The Sabres have a great offense yes, but your defense absolutely blows.

    It's going to come down to Marty vs. Miller. I would take a one-legged Marty before Miller in a big game (considering a strong majority here wanted him gone during the season).

  9. Oops, you're right. But the Sabres have those 3 guys back while Gionta's still out, and have home ice. Not to mention they're the best road team in the NHL.


    Gionta will be fine, and Madden/Elias are healthy. You have to remember, the Devs have been here how many times, compared to the Sabres? Experience counts for a ton, and honestly, whom do you trust in the third period of a tied game 7? Brodeur or Miller?

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