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Posts posted by RU5781

  1. It's going to be Rutgers...everything I'm hearing right now 9as long as ND turns it down), is it will be us.

    We bring the NYC and Philly market (the b10 network can charge the CC's ~$1 per household), which would bring the B10 anywhere from an extra $40-80 million, per year.


    It won't be Pitt...they don't bring anything new...the only other school that has a chance would be Syracuse, but that is a LONGSHOT.

  2. On November 19, 2006, a day after my UC Bearcats knocked off an undefeated Rutgers at home, I made the following post:






    Well, here we sit 2 years later, and looking back, it can be said that THAT was the game that put UC football on the map.


    Today, Nov. 22, 2008, UC takes on Pitt - which will be before a SOLD OUT crowd of 35,000+, on national primetime TV - ranked #19 vs #20 - to essentially lock up the Big East title and the school's first BCS bowl bid (after winning, they would still have to beat Syracuse next week to finalize this).


    Since my last post, Mark Dantonio has left and we've brought on Brian Kelly. Now, the talks intensify that he's on his way out as well...I don't feel bad though. In two years, we've made some great strides, we've got some of the best facilities in the country (including a new practice facility just announced yesterday: http://www.wcpo.com/news/local/story.aspx?...b-3879712cb392), and we've got an invigorated fan base. We'll find a new coach to keep this thing going if BK leaves.


    As a UC fan (and season ticket holder), I say SCREW EM....we're on the map, and we're not going anywhere. :unsure:


    I hope you guys win the BE.

    Good luck against Pornstache tonight!!!

  3. but...but...but...haven't your heard? Rutgers has won 7 straight and are once again a national power. :rolleyes:


    Don't know what happened the first 6 games, but the way we've been playing recently, we look like the USC of the East Coast (yes, I just said that).

    With Savage, Bunche, Hodges, and Harrison coming in next year, the future looks very bright.

    I'm expecting 4-5 BE titles in a row.


    I didn't go anywhere. Whenever I head to a message board, I usually go to Rivals.

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