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Posts posted by aussiew

  1. And how is rendezvousing somewhere "near the stadium" supposed to alleviate traffic? Won't people be pulling over everywhere around the stadium and waiting for their friends to meet up with them so they can all attempt to enter the lot at once?


    We almost always have to do this at "away" games. It's a coordination nightmare when you're trying to put together a group tailgate for visiting fans.


    At this year's Bills/Cowboys game we'll be tailgating in a private lot and just walking to the stadium.

  2. Finalizing plans for a big pre-game party on Saturday night, an outdoor tailgate on Sunday AM within walking distance of the Stadium, and a choice of three hotels with negotiated prices (also near the stadium). So, all you have to do is get game tix.


    I should have all the info firmed up be this weekend. Stay tuned....

  3. One of my all-time favorite Bills.


    Was thrilled to come here, happy to play here, and never said a bad thing on his way out… and like his name translates to, he was a "Great Warrior."


    All the best to TKO. Super solid guy.




    It will be nice to see him playing live again when I go out for the Chargers/Bills game. Love that guy. But have to hope he doesn't have a great day when I'm there.

  4. I wouldn't recommend buying any tix in that stadium that say "obstructed view". Don't forget the last Super Bowl fiasco. Make sure you buy from a reputable agency or you may find yourself watching the game at Humperinks down the street.


    I'm checking on group sales - and am working on securing a hotel and a Sat night party at Humperdinks. Stay tuned....

  5. I hate the off season.


    Now, I'm down to counting the hours until the schedule is released...waiting impatiently to see when y'all are coming to Dallas to watch our boys embarrass the Cowgirls in their home stadium (Jerry's world). Also gotta save for the home opener in Orchard Park and a trip to San Diego for the Bills/Chargers game. I can't wait. If we don't have a season, I'll be heart broken.


    Glad to be back....

  6. Let me know what transpires, We may be interested in getting one too. I don't want to drive it, I just want to have it parked, fill it with beer and food and save the travel between outlying areas and the stadium. In Friday/Saturday, out Monday


    Is there any other way to do it?


    But it would have to be picked up from the rental place and then taken to the stadium. I'm going to start researching.

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