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Posts posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. Daivid went through some rough mental times....divorce all kinds of crap us normal people go through..he is making a comeback...now Nate....I could enjoy football without him



    Glad to hear he's coming around. He and "you know who" had potential for a great long term rivalry. Hope he makes it. Sundays at the turn are a lot more exciting with him.

  2. Actually Nates tackles are textbook....Smaller guys are told to go low with there tackles....A guy like Clements cant stay heads up and wrap up and tackle, not strong enough....



    I'd disagree. I don't expect him to hit Jerome Bettis shoulder to shoulder but you can go at a guys knees and still make an attempt to wrap his legs up. One thing no one is taught is to dive at a runner's ankles with your face in the dirt. Half the time he hits them with his back in barrel roll style. That is definitely not textbook. All I'm saying is you at least have to attempt to get your upper body involved in the tackle.

  3. While I was watching the game (sic) today I had one of those ?huh moments watching Nate get repeatedly burned. Has his free agent season got so deep between his ears that the guy has forgot how to play? Or is he soooo convinced before the play that he might get burned that it inevitably happens? Seriously... he looks as if he has completely lost it in coverage this year. I still think he's a solid corner; but the best part of this year for him is the fact that it ended today.


    P.S. I'm also tired of announcers saying what a good tackler he is. Coming up in run support and diving at a guys legs (with no attempt to wrap him up) hardly defines a great tackle®. This isn't so much directed at Nate as it is the announcers who repeatedly rave about those "tackles."


    when is the draft? ;)

  4. Dear Eric,


    From now on, just STFU and keep your punk-ass opinions on what's wrong with the team to yourself.





    PS. GO JP!!! GO EVANS!!!  :blink:



    Let's not get too rough with Eric. I too was upset when his "constructive criticism" went public but was certainly not in favor of booing him like some were. He should have just kept his comments in the locker room where they belonged. I said it before and I'll say it again...Moulds has been too good for us for too long to treat him like crap. Hopefully it is a lesson learned for him and I certainly would like to see JP the rest of the year. Not because of "developmental reasons" but more because he gives us a few dimensions Kelly does not (long ball, running, etc). In any event, I think JP delivered the message to Eric today when he STARED him down on the quick slant and nearly got him decapitated. Probably wasn't intentional....but you have to wonder. :D

  5. You HAVE to be joking.


    NOBODY should be rooting for the Bills to lose at this point, NOBODY! 


    We're not hopelessly out of the playoff race.  We're ONE GAME BACK WITH EIGHT TO GO!


    This thread is stupid.


    I'm more stupid for reading and responding to it.




    Gotta go with Fez on this one. We could be in a first place tie by the end of the weekend. Would people feel better if we were 5-3 and the patsies were 6-2. One game out is one game out. And yes, I'd rather have the "juice" of watching the Bills play a playoff game and lose than be rooting for draft position. The draft is a complete crap shoot anyway.

    Let's kick ass tomorrow.

  6. Finally- I love this. Like having another Offensive lineman out there.

    He's huge.



    Absolutely. If the guy could become a 2-3 catch a game guy (just to keep people honest), it really is like lining up with two tackles on the end of the line. Not to mention, he could certainly take the occasional end around reverse. :huh:

  7. Not to completely change subject but I was talking to a fellow Bills fan not too long ago re: SB25. The subject boiled down to key plays. Of course, the kick was at the top of the list, the ridiculous tackling on the 3rd down play with ?Ingram, and the near touchdown turned safety with Bruce. I've always felt the biggest play of that game was on the Bills drive after the safety. 3rd and 2 and Kelly hits Reed in the chest near the 50 for what should be a first down and a five yard gain. Reed, unfortunately dropped a gimme. The Giants were down 12-3 and on their heels. Instead of keeping the drive going and likely getting 3 (at least), we punt.....the Giants have an epic drive and the halftime score is 12-10. Obviously this is not news, but I rarely hear people talk about it.


    P.S. Yes, I know...if Kelly had handed the ball to Thurman on 3rd and 2 the point would be moot. :(

  8. Many people here were begging for the Bills to draft Nugent this year saying he would be the solution to the Bills kicking woes. Lets compare so far.


                  G    1-19  20-29  30-39  40-49  50+  Tot    Lg  Blk  Pct  XP  XPG  Pct

        5    0-0  2-2    5-5    4-5    0-0  11-12  4791.7  5-5  5      100.0 -------Lindell

        5  0-0 2-3  1-1  1-3  0-0 4-7  4157.1  7-7  7      100.0 -------Nugent


                  G  KO  Avg  TB  Ret  Ret Avg  TD    Onside  Recov

        5      21      65.2 1  20  19.2      0        0 0 --------Lindell

      5    16      64.2    1        14      19.9        0        0      0 --------Nugent

    Lindell has better stats in every single catagory. I can't help but wonder if the Bills did draft Nugent how many more people would be jumping off the peace bridge at this point and screaming for TD's head.


    Excellent post. Lindell has been much better than any of us thought he would be. Naysayers will say he hasn't hit a "big" kick yet. I would say the guy was under pressure from the minute he took the field this year. He was not good last year and admitted such. Hopefully, he continues at this level.

  9. If that were the case, I'd sue, too.  Especially since they don't allow me to protect myself because they won't allow me to exercise my 2nd Amendment rights.


    You're just as much a sheep as this person is.


    We continue to ridicule the symptoms while ignoring the real problem (our overwhelming and overbearing federal government).



    I'm sure you would sue....that's my point. Apparently the only way to accomplish anything in this country is just that. Sue if they pat you down and sue if they don't. Who cares as long as "I" get something out of it. I'm not so much responding to the topic. I'm more concerned with the methodology. As far as being a sheep??? whatever.

  10. Private property, private event.  If the teacher doesn't want to get patted down the teacher has the option not to go to the game.



    Absolutely true. She'd be the same one lining up the attorney after some maniac carried a gun into a stadium. "they failed to protect me...blah, blah,blah." People are IDIOTS. Go call the aclu or someone who gives a sh@t.

  11. Texans: 5-0

    Bucs: 0-0

    Falcons: 2-2

    Saints: 0-2

    Dolphins: 5-1


    Two wins: 10-1 in turnovers

    Three losses: 2-4 in turnovers


    5 turnovers per game is a little unreasonable to expect, but in the two games where our defense has been opportunistic we have come out on top.



    I can hear Marv now...."the team that wins the turnover battle wins the game."

  12. In your opinion does Buffalos defense still hold or would of the fish gone on to score without the fumble?



    To borrow a term frequently seen here, I think without the fumble we were doomed. But you have to accept the fact that the D made that play....it just didn't "happen."

  13. We were 1-5 (1-5 in Conference, 1-2 in Division) and 5 games out of first place.  If we win next week, we'll be 3-3 (3-0 in Conference, 2-0 in Division) and possibly tied for first place.  Given the lousy way we've been playing, I'll take it.



    That pretty much sums it up. I agree 100%. Not to mention that Mularkey is now over .500 (11-10) as a head coach. "We" always complain about numbers here and all that matters is the bottom line. Like it or not, we had a first year coach last year with a winning record who is now ahead of last years pace. Let's hope it continues.

    Yes, I have concerns too....JP's psyche, inability to slow Dolphins on last drive before fumble saved us, poor offensive line play, lack of half time adjustments....blah, blah, blah. The bottom line is we're better than last year.....for this week anyway. :D

  14. Harrison was the guy I wanted back then, but was picked just before Moulds.  You can argue about production w/ QB diferences, but there is no denying Marvin is the kind of guy you want on your team.



    As I recall the wind kind of left the Bills sails when the Colts took Harrison. Marvin had been the "projected" pick the Bills were hoping for. Moulds seemed to be their plan B. My recollection anyway.

  15. I hate to be a hater but does anybody think this guy is good? I just walked away from the halftime show for fear of getting a headache. Too much volume, non-sensical verbage and absolutely no clue where he is in the highlight. I'm suprised he's that bad (it's not just today) because I used to think his brother was one of the best on ESPN Primetime. Somebody needs to give him a tranquilizer.

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