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Posts posted by KYBillsFan

  1. Am I the only non-Yankee fan rooting for them anyway because I despise the Sox?  I'm surprised more people don't feel this way.  For everything people hate about the Yankees (big payroll, arrogant fans) the Red Sox are no different. 

    But at least I don't hear Yankee fans being hypocrites and complaining about how Boston "bought" their way to the playoffs.  Maybe my hatred of football cities carries over into other sports - I just really hope the Red Sox never, ever win.  A bunch of whining brats those Boston fans are.



    You aren't alone. I feel the exact same way.

  2. Besides bad weather games, can any of you recall any game in NFL history that would warrant a lower over/under than the game this upcoming weekend?


    Sure bad teams have played each other plenty of times in the past, but I can't think of 2 bad teams whose defenses were this much better than their offenses going head to head.

  3. They did, and Im sorry, but it was HILARIOUS...


    Basically, every time a player gets fine, the money goes to charity. He has been fined $350,000 in his career, easily an NFL record.


    But they interviewed other players for the bit, and it was too funny: "Rodney almost blew out both of my knees on a cheap shot, but if that means a bigger classroom can be built in some school, I'll happily take that chance"..


    They all played along, and it was funny.


    Man, what ever happened to this being a violent sport?



    Like I said, I wasn't really paying attention. I heard Kenny Mayne, so I should have known it wasn't serious.

  4. This is not some claim that the Bills would have won yesterday if....... or anything like that.


    It isn't really about the Bills at all.


    I watched with disgust yesterday as three separate times (I'm sure I missed a few) Rodney Harrison appeared to me to try to hurt people.


    There was one head shot (I thin Bledsoe but I'm unsure at this point and I don't remember as well as the other two which were):


    1. Neufeld over the middle.  Bledsoe badly overthrows him while he is open (no big surprise).  Harrison started on a path to hit him low and try to break up the pass.  He clearly saw the pass go (way) long.  Does he pull up ? No (he shouldn't have).  Does he continue aling the same path? No. (He should have).  What does he do?  He decides to take the opportunity to go head hunting.  He probably missed seriously injuring Neufeld by a couple of inches.  I happened to be watching him on that play and his intent was very clear.


    2. Garbage time.  Moulds catches a 7 or 8 yard pass in the middle of the field and ends up laying on his stomach.  One Pats players starts to touch him down.  Another comes flying full speed helmet first into Moulds' wide open back.  Anyone catch a number?  37.


    On the botched punt I thought Moorman took a late and cheap hit.  I didn't see who it was but I wouldn't be surprised (although I would be a bit surprised if Harrison was in on ST).  This was not as bad as the others.


    It is very clear that nobody on the Bills offense has the guts to stand up to Harrison.  They play gutless during the play, why not after?  Shouldn't the league do something about this loser.  If not, shouldn't some offensive player (on a team that shows some guts) do something to stop him or at least let him know turnabout is on the way?



    I'm not sure because I just had it on in the background, but I think ESPN's pregame show had some kind of piece yesterday that more or less glorified his style of play.

  5. $49.00 for the roady, or the commander or the skyfi, with a 6 month contiuous commitment, and only 3 months pre-paid.  let me know



    I just signed up for XM a couple of weeks ago. I just got my credit card bill and it had a charge or $45 (or $44.95). I assumed it would be $30 for the first quarter. Any idea why I was charged an extra $15. I've been too lazy to call them. I assumed it was some type of activation fee.

  6. Do any of you guys remember the storyline where he was making fun of The Giant because The Giant was sad about his dad dying? It was the most horrible, ridiculous and yet hilarious storyline they ever had.


    The high (or perhaps low depending on your perspective) point of that storyline was when Big Boss Man mounted a giant megaphone to the top of his stationwagon and was driving around the cemetary during The Giant's dad's funeral shouting stuff like "Boo hoo, my daddy died!" through his megaphone. He then managed to somehow hook a chain up to the casket and started dragging it around the cemetary.


    I had never laughed so hard at wrestling before because I never expected them to stoop that low with a story.

  7. All the young punks going before most of the rock dinosaurs.  A freaking tragedy.  Three Ramones now, and god, Joe Strummer's passing away ruined Christmas a couple years ago.  These guys were ahead of their time and had to depart before it.  RIP fellas. :)




    I loved the Ramones, but nothing was worse than finding out Joe Strummer died. I remember sitting at work the day of my company's Christmas party and reading the message board on Strummernews.com and choking back tears all day. I had never realized that The Clash had such a profound impact on so many people and I had never felt that way about a celebrity death before.

  8. Those commercials were horrid.  It looked like some Lifetime movie, with the bad guy acting as slimy and lecherous as possible.  I wouldn't have watched it anyway, I couldn’t care less about a loser like Pete Rose.




    I think they dug up the corpse of Mo from The Three Stooges and called it Pete Rose. I really think the movie is going to be so bad it will be funny, so I'm watching it. "Just Place The Bet Paul!"

  9. He carried me to the Super Bowl in one of my FF leagues last year...I like him around the 14-16th pick in the draft



    But didn't Garcia/Owens play a large part in carrying the Niners offense to the red zone so that Barlow could carry your team to the Super Bowl? I'm not doubting Barlow as much as I'm doubting every other part of that offense.

  10. Is anyone else perplexed by all of the "experts" who are ranking Barlow as a top 10 back? Aside from Tomlinson, I can't think of any RBs who excel on horrible teams. Am I missing something? Do any of you have him rated as a top 10 back?

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