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Posts posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. The radio coverage said that the play could be overturned. What they said was that when the official finished the review that the receiver WAS PUSHED out of bounds. From the replay I saw on ESPN, he wasn't pushed. I looked like momentum that carried him out. Can't say for sure but that's the way it looked to me. Can'd do anything about it now so I'm over it. Oh, the review came from "upstairs" as well.

  2. I would be happy that we won the game but there were some glaring questions that should be asked. Why didn't we stretch the field? Why did we play that soft defense on the last drive? Why does Lindell suck so bad? There are always questions to be asked and as fans we have a right to ask them. So to answer your question, I would be happy we won but I wouldn't be happy with all aspects of the game and the Bills performance.

  3. There's been a lot of talk of the reasons for the loss.  But one that warrants more discussion is Gray going to the prevent on the last drive.  Come on - we're attacking the whole game, have them bottled up, get turnovers, and then on the last drive just let Leftwich stand back there.  I've never agreed with it and it cost us the game (among other things of course).



    I have never understood the prevent defense and have always hated seeing it. I even hate seeing other teams play it. It's just a stupid defense. Coaches worry about giving up the big play so what do they do? They give up a stevestojan load of small plays that bust your ass just the same. :angry:

  4. There's been a lot of talk of the reasons for the loss.  But one that warrants more discussion is Gray going to the prevent on the last drive.  Come on - we're attacking the whole game, have them bottled up, get turnovers, and then on the last drive just let Leftwich stand back there.  I've never agreed with it and it cost us the game (among other things of course).



    I have never understood the prevent defense and have always hated seeing it. I even hate seeing other teams play it. It's just a stupid defense. Coaches worry about giving up the big play so what do they do? They give up a stevestojan load of small plays that bust your ass just the same. :angry:

  5. Don't even bring this up.  It's not funny now, nor will it be funny come draft day if we finish with a sub .500 record.  Fug Jerry Jones if he thinks he is going to get a pick any higher than 15th!  Don't let it happen Bills!!!!!



    You people are unfreakin believable. We lose one game and you're already worried about when the Cowboys are going to draft our first round pick next year. Give me a damn break. You people are pathetic.

  6. :angry:  :blush:  :blink:


    Actually I think Tom Brady would've thrown it, then ran down the field and caught it himself and ran it into the end zone, Bugs Bunny style.



    :blink::w00t::w00t: I'm glad some of us realize it's not the end of the world and that the season is not over. It's good to still have a sense of humor. Go Bills!!

  7. Note to those lacking a sense of humor: I'm BEING SARCASTIC.



    I found it funny! Of course as expected there were some on here yesterday and this morning putting the blame on DB. It's rediculous. I have 5 words to sum up yesterdays loss. "KNOCK DOWN THE FUGGIN BALL!"

  8. Of coarse that does not bother me much, I'd say 38 years, a dozen near strokes, and about a million dollars in paraphernalia qualifies Me as a true Fan no matter what anyone says...



    Don't you mean "memorabilia"?? Be careful, you may catch a bogus drug charge.... <_< Sorry man. Just trying to lighten the mood a little.

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