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Posts posted by DonInBuffalo

  1. ok, just brainstorming here... A couple of ideas.


    1. (Ambitious Idea) Come up with a cookbook that could be ordered through mypublisher or some sort of online book place. Each recipe would have to be made once and an awesome photo would need to be taken. We could sell the books at cost or tack on something for charity. Or we could try and do a PDF version and make it free or a nominal charge for charity.


    2. (Less ambitious) Make a new forum where every thread is a new recipe, alphabetized, and a photo included with each.



    Perhaps something even less ambitious, but more general purpose. You have a "Tailgating Central" section, but there isn't a forum in there dedicated to tailgating at home Bills games. If you created a forum there for that purpose, you could have recipe threads along with various other discussions related to tailgating at home games.
  2. This is pretty basic, but a little different - Buffalo BBQ Wings.


    For the sauce, mix roughly equal parts of bottled BBQ sauce and Franks. A quart-sized plastic container, like the kind chinese take-out is served in, is perfect. You want something with a tight fitting lid so it doesn't spill on the way to the game.


    You'll want fresh, whole wings for this. You won't need to open the package(s) until you're ready to cook. All you'll need is a knife sharp enough to split the one tendon so you can "butterfly" the wings by straightening them out.


    You can probably figure out the rest without instructions. Just butterfly the wings, dip them in the sauce, and throw them on the grill. The tips make good handles for eating; the rest of the wing will be too hot to handle.

  3. Since starters typically play the entire first half and in some cases part of the 3rd quarter in the 3rd preseason game, and typically play only a small portion of the final preseason game, the game this week will likely decide whatever starting jobs are still open. For the purposes of this discussion, I'm thinking about "who is going to be the starter on opening day", not "who is going to be the starter if/when everyone is healthy".


    QB - I'm guessing Trent will play at least a quarter, but Brohm might get some reps with the first unit as well. It's either that or Gailey announces that Trent has won the starting job before the game even starts, and he gets all of the first team reps. I'm guessing the former.


    WR - Chad Jackson will probably split 1st team reps with Steve Johnson. I'm putting my money on Jackson.


    TE - Unfortunately, last man standing wins this job. :(


    OL - doesn't appear to be any real competition here. If everyone had been healthy for the entire camp, Meredith might have been able to push Green. But since he's had to take most of his reps at LT, I don't see how the coaching staff can seriously evaluate how he hypothetically would perform at RT compared to Green.


    WOLB - with Torbor possibly unable to go on opening day, looks like it's between Coleman and Maybin for this spot. I noticed Coleman getting some 1st team reps in the last game on 1st and 2nd down. I'm guessing that was after Torbor got hurt, and also guessing that's how it's going to be on opening day, assuming Torbor can't go.


    SOLB - The coaches appear to be impressed with Ellis. Looks like he might have a chance to take this job from Kelsay.


    CB - looks like it's going to start out this season the same way last season ended. Florence is the starter, and when they go nickel or dime, McKelvin plays the outside and Florence moves inside.


    Returners - looks like they're going to start the season with McKelvin KR and Parrish PR. With the injuries at RB, they need Spiller to focus on that position for now.

  4. Even though he was suspended, Shawn Nelson was eligible to play in last night's game, but didn't get on the field. That leads me to believe at the very least he's in the doghouse big time.


    Most teams carry 9 OL. Last year, the Bills started the season with only 8 on the roster. Typically, you keep 2 backups who can play OT, and 2 that can play C/G, and on Sunday 2 out of those 4 are active.


    I expect the Bills to carry 5 CBs. McGee, Florence, and McKelvin are of course locks. Out of Corner, Youboty, and Lankster, I expect them to keep 2 and cut 1.


    They may carry more LBs. Backup LBs are a big part of your special teams. Probably 9, maybe even 10.


    Since Whitner and Wilson both have at least some experience at both safety positions, if they expect Byrd back relatively soon then they'll probably try to get by with just 4 safeties.


    If Lynch isn't healthy enough to play in the final preseason game, they might keep both Bell and Simpson to start the season.


    Every team in the NFL passed on Levi Brown at least 6 times in the draft. The only action he's going to get in the preseason is mop-up work with/against 3rd stringers, the vast majority of which won't make final rosters this season. Unless he does something outrageous in the final 2 preseason games, I can't see him getting enough attention for someone to sign him off the Bills P.S. to their active roster.

  5. With both Jackson and Lynch possibly not ready for the opener, I can't see how the Bills won't carry 4 RBs on the final 53, at least to start the season.


    Your backup RBs have to contribute on special teams, otherwise they're a waste of a gameday roster spot. (unless somebody happens to get hurt during the game) I noticed Bell was on most of the coverage units tonight. IMO he'll have to show that he can contribute in that capacity to beat Simpson out for that 4th spot.

  6. According to everything I've read, the general consensus is that in camp Trent has looked a little better than the others, but nobody has really stood out either way.


    So, I'm guessing their general plan is:

    - start Trent in the first two preseason games, plays most of the 1st half.

    - Fitz gets to finish the first half, and at least some of the starters are still in there. Plays most of the 2nd half.

    - Brohm does same in next week's game.


    At that point, you re-evaluate, and determine how to allocate reps with the starters in the 3rd preseason game. Starters typically play the longest in this game, so there would be more chances for 2 QBs to both get reps with the starters.


    In any event, you'll choose your starter no later than after the 3rd preseason game. The starters don't get enough reps in the final game to make that mean anything in the QB competition.

  7. Only two of the o-line starters to play Friday. Wow. I mean they're not much to begin with, but I wonder how the offense can perform at all with such a dicey situation.
    They pretty much know who the starters are going to be. Might as well find out which backups can play at an acceptable enough level to keep on the roster.


    Thanks, that's funny about Moorman making the QBs scatter.
    Reminds me of an amusing story when I was going to UB. A friend of mine was a very good golfer (2 handicap) and one day we went out to a field behind the dorms to hit some balls. We had two other friends with us that weren't golfers, so they got "elected" to go pick up all the balls when we were done. What they didn't know is that he hid about 20 extra balls in his bag that we didn't hit. After they had picked up the balls that were furthest away, and started moving in closer to us, they got "within range". He hit a ball about 5 yards to the left of them, then one about 5 yards to the right, and then gradually "closed in", until the balls were landing close enough to them to really get their attention. It was hilarious.
  8. A football market that is no longer big enough to support a team? You mean the one that sells out every game?


    I should have stopped reading there. What an ill-informed moron.

    They sell out every game in large part because they have some of the lowest ticket prices in the NFL. Their club seat prices are among the lowest too. That lack of revenue makes it difficult for them to compete financially for top notch free agents and coaches.



    1) Right off the bat, the piece starts with "Buffalo can not afford an NFL team" - this should have been an immediate red flag to anyone half in touch with the NFL. The Bills are by no means the most profitable team, but they also have no debt.
    As long as Ralph is alive, it's true that they have no debt. When Ralph dies, whatever person/group that buys the team will have to take on a substantial amount of debt. At that point, it will no longer be economically viable to keep the team in Buffalo, because with that debt they will almost certainly be losing quite a bit of money every season.
  9. I thought he got fired because he got in a fight with one of the other assistant coaches and stuck his face through a wall.


    Dickerson was light years ahead of clowns like Schmuck and the Bullfrog. Someone who has actually been an NFL coach of course has a good head start. He sometimes said things just to be controversial, but that's in large part because he understood that he was in the entertainment business. But all the listeners knew that it was going to be pretty much 100% sports talk. Toward the end of his run it started to get somewhat stale, as he had a small core group of callers each day, so you were always listening to the same people.

  10. What really stands out to me looking at that chart is the complete lack of OL depth.


    Assuming no changes to the depth chart, they would likely keep 4 of the 5 backups.


    Meredith - the only thing resembling a quality backup

    Chambers - there is a reason he initially got cut last season.

    Watkins - UDFA that spent about a month on the Bills practice squad last season.

    Allen - UDFA

    Howard - UDFA

  11. Maybe we'll see a lot of two tight end formations.



    I was thinking the same thing a while back. With no dominant #2 WR, and a surplus of effective RBs, and a precarious OT situation, you might need quite a bit of 1 WR 2 TE 2 RB sets. Assuming Nelson is one of the TEs and Spiller is one of the RBs, then you could potentially create matchup problems by splitting out either/both.
  12. I'm surprised about Stupar over Nelson. Nelson imo looks much more muscular and i think that should translate to a better blcoking game for him, since we've seen his good set of hands in the passing game. Still expecting a big year from him.
    Someone who attended camp reported here that when the TEs did a drill involving pushing a blocking sled, Nelson was noticeably worse at it compared to the other TEs. Of course, he should have been doing work in the offseason to increase his upper body strength. If he wasn't, he has nobody to blame but himself. Maybe it's just going to take a little longer for him to build that strength up.


    I have a funny story about Stupar that might explain his lack of playing time last season, take it for what it's worth. I was at a bar in hoboken watching the games last year wearing a Bills jersey. A group of guys yell go bills and I asked if they were from Buffalo. They said that they were from state college PA, but were good friends with Stupar (they were staying with a friend in Hoboken while in town for a bachelor party in NYC). I was saying how he looked promising in preseason and its a shame he got buried on the depth chart. They told me that his chances for playing time greatly decreased after he hooked up with Jauron's daughter. I assumed they were kidding around, but they went into some pretty vivid detail about it, and they all seemed to know the story. Not sure if its true, but I thought it was pretty hilarious.
    Stupar's home town is listed as State College PA. And Jauron does have two daughters. He is 59, so you would think his daughters are probably somewhat older than Stupar, but not necessarily.
  13. Basic grill recipe


    This works best with whole wings. You can use the tip as a handle while eating, and less likely to fall through the grill while cooking. I "butterfly" the wings by cutting the one tendon so I can straighten the wing out. Mix roughly equal parts of Franks and BBQ sauce in a container. Dip the wings in the mix, and throw them on the grill. Depending on the type of grill and settings, you might want to cook them for a few minutes before dipping them in the sauce, so the sauce doesn't burn.


    Santa Fe wings


    This is an oven recipe. Sauce ingredients : Franks, butter, chili sauce, and chili powder. Cook the wings until they are about 15 minutes away from being done. Take them out of the oven, dip them in the sauce, and return to the oven to finish cooking. When done, dip them in the sauce a 2nd time and serve.

  14. Apparently the coaching staff doesn't think Nelson is a good enough blocker to be the #1 TE.


    Would it have killed them to actually show us the entire depth chart? BuffaloBills.com doesn't have one listed, and the one listed on ESPN's site is noticeably different from what's in the article.

  15. I agree for the most part. While Graham's article does not guarantee that he is gonna pick 1 RB and run him into the ground (those who insist the past determines the future are the same folks who are running foreign policy based on fighting the last war rather than winning the new war) it does provide a reasonable indicator of what he tends to do. I doubt he goes the RB by committee route if he has Jackson/Spiller/Lynch because not only is that not his past tendency but on the face of it this type of committee approach is harder to do well than simply go with a stud (if you got a Emmit Smith then run him) or even divvy things up between two players playing the same position.


    Developing a feel for injury status, getting a player/team in a groove, and simply keeping everyone happy is a near impossible task when 3 players are sharing one position.


    This is a big part of why I not only endorse your division of roles but in fact will not be surprised if Gailey tries to fit the talented Spiller peg into the huge WR hole we have at #2 WR as a base O. The depth chart certainly does not reflect this now, will not reflect this for quite a while even if this is what we are doing (and well may not ever reflect this as Gailey is a master of misdirection.

    I'm guessing we're going to see a wide variety of personnel combinations and formations. Depending on how the OL performs, we may see a lot of 2 TE sets with Matthews and Nelson. If you also have Jackson and Spiller on the field in the backfield, then you could split out either Nelson or Spiller. (or on occasion possibly both)
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