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Posts posted by dtgolder

  1. This has been a good game. Jimmy Clausen is a hell of a quarterback.
    And would look great in a Bills' uniform...I still maintain that he may be the best of the QBs in the draft this year, and as a junior coming out, *might* be around when the Bills pick....


    Going to be an interesting draft.

  2. Lots of speculation that both Charlie Weis (Notre Dame) and RIch Rodriguez (Michigan) will lose their jobs at the end of the season...would anyone be interested in either as the Bills Head coach?


    For me, RichRod would be a no-go, but I'd be interested in Weis--before he was hired by ND, he was a hot commodity, and if folks had heard he was coming to the Bills there would have been a lot of happy faces...so I'd think he'd still be a fit in the NFL (and probably more so than at the college level).


    I think it's a long-shot, but I think it might be a good fit...


    Any other college coaches you'd consider?

  3. Love to see Jimmie Clausen drop in their laps...of course many stars would have to seriously align for that to happen (not the least of which is Clausen deciding to come out early--and no doubt he'll be looking at potential teams he might get drafted by---)

  4. Bottom line--if he COULD play at WR, he would have already been utilized. He's too small, and not as effective as a WR. It happens--he's just not able to make plays at that position, no matter how much he might like to (or like to think he can).


    No argument that he's a good kick return specialist, but is that a salary the Bills can afford for that specialization?

  5. Just wondering if anyone else is thinking that Quinn's struggles in Cleveland and supposedly being on the trading block might mean he'd be a reasonable pickup for the Bills?


    There are quite a few folks that were disappointed that we didn't draft him when we had the chance--at the time Edwards seemed to be the answer....


    Now, perhaps not so much? Quinn certainly has struggled, but could (and should) we go after him in a trade?


    How about Lynch for Quinn?


    Hmmmmmm....any other opinions?

  6. I'm a Jauron fan--but--I have to say that not having TO in the offense is a coaching decision now--you can't say it's anything else after 3 games (1 or 2 games--blame it on being out of sync or whatever...but now--you can't ignore that the coaches are using TO as a decoy).


    Reminds me of the early OJ days, when the Bills used him as a decoy--great talent, and not taking advantage of it.


    THROW TO THE DAMN BALL!! (apologies to Keyshawn)

  7. One game...ok, getting used to it.

    Two games with no TO, maybe a bad streak, maybe TE and TO not in sync

    Three games--its COACHING...must be they're happy to have defenses "Take Away TO" (and Evans) and let the rest of the Bills have the middle of the field...and we've been happy to take it.


    Doesn't make sense (unless there's something we don't know).


    I'm left wondering--WWJKD? (What would Jim Kelly do?)


    I'll tell ya--he'd be bombing it to TO/Evans every chance he got....

  8. I'm still a Jauron backer. The guy is a leader and a teacher who played the game and whom the players respect and play hard for. The problem is the talent on the roster. This O-line is just horrible. After watching three preseason games, sorry to say Hangartner is no better than last year's starting center Duke Preston who is now a 3rd stringer in GB. Levitre couldn't carry Dockery's jock. That's a pretty good indicator of just how piss poor the talent is. And they draft an undersized DE in Maybin who's a project and not expected to contribute this year holdout aside. The only guys that are legit quality starters are Lee Evans, T Owens, M Lynch, M Stroud, A Schoebel (maybe but getting old), T McGhee, and maybe E Wood ( rookie). That's it...Billichek couldn't win with this pile of crap.
    Agreed. Last thing I want is to fire Jauron and start all over...I still believe he has what it takes to succeed...other than the players (and if Wood and Levitre develop quickly, he *may* have that...but sure doesn't look good so far in the preseason).
  9. Please take a peek at a few threads from earlier this year:


    Apology Thread


    Jauron's Extension


    There are quite a few others, but these will illustrate the point--was Jauron really as good as we all thought back in September? Probably not...and certainly the remainder of the season seems to have borne this out.


    Similarly, is Jauron as bad as we all currently seem to think? The answer is the same...probably not.


    Reality is he's probably a pretty good NFL coach, and likely one that will be successful (his players certainly seem to think so). I for one would hate to have him go elsewhere to find that success (Wade Phillips anyone? Or how about how Cleveland feels after having let Belichick go?)


    And I'd hate to see the Bills start over (again). Sure there are plenty of successful one or two year turnarounds (e.g Miami) but there are also many, many more cases of teams getting stuck in the 3-year coaching carousel, and never achieving any success until there is some stability in the front office (e.g. Detroit, who obviously is still waiting to find that success).


    So before we run Mr. Jauron out of town, let's remember how it was in September, and how we felt. I for one feel Dick deserves another chance, because I'd love to feel that way again this fall, and right now I think he's the guy with the best chance to achieve that.


    (Off my soapbox)

  10. At least we're not as bad as the Lions...


    Er...then again, Jauron was there before he came here...if he's not good enough for the Lions, should he be good enough for us?


    (Then again, since the Lions are so inept, the fact that they fired him probably means he's good...)

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