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Posts posted by Shemp

  1. YAC year after year has been a chronic problem with Josh Allen and the Bills. Maybe lights dawn on Marblehead after getting beaten up by Burrows and the Bengals. The Bills finally reverted to a short passing game but only near the end of the game when it was out of reach. I thought that would've been desperation time and they would go for the chunk plays again but for some reason it was all short passes near the end. A preview into the future?


    After Allen recovers from his elbow problem -- wonder if surgery is in the discussion -- he has to tame his wild impulses and go for a more controlled game where he can lead his receivers with catchable balls, let them do the work and methodically work down the field. He also has to spot wide open guys better and work on a consistent quick release. He refuses to hit wide open guys who are right in front of him. Is he farsighted? Maybe he needs glasses or contacts. His decision-making is really questionable and add to it nervousness and the elements.


    Sometimes it looks like he's too arrogant to try the wide open short pass in favor of jamming it between three defenders. Go the easy way Josh, not the hard way! He also misses wide open bombs, throws it too far. That one to Diggs at the beginning of the Bengals game would have made a big difference. Also too many times I've seen receivers jump or dive for his rocket passes with no opportunity for YAC. So far, I'm not sure this dog can learn new tricks though and let his teammates do the work for him. He seems to want to do everything himself.


    This year I give him a mulligan. An injured throwing arm, no OL and receivers who can't separate. Next year will be a different story.

    • Agree 1
  2. The Dolphins blitzed on 52% of their plays yesterday. Seven sacks with Allen's frequent deep dropbacks. Bills need to quicken the release of the ball to counter the blitz, which may be the blueprint of future playoff game defenses against the Bills since it was so successful against him yesterday.

  3. Go back to the film of the Rams game. Quick passes for the most part, under 3 seconds. Mix in the running game that's developed over the year and there's the formula. 

    I'd like to see more no-huddle offense too. Quicken the pace.


    I worry about manchild Josh. Time after time he steps back and chucks it middle or long, like back in the old neighborhood. They need to shorten his game and put him on a bit of a leash. Allen seems like he's calling his own shots and over and over, there's no variety. Not impressed with Dorsey. There's a reason he's not on the sideline like other OC's. I'd get a new OC next year. 

  4. If Davis' ankle is still bothering him, I don't see how you can rely on him to make those tightrope catches on the sideline. Davis seems limited by something or other. The drops have been mystifying. His catching technique is different than other receivers and maybe the coaches are trying to change this but something's up in his head. Since Allen got hurt, the whole passing game seems off. Allen has been throwing more than his share of bad balls and, more bothersome, ignoring the wide open guy for the riskier chunk play. 

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