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Posts posted by Lori

  1. Take 2:

    I would like to state upfront what the policy is here, and I'm embarrassed that it has to be spelled out for some of you.


    We have some special guests here that provide their time, knowledge and insight to us and for that we are grateful. They do this for free. We welcome their participation and we will do what we need to do in order to facilitate that.


    Feel free to engage these individuals with your questions and your comments in a reasoned, tactful manner. You don't have to like what they report. You don't have to agree with what they report. But I can assure you that from this point forward your engagement with them on THIS forum will be respectful.


    If you can't phrase your comment or objection as if these individuals were sitting across the dinner table from you - then just keep it to yourself. Plain and simple. Just don't write it.


    If you lack restraint - we will quickly provide that for you. We wish you luck in your future endeavors. This goes for old-timers and newbies alike.


    For those of you wanting to argue this - don't bother. I will not side with your lack of civility, I will not side with ignorant ramblings over professionalism.


    Let me reiterate, tactful criticism and skepticism are welcomed. Being a rude jackass is not.

  2. You had to bring up Schott, didn't you? Auuugh. Lifetime Reds fan here.

    They weren't bad for part of her tenure; in fact, there was that wire-to-wire division championship and World Series sweep in 1990, and they were in playoff position when the '94 season self-nuked. That said, she was a horrid person with or without the Nazi memorabilia -- remember when Eric Davis lacerated his kidney diving for a fly ball in that '90 Series, and she made him pay for his own medical flight from Oakland back to Cincy?


    THERE'S your miser, not Ralph. Speaking of which, does anyone remember the pre-salary cap days, when Jim Kelly and Bruce Smith were the highest-paid players in the league at their positions? Or RCW joking about "selling a Monet" to redo Andre Reed's deal?

  3. You say to click away from it, yet you can't choose to "click away" from my comments regarding how infuriating it is.

    Right there is the crux of the situation. You posted that IN A THREAD TITLED "ASK TIM GRAHAM." If I'd seen it before he did, I would have moved or deleted it, because it did not belong there. You apparently also missed SDS' memo.


    Damn right, I defended him (per usual). He's a friend. Who the hell do you think asked him to join this board in the first place?


    And I did that thinking TBDers would be mature enough to interact with him on an adult level. That was my first mistake.

  4. What some people forget is that Tim is paid by ESPN to deal with bashing comments on his blog and articles on the ESPN website.



    He came to TSW free of charge on his own time which goes above and beyond his job description at ESPN.


    Tim never had to start a thread to field any questions we had for him, but he did it anyway.


    I am sorry to see him go but understand his reasoning

    Bingo. In fact, when ESPN issued a social-media policy which restricted its employees from participating in unauthorized (read: non-ESPN) blogs, message boards, and other platforms, Tim made the effort to clear his membership here with his editor. Didn't have to do that, either. He could have EASILY said, "Sorry, guys, but they're not going to let me keep doing this," which is what happened with one of their columnists who used to hang out at our writers' board.


    When I first asked him what he thought about the idea of a pinned thread, he replied, "I would be honored to do it." Only took 15 months for the haters to beat that out of him.


    Again, nice job.


    As for the Schottenheimer flap: while Nevergiveup disagreed with Tim on precisely who inside One Bills Drive was against hiring him -- they were getting their info from sources on opposite sides of the situation, remember -- he confirmed that Marty did indeed want the job, which is what most people were attacking Tim on.

  5. Congrats, it looks like all you cry babies are getting me banned.


    The Bills are a crap team with crap ownership and a crap front office and crap coaches and crap players.


    But I guess if you don't drink the kool-aid and want to call a spade a spade, you get banned.

    Plenty of people here, in this thread and elsewhere, take issue with Bills ownership/front office/coaches/players/etc. Difference is, they're mature enough to do so without firing grade-school insults at everyone they disagree with.


    Two Bills Drive Terms of Service

    TBD strives to attract a high quality readership. Intelligent discussion goes hand in hand with minimal moderation. Moderators are on duty to handle occasional conflicts and occasional lapses in judgment. If, over the course of time, a poster's online personality/behavior develops in a way that they become a source of continual conflict then TBD reserves the right to restrict the posting privilege of that person. It is up to individuals to conduct themselves in a manner that is socially acceptable to the community at large.

    For anyone who finds that rule too difficult to follow, I'm sure there are plenty of other Bills message boards out there.

  6. Leonidas took advantage of Tim's position

    Yes, he did.


    What troubles me more is the reaction of some on this site who forget that we are citizens of the United States and Leonidas is free to express himself in any manner he chooses so long as certain legal lines are not crossed, which in my useless opinion, were not in this case. I stopped reading posts on PPP because of the intolerance of posters masked under the label of patriotism. We should not allow a similar "censorship" to form in this forum.


    Rant over.

    Wrong answer. This is a PRIVATELY owned and operated website, which means that you can take your First Amendment argument elsewhere. The rules in this PRIVATE forum are set by its owner, SDS.


    Including this one: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?showtopic=106793

    I would like to state upfront what the policy is here, and I'm embarrassed that it has to be spelled out for some of you.


    We have some special guests here that provide their time, knowledge and insight to us and for that we are grateful. They do this for free. We welcome their participation and we will do what we need to do in order to facilitate that.


    Feel free to engage these individuals with your questions and your comments in a reasoned, tactful manner. You don't have to like what they report. You don't have to agree with what they report. But I can assure you that from this point forward your engagement with them on THIS forum will be respectful.


    If you can't phrase your comment or objection as if these individuals were sitting across the dinner table from you - then just keep it to yourself. Plain and simple. Just don't write it.


    If you lack restraint - we will quickly provide that for you. We wish you luck in your future endeavors. This goes for old-timers and newbies alike.


    For those of you wanting to argue this - don't bother. I will not side with your lack of civility, I will not side with ignorant ramblings over professionalism.


    Let me reiterate, tactful criticism and skepticism are welcomed. Being a rude jackass is not.

    Perhaps "tell so-and-so to STFU" is dinner-table conversation in some of your households. Not in mine.

  7. I thought Leonidas' spew was near genius and if bringing to light the interminable reporting and monopolistic tendencies of Tim's employer is what drove him away, then good riddance. Don't be so sensitive, and have the ability to separate yourself from your network on boards like this.


    That being said, maybe it wasn't a good idea to preach this on a Tim Graham answer forum.

    Why? The people who kept crapping on him didn't seem to be able to.

  8. I agree. Par for the course.


    I will say that reading the exchange, I didn't think Leonidas went all that much overboard, and his overall point is well-taken (as was TG's rejoinder of: "don't click on that stuff if you don't like it.")

    Why SHOULD Tim have had to defend the entire ESPN platform? He's not the one in charge of it.


    He said a while back that visiting the site was becoming less and less enjoyable, and when it stopped being fun, he was done. He's not the only one: have you guys ever stopped to ask yourselves why the crew from WGR faded away? Because (as one of them told me), every time one of them posted, it devolved into a let's-bash-Schopp thread, and they eventually got sick of it.


    So, I'll repeat myself: nice job.


    And don't be surprised if I start spending a lot less time here, too.

    Add: Hell, maybe some of you will applaud that as well.

  9. How is the page "flooded with this crap"?


    ESPN.com's "Follow the NFL on Twitter" function is in a small window, shows three tweets at a time and you need to hit "page down" twice to get to it.


    It looks to me like you're going out of your way to find a reason to get upset.


    As for me, I refuse to go out of my way for aggravation. That's why this will be my last post here. If you want to take shots at my employer, my friends, my coworkers and my profession, feel free to carry on and tell them to"STFU" (classy) without my involvement.


    Thanks for including me on Two Bills Drive for as long as you did.

    Congrats, folks. You finally did it. Thanks for lasting as long as you did, Tim.


    And with that, I think we're done here.


    Add: the next question is whether or not I am. I'll get back to you on that one.


    2nd Add: For those of you who care to, you can catch up with me on Twitter or Facebook, or drop an e-mail to portsports (at) verizon.net.



  10. Prolly, even as an abbreviation is stupid. If you're going to shorten it, how about "Probly?" Probly is actually how many people pronounce it when shortening words. It makes no sense to eliminate the "B."


    As to Dev/Null's acquaintance who actually says "OMG," the guiding rule should be whether you're actually saving syllables or not, shouldn't it? Saying LMAO isn't really any shorter than saying "laugh my ass off" (or actually just laughing, in this case).



    Sports announcers are the worst. When I was in broadcasting the guiding rule was economy of word. You're always trying to fit the most information in the smallest amount of time.


    So I would never use "prideful" when I could use proud...no matter how vogue it is.


    Also, these idiots can't say "he's going to be a successful quarterback someday."


    They are apparently now required to say "he's going to be successful at the quarterback position, someday."


    Again needlessly adding words, because most of these idiots don't really have anything to say. They're constantly filling with fluff to knock out segments.

    Or because they're in love with the sound of their own voice. Yeah, I'm looking at you, Rome.

  11. Philly is great (it lacks what Macungie offers) and so is most of Jersey. North Jersey is a bit rough and Trenton is no treat. The Jersey shore is beautiful and much of central and South Jersey is farmland and also very nice.

    Trenton is a hole. Buddy works for the Trentonian, but lives across the river in Mo-ville.

  12. Robert James is on the wall, right? The master of the bump and run that led to the illegal contact rule

    He is. Went up in 1998.


    The list through 2008, courtesy of KRC. (You can find it under the "History" tab on the menu on TBD's front page.)



    He was fantasitc as a Bill. But, he only played here 3 years. We have many 3 yr. guys who burned brightly. As 'The Wall' grows older by the day, it's tributes should be for those who provided great play over a long career or era. Add to this, that his personal reputation is somewhat tainted and I have no problem with his absence on the Wall.


    BTW, another Bill who provided great play over a long era who isn't up there: Bobby Chandler#81.

    I know a couple of guys on the committee who really liked Chandler. He's probably a longshot -- don't know how they feel about posthumous selections, for one -- but don't give up hope just yet. As I said earlier, Edgerson's induction means they might also take another look at some of the other pre-Super Bowl players.

  13. Some interesting soundbites from today's media sitdown with Edgerson, including one on the play I wrote about:



    Cookie's is a little different situation than Saban. I was told several years ago that he's actually been invited back to some of the AFL reunions, Alumni Days, and such, but demanded an appearance fee and refused to show up otherwise. If that's true, I can see the team saying, "Never mind."


    There also used to be a cookiegilchrist.com site floating around the Web where he called RCWjr. a slaveowner, but I don't know if it still exists.


    I'll check, but I'm not sure I can publicly ID the members of the committee. Sorry. (You can probably guess who the majority of the media representatives are, though. And of course, Ralph has a vote.)

  14. Agreed!


    Booker was a little before my time, but I did have a chance to meet him once, prior to a Bills game...seemed like a class act, much in the mold of Jerry Butler.


    For me, Jerry Butler was, possibly, my favorite Buffalo Bill of all time. I honestly think, had it not been for the knee injuries, he would have ended up being mentioned in the same breath as some of the greatest wide receivers of his era, if not all time. When healthy, he was a thrill to watch. And, I can tell you from personal experience, he is one of the most decent men to ever play for the Bills. One of the worst things that happened when Tom Donohoe came to Buffalo, was that he canned many staff members...Butler was one of them. He was, at one time, head of the Bills alumni association. I know, from there, he went on to be an assistant for the Cleveland Browns...not sure where he is now.

    Still there, far as I know: Cleveland Browns Front Office


    And one other thing signified by Booker's selection: guys like Byrd and Butler still have a chance. A few years back, I was told that once the committee started inducting the Super Bowl-era players, it was going to be near-impossible for anyone before that period to make it.

  15. A buddy in Tennessee informs me via Twitter that the water has now hit Row 3 (and rising) at LP Field, and that the Predators' arena is also flooding.


    Along with countless area businesses and homes, of course, for those not preoccupied with the sports angle.


    I know there are several TBDers in that part of the world, and that y'all are probably doing more important things than messing around on a Bills message board right now. Just wanted to send some thoughts your way. Check in when you can, and let us know if there's any way we can help.


    Also want to send a shoutout to Paul Kuharsky, ESPN's AFC South guy. While he was stuck at Jags minicamp this weekend, his wife and infant son were at home in Nashville, and I know he was plenty worried about them. Hope all's well.

  16. SJ, I agree with you on Saban, but it's not happening.


    As for the Wall not being merit-based, tell me who doesn't belong up there. I probably would've gone for Byrd first too ... until I started talking to the guys who covered that team. It's the same argument people used (and some still do) against Dick LeBeau for the Hall of Fame -- he has a ton of INTs, but he also played opposite two corners who were already in the Hall, Night Train Lane and Lem Barney, for most of his career. If you're a QB, are you throwing at Night Train or "the other guy"?


    And that's not meant as a knock on Byrd. They were both darn good. In fact, I think putting them up together would have been pretty cool, but the Bills want to focus on one inductee per season. (2000, with Kalsu's posthumous induction in addition to George Saimes, and 2001, when Smerlas was the choice but they HAD to put Kelly up before his HOF vote, were the only exceptions.)

  17. Lori, Is Bill Polian's name on the wall?

    It is not, but after talking to several members of the committee, I wouldn't be surprised to see it up there in the next few years.


    The most deserving player on the Wall is Bob Kalsu who died in Viet Nam. He left the pro ranks to serve in the military.

    Props to the late Pete Knaus, a longtime member and former president of the Bills Booster Club, for spearheading the drive to get Kalsu's No. 61 up there.


    And if someone wanted to rename the stadium in Kalsu's honor, I wouldn't be opposed to that, either.

  18. From Sal Maiorana's "Game of My Life":

    One of the reasons why Butch Byrd is the Bills' all-time leader in interceptions with 40, and not Edgerson: Teams were wary of throwing Edgerson's way so they often picked on Byrd, a physical, gambling player who sometimes could be burned by being too aggressive.


    "Booker had a lot to do with my interception record," Byrd said. "Joe Collier, who was the defensive coach, taught me the strategy, taught all of us the strategy on how to play defense but the game preparation and how to really play cornerback was Booker Edgerson."

    Interestingly, Mr. Gehman, Edgerson picked the same game you did for his chapter in Sal's book.


    My own humble submission: http://www.twobillsdrive.com/buffalo-bills/game-day/1174/


    Add: forgot to note my own congratulations to Mr. Edgerson -- who, according to the people who watched that '60's team play, is an entirely worthy recipient of this honor in addition to being a heck of a nice guy. I was hoping to get the chance to talk to him for my story, but once the date of the announcement was moved up, that went out the window.

  19. thanks folks, from this ornery aging bastard.

    sun's coming out. might hit the links with my wife.



    You crazy kids have fun. :thumbsup:


    (In all seriousness, give ML my best, and have a great day.)


    Add: just remembered that it's also my former managing editor's birthday. I'd ask y'all to wish him a happy one, but he hates the Bills, so I won't. :devil:

  20. You have that right. We started talking about the retired players and he union with Gene Upshaw and the f-bombs went flying.

    He spared me the profanity -- partly because of my gender, I imagine, but also because we were at a public event. His description of Mike Webster's final days has stayed with me, though.

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