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Posts posted by Lori

  1. Skurski over at the News says there's at least 12,000 for each game sans the Steelers and the game in Tonto.

    Probably MORE than that for the trip north.


    Me? I'll drive in after my game Saturday, spend time with family, then head down Sunday morning to use my long-since-paid-for parking pass and ticket. Maybe this is the week to bring the TV and stay outside. If not, I'll probably end up doing the same thing as last week: keep my money in my pocket inside the stadium, and spend a good part of the game messing around on Twitter to ease my boredom.


    Feel the excitement.

  2. This Rick Sanchez? http://www.sportsjournalists.com/forum/index.php/topic,40842.0.html


    The friggin' idiot who made fellow broadcast journalists (and the rest of us) cringe when he anchored the Balloon Boy fiasco? The one who, when he was doing live shots while covering Hurricane Ike, made us root for the hurricane to take him? The one who pointed out the Galapagos Islands on a map while talking about a possible tsunami headed for Hawaii, and then asked a guest how high nine meters would be "in English"? When NY Times NFL writer Judy Battista saw my tweet about his firing, she replied, "Remember him from Miami. Let me say 'finally.'"


    This Rick Sanchez?




    This one? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/03/02/jon-stewart-slams-rick-sa_n_482199.html


    After that beatdown, no wonder he doesn't like Stewart. LOL.

  3. Lori -- GREAT information -- thanks. Now it is even more interesting that he has been completely mum since February.

    Who knows ... maybe he's just not that interesting. ;)


    Kidding aside, this came up during training camp -- heard through secondhand sources that someone gave Maiorana problems when he wanted to write a feature on Bruce DeHaven's return -- so I looked up the updated policy. (Understandably, Gailey does some things differently than Jauron and his predecessors did. Think they cleared everything up and Sal wrote his story.)


    And you guys are right. Just searched for his name in the transcripts over at bb.com and came up empty. Have to think there are a few quotes floating around out there, though, when guys ask him about specific players or game situations...

  4. Im pretty sure Jack Kemp cleared the San Diego waivers when we claimed him...that worked out pretty well.

    You mean he didn't clear waivers (because the Bills claimed him), I think ... but yes, Kemp may well have saved the Bills franchise. Team was lousy and ticket sales weren't exactly brisk before he got here.



    Trial period, Dog. We'll see. Appreciate the kind words, though.

  5. Only the H.C. is allowed to speak to the media. No other coordinator is allowed to. Just the rules i guess.

    Untrue. From the current league media-access policy:


    Assistant Coaches – Through their public relations department, clubs must provide regular and reasonable access to assistant coaches for media interviews that serve the best interests of the club and league. This access will include the availability to media that regularly cover the club of the offensive and defensive coordinators at least o­nce during every practice week of the regular and postseason for a minimum of 10-15 minutes, beginning with the week leading to Week 1 of the regular season. For clubs who do not have an offensive or defensive coordinator, or whose head coach serves in that capacity, another coach or executive that is knowledgeable about the offense or defense must fulfill this weekly obligation. Coordinators and other primary position coaches must be available o­n a reasonable basis during training camp and throughout the season through the team public relations department. Clubs may not put assistant coaches off limits to the media and may not unreasonably withhold permission for primary position coaches or coordinators to speak to the media. Access to assistant coaches o­n game day is a club decision. For offensive and defensive coordinators, game-day access would be in addition to the mandatory access at least o­nce during every practice week.
  6. He was a better than average LB when healthy, and he and Poz would have been a good combination. Key phrase though ... when healthy ... at his age and after 2 back to back season-ending injuries, how much does he have left in the tank?

    Bills apparently didn't think so, since Poz and Andra Davis were the starters even before KM's injury.

  7. I don't know how things are set up in Houston, but it would be impossible to do this at Ralph Wilson Stadium. Thousands of people park in private lots & walk to the stadium. They could never stop people from parking elsewhere & then walking to their tailgate of choice. There are too many ways to enter the stadium parking lots. They'd have to build a lot of fencing & start checking pedestrian tickets at pedestrian gates to the lots.

    The Chron's story was sort of vague, but I think the Houston idea is meant to stop cars without game tix, not walk-ins. When we were there in '06, there were THOUSANDS of people who stayed outside to tailgate -- the game was sold out, but it sure didn't look like it inside the stadium...

  8. Hey, I just checked out your blog and it turns out you covered the alumni game in which I played this past summer :) I was the kicker for Portville, and I appreciate you saying the 51-yarder had plenty of distance lol! Too bad I couldn't keep it straight, and at least it didn't go wide ri... never mind, I shouldn't say that here. haha, I enjoy your writing though, have a great day.

    ...which reminds me I need to put the fall-season stuff on there at some point. Just got a note about that. Maybe that's tonight's project.


    Thanks for the kind words. Fun game to watch; if there's a rematch in Portville next year (Swetland wasn't sure about that when I talked to him right after the game), I'm hoping I can cover that one too. I'm old enough to remember Saturday-afternoon games up there -- I graduated in '86, same as the three old-timers on the Port A roster -- and I wish the Border Conference still existed.


    Lori - the link in your signature to the ESPN AFC East blog didn't work for me. It could be that your link has a "my espn" URL in it... I believe the URL is: http://espn.go.com/blog/afceast

    Old link; they must have changed it since I added it. Thanks for the heads-up.

  9. Ah, I see. A journalism degree from Badger U. and 10 years on the Packers beat.


    In that case, he's incapable of bad journalism.


    (Or are you simply insisting that, having spent his entire life in Wisconsin, he's not a Packers fan?)

    I've spent my entire life in Pennsylvania without adopting any of its professional teams.


    Yes, there are guys (and gals) out there waving the pompoms -- more on the broadcast side than in print, I think you'd find -- but I never got that vibe from Wilde (who I corresponded with when Mike Sherman interviewed here).

  10. I'll tell you what's entertaining; watching the number of new threads that pop up hourly about Marshawn Lynch trade rumors that don't exist!


    Every one of these so-called rumors - every freaking one of them - stem from one article by an upset Green Bay fan - Jason Wilde - that works as a 'reporter' for a Milwaukee radio station (540 AM ESPN Milwaukee), who happened to be a bit ticked off at the Packers front office after their Monday nite 20-17 loss to Chicago...

    Nice try. Wilde, anything but a fanboi, has a degree in journalism and covered the Packers for the Wisconsin State Journal for a decade before jumping to ESPN.

  11. Yeah, but - and this is a key point - he seems to care more about what the bozos here think of him than I do what they think of me.

    Nope. He left because he felt he was being asked to defend his employer and his coworkers seemingly every time he logged into the board, and it just wasn't a fun way to spend his free time. (Which, by the by, is the exact sentiment more than one WGR employee has expressed to me about the continuous Schopp-bashing -- even if they happened to agree with some of it, it got old after a while.)


    When I called him in late June, he hadn't visited here in a month, meaning that he didn't know I'd also gone walkabout. After I told him, out of curiosity, he clicked on the link as we talked just to see what was on the front page of TSW, but nothing caught his eye. You can tell the exact time/date of that call by clicking on his profile, because it was the last time he logged in here. (Think it was a Monday night, the same day my stepfather began his first round of chemo.)

    At the end of July, when we were all at SJF, JW and I sat in a room with him and watched him delete the bookmark. Can't remember the last time he so much as brought it up in conversation, other than mentioning that he'd try to make it over to our tailgate for the opener. (And as you know, I've talked/typed at him a lot this summer about things far more important than message boards -- mostly about my stepdad, and about a good friend of his who's fighting a similar battle.)


    So, sorry to disappoint the people who think he's still lurking here plotting his revenge, but it's not true.

  12. I happen to think that the decision-making process is actually more important than the actual decisions, as the process itself both derives from and drives long-term strategic goals. In the larger scheme, cutting Edwards in week 3 is largely a non-issue, compared to "We're having an open competition...he's the starter...no, wait, he's not...****, let's just cut him." I doubt it was as haphazard as that...but when a key member of an organization goes from "starter" to "fired" in two weeks, there's bigger organizational issues at work.


    We'll just have to agree to disagree on this...which is, of course, no more than my polite way of saying "You're wrong, so shut the !@#$ up already, !@#$." :nana::beer:


    That's an astute observation. You didn't happen to write legal briefs for Lawrence Tribe?


    Thirty years studying military history, the past twelve of which have been focused almost exclusively on leadership and doctrinal issues. You end up learning something.


    Hell, you've learned as much in your industry. How often is a corporate decision arrived at by decision making and risk management processes that indicates a lack of corporate health, even if the decision is "right"? Anyone who thinks that's rare has to look no further than the mortgage industry in the past seven years.


    Oh for Pete's sake, take the Dexter hat off and take a joke once in a while :)


    But yes, what transpired in the last two days is a classic SNAFU, that any student of strategy would spot in a second.


    But don't worry Buddy & Chan are in control. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

    Careful, guys. A friend of mine is getting roasted in another thread for suggesting essentially the same thing ...

  13. You really would have made your point much better if you would have quoted the guy in full that you plagiarized from the readers comment section below the article. How flagrant. Here's the full quote and it could not have been stated better. Well done Harry.


    Sully always writes two columns just to be prepared. His other one wonders how much more Trent does Chan have to see before he does the obvious thing and benches him? That's our Sully. he's like a weathervane, only he points in the opposite direction and tells the wind its wrong.

    POSTED BY: HARRY KOZLOWSKI, HOOKSETT, NH on Tue Sep 21,2010 at 9:31 am

    Just a note ... when the same person writes the same thing in two different places, it's not normally considered plagiarism.

  14. No need for this really I have been here a long time and this really brings things down around here. The subject line is appropriate. I see no one else here posting about Ryan Nassib yet. I will, just for your anal retentive pleasure, edit it slightly. I however do not deem this necessary.

    Who the $^&! is Ryan Nassib, and why should anyone other than diehard Syracuse fans care about him? THAT'S why SDS made his entirely appropriate request.

  15. I listen to me on WECK 1230 AM (www.weck1230.com). Then again, I have no choice because I'm talking (11-1 live from Hucklebuckets in Amherst's Northtown Plaza)


    Cheap plugs are where I live because I don't have a lot of money.

    LOL. The invoice is in the mail. ;)



    WECK - http://lightningstream.surfernetwork.com/Media/player/scripts/player.aspx?call=weck&title=Hometown%201230%20WECK

    WGR - http://player.streamtheworld.com/_players/entercom/player/?id=WGR

    97 Rock - http://player.streamtheworld.com/_players/citadel/?sid=2936&nid=2920


    Or check out yourmuze.fm, which is also great for smartphones. 97 Rock even has its own app: http://www.97rock.com/Article.asp?id=1893845&spid=21992

  16. Don't have a problem with Kris Jenkins' comments. He was angry and he had every right to be. No woman, reporter or not, hot or not, has any business in a men's locker room. Oh but it is her business you say. I say "nuts", until they let men walk around women's locker rooms (which they won't and which they shouldn't)- that is the real double standard here. Athletes, male and female, are not just pieces of meat. They have feelings and for the most part they fully subscribe to conventional mores and societal norms, which by the way includes sexual probity. Sure they are in the public eye, but they have not foregone their rights to privacy.

    Don't know how many times I (and others) need to repeat this before it starts sinking in, but reporters of both genders ARE allowed postgame locker-room access for high-profile women's sports. WNBA and the women's NCAA hoops tourney, to name two.

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