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Posts posted by ajflutie

  1. Today HK is released from his wheelchair and breathing tube, finally able to run and play as a little boy should.  Weep not for him, saving the tears for those he left behind.  Rejoice in what he symbolized and taught us through his inimitable spirit.


    BILLS Nation grieves.



    very well said..........


    hang in there Kelly's WNY is behind you and thinking of you

  2. Book rate can take a while, and there is no tracking available.  I would give it another week or so and then notify the seller if you haven't received it.  Most sellers would refund your money rather than dealing with a negative feedback.



    Ever wonder why the differant rates and why it would take "book" rate "another week"? Do they actually IGNORE low cost postage items at the post office? Do they put the slow guys, just back from lunch, to sort thru cheap mail?

  3. In what ESPN's Chris Mortensen called "a sign the the Bills are indeed ready to go with JP Losman", the Drew Bledsoe project could come to an end at One Bills Drive by releasing him on or before March 1st, if Bledsoe doesn't agree to a pay cut.






    Your up JP :doh:

  4. I just replaced my 4(?) year old Sony DSC75 with the P73 and wow......its so much faster, the new memory stick pro is good and even the video is so much improved it doubles as a cam in a pinch with 640 x480 at 30 fps, something I could not find other digitals to be capable of. It turns on and is ready in about 1 sec and the picture is taken immediately upon hitting the button, BIG improvement over the old one. And its Sony. And, I can change lens to zoom or wide angle

  5. ---------------------------


    from the ESPN article:


    McGahee urged Henry to stay, challenging his teammate to come back and battle for the starting job.


    "I'm pretty sure he's going to be back," McGahee said. "He's got to come back and fight for it, fight for what's yours because I would do the same thing."




    this dude is special. we are lucky football fans that he will hopefully spend a long career with the buffalo bills. and if you don't understand why comments like that impress me, then i can't explain it to you.






    i read that article also and loved what he said about henry :P

  6. That was my 2nd Bills game. 4 INT's of Joe Namath. 3 were returned for TD's. Safety Tom Janick cut in front of Don Maynard at the goal line and took one back 100 yards. Butch Byrd and Booker Edgerson ran back the others. A great memory of my childhood.




    OK, so I am 13 years old at that game....sitting with my grandfather and Dad and two uncles. Janick intercepts it and if I recall it was like 107 yard return. He was our punter too I think, anyways he punts the ball after he scores. We are on the Bills site about I dont know 40 rows up or so (we could never afford those tickets now!) and about even with the backline of the end zone....anyway, the damn football comes right to ME between Boomer and Brownie (Dad and Granddad) and I go home a happy kid.


    Also - never forget another punter named Jack Spikes lying there with his legs going up and down convulsing after a late hit (I guess) and he swallowed his tounge...they (Eddie Ambrowski) saved his life on the field


    Of course the SanDiego championship game.


    And later.....I think OJ was holding out and came back for a Monday nite game vs Miami (?).....anyway sitting with my girlfriend and her family in end zone...I have the aisle seat...guy falls and breaks his ankle right next to me...I go get cops.....aisle gets backed up and a big fight breaks out.....cops and drunk fans.......I was like 16 and all I remember is standing up in my seat and then waking up in the Bills like first aid room.....I guess when I stood up a cop thought I was starting a fight and plunked me with a billyclub....of course all the fans around knew i as the "nice kid" who went and got the cops in the first place...turns out the cop was booted within like 2 months or so due to other police brutality charges....we got like $5000 for whatever....I bought an International Scout - worst vehicle ever made.....anyway a fun Monday nighter

  7. I wish the office I worked for would totally believe in professionalism.

    If I am so lucky to reach my goals as a manager.

    These would be my priorities:


    Professional attitudes, thinking and dressing.

    My message to the employees would be:


    Think as a team. How you do your work may affect how someone else does theres.

    Try to be accurate. When you make rushed mistakes. You have to waste the time to correct those mistakes. That wasted time could have been directed towards a more important task. FOCUS!



    Dear Sue - are you TRYING to be one of those brats from Apprentice? Have you ever really had to do anything at a job......make payroll? serve a client? produce? You really need to get a grip and take responsibilitiy for yourself. BTW - dressing??

  8. Joe Morgan, Tom Jackson, and Harold Reynolds are the 3 best personalities on ESPN.  So much for your weak "black sportscasters are disliked because they are black" argument.  When you have cant win throw out the race card :devil:



    I vote for these 3 also.......no hype, no BS.....just honest in-depth INFORMATION generally not known by the average sports fan....and Reynolds is the best I think.....


    Whats wierd is hearing Summerall and McGuire and Thiesman together

  9. They're calling a good game and have already handed Moulds a free score and begun wearing down the Jags.

    If Neufeld could catch, that may have been the start of another long grinding drive which could have taken us to halftime w/o Jax touching the ball again.

    It was the right call and everybody executed but the TE.



    thanks.......thats what I was asking........

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