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Posts posted by ajflutie

  1. I guess scouting anyone on the VT Hoakie squad is out of the question?


    I can't post the link for the Tribune's article about what the refs said about VT and what went on vs. Louisville... They would have thrown Vick out if the ref saw it. The refs apologized for missing it. You needed to register... It is an eyeopener about the Hoakie squad and (Marcus) Vick... Just like his sleeze-ball brother, A.K.A: Ron Mexico


    - are you referring to him stepping on the LBs leg and grinding while they were talking to his brother in the stands - he should have been thrown out

  2. The AP game summary says Losman ignored an open reciever and threw and easy interception in the first quarter....can I get some feedback from someone who watched the game? And please no more TD/MM/EM - I'm wondering about the kid we hope will be our leader for the next 10 years...stats looked horrible..any insights appreciated

  3. James wasn't on the Bills in those years was he?  I think Butch Byrd, Charlie Warner, Hagood Clarke and George Saimes were the dbacks, Jacobs Tracey and Stratton at linebackers and Sestak Day Dunaway and McDole. 

    What about Billy Shaw as a possible inclusion for those who appreciate o linemen?

    Pete Gogolak contributed too, but who wants a field goal kicker jersey?



    Warner was also later, it was Booker Edgerson. (cant remember last week tho)

  4. Oh, I dunno, because it was a Bills game and he was the greatest Bill ever? 


    Let people applaud for the player; I'm sure OJ the person gets enough stojan everyday.


    Why were people clapping for that alcoholic Thurman at halftime?  :doh:



    Greatest Bill ever? I was at many of OJs games but I still gotta go with Kelly (not Holcomb either)

  5. Do you root for the name on the back of the jersey or the team they play for?  I would like to see JP play also but if Holcomb can win games then so be it.  This doesnt need to turn into another Flutie - Rob Johnson fiasco.



    so how do you turn it into one? Start Holcomb. Some committment to JP - a bunch of Malarkey......leave it to our dear Bills to screw up young talent

  6. 1 - one of the loudest games i have ever been to (since the rockpile days). Coaches should have had JP call timout at least once in the first or 2nd qtr - he is way too hyped and the noise did not help. once it became apparent the noise was a factor, Saints players tuned the crowd up anytime it needed it.


    2 - the first drive - 50% run to WM. Next 10 drives, like 1 run per drive. Simply stupid coaching. When Willis gets to 30 rushes after 45 plays, and if you are losing, start throwing. Until 30, keep trying. He will break one. (or 2) And all those that say we do run etc, you need to KEEP running after the first run, no law against calling 2 in a row! We run for 5 then get sacked and then an incompletion. Run run run.


    3 - Moulds needs to stop acting all pissy and f ing dive for a ball. Either help the kid out or sit and let Smith play. Honestly.


    4 - There is no such thing as a spark. At least with Holcomb. We were down 6 pts. Either let the kid play or dont. I vote let him play. We need quick look passes to our WRs. Then a draw (not once yesterday). A screen. And JP needs better accuracy. But bringing KH in is NOT the answer. And when you do sit JP, MM or Sam W or SOMEONE has to talk to the kid, not make him sit alone like a timeout to a little kid. You are killing the kid mentally. Moulds or even London some vet needs to put an arm around him and keep him or we will have another Leaf.


    5 - going for it with 11 min left in the 4th was stupid. It looked like 2 yards to me and you had a chance to play field position with lotsa time left and only down 6 pts. Oh wait, he must know his defense better then me. And then punting with 5 min left? whats up MM?????


    6 - Ah the defense. Sit Posey. Lawyer is alot of show but not much action. Clements and Mcgee are for real. Anderson didnt look any worse then Edwardx. They blitz alot but dont get there and the dump offs are killing us. 3rd down efficiency is a joke.


    7 - penalties - twice yesterday they threw flags at what I would call normal action - Moulds blocking for McGahee in the 4th - just running and pushing like normal, and 2- Clements hands to the face - just both players smacking eachother and pushing. Why do we get called at such inoportune times? Kelsey got clipped so bad on a play in the 4th I thought his back would be broken. No call. Honestly, do the players piss of the refs?


    All in all a pitiful performance. London Fletcher is a true player who loves the game. No one else appeared real excited. I'm very disappointed but you have to let JP play and draft some lineman (OL and DL). We will be lucky to go 6-10 this year.


    bummed in houston

  7. There was Mike Stratton, Stew Barber, Harry Jacobs in the AFL days; John Skorpan (but the D at the time was real do-do);Jim Haslett and Shane Nelson (Bermuda Triangle fame); my Mom loved Eugene Marve and Lucius Sanford; Daryl Talley was heart and sole during ther SB run; Shane Conlan was prttty darned good; Bryce Paup and Chris Speilman were Pro-Bowlers, Free Agents, but pro-bowlers.




    Stew Barber was an OT, you mean John Tracey

  8. it looked as if he hit the pylon before stepping out of bounds.


    but why didnt the 2nd defender come up and try and tackle him. he saw him, but did nothing. he had to know fletcher would not tackle him in time.





  9. Even on the Carr TD run the defense did what it was supposed to. I was stunned to see our LB (dont know who) continue to cover whoever and Fletcher come out of nowhere to push Carr OB. Discipline demonstrated and that means good coaching.....I love it

  10. Watching him light up that Senator was interesting.  " Excuse me, but I'm hearing you thanking these politicians for their help, yet behind me is a dead elderly woman who has been rotting on this street curb for 48 hours now because no one has showed up here,  rats are eating her now."



    gotta give him props on that one. Making a name for himself as compared to Larry King who is asking Jesse what the deal is

  11. 1 - the buses have unloaded at the astrodome - whatever happened to women and childrem first?


    2 - 300 yrs ago the area was critical to shipments as they came down the Miss. River. Initially, shipments were ferryed out to sea as there was no deep water port. As things grew, it became apparent that they could eliminate the ferry system if they dredged material and allowed the bigger ships inland access. The city grew and levees were constructed, stopping the normal flood/drain process which distributes silty materials along the normal flood plain. So the elevation of the flood plains started to decrease, increasing the chances of floods. The city itself, build on river sediments, subsided as the underlying sediments compacted. 300 years later, the bowl. The Corp and others have said for years its only a matter of time.


    3 - the City: first repair the levees - say a month at best. Next pump it dry, another month at best. Only then can the assessment and demolition begin. Because that's what I believe it will be; a demolition. After another 2-3 months underwater no stucture will be assessed as sound or safe. In additon, the surrounding soils and structural materials (i.e. wood) will have made it a risk to human health and the environment. So, the city will be demo'd. What do you do with all that debris? Environmental regulations will be suspended and a huge fire will be started, likely the only way to kill mold and bacteria in that much material. There is no where else to put it. The French Qtr will be left standing, somehow saved and remain as an island (literally) for tourists. Future construction should be only on higher ground (outside the City) and will likely be in support (housing for workers and offices) of the area's shipping and petrochemical industries. These are crucial to the national economy and will be maintained. But another New Orleans as we know it, I doubt it.


    4 - refineries and piplines: do not expect them back up anytime soon. The "re-start" procedures will involve numerous safety checks and testing. It will be a month or more.

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