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Posts posted by DrW

  1. The bracket has now become severely unbalanced. One finalist will come from a tough group consisting of two pre-World Cup favorites, Brazil and France, plus Belgium and Uruguay which are playing quite well, and Mexico and Japan. The other finalist will be either Russia, Croatia, Sweden, Switzerland, England, or Colombia. England might have a good chance to emerge from the second group, but will have little chance in the final. 

  2. 2 hours ago, BeginnersMind said:


    Belgium is the real deal. Only England has looked better. Croatia needs to prove they can play with the big boys. 


    Now that Germany is out, I also have high hopes for Belgium. To their advantage, I think they do not really care about if they play number one or number two of group H in the next round (Japan, Senegal, or Columbia). Thus, they can afford to rest Lukaku (injury) and De Bruyne (one yellow card) against England.

  3. 12 hours ago, Turk71 said:

    What year is that? My wife's first car was a 68 beetle from her grandpa who bought it new and we had it until 2008. Sold it to a guy who wanted to spend a lot restoring it.

    I think they built them from 68 to 70. I do not remember what year mine was. I bought it used in 1980, and it lasted until 1985.

  4. Sorry, I don't have an original pic, but it looked like this (even the color is correct), only with a German license plate.


    It was a "Super Beetle" with an 50 HP engine and a semi-automatic transmission. With this transmission, there was no clutch, but you had to shift once when you reached 25-30 mph.

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  5. 37 minutes ago, Pete said:

    German-Sweden match was excellent.  Germany was behind most of the game.  Sweden got jobbed out of a penalty kick, and played great.  Chippy play.  All 3 goals excellent.  Game winner game scored with less than a minute of stoppage time left.  Just an incredible strike!  Sweden-Mexico will be excellent game, and probably an elimination game.  Wednesday should be fantastic soccer


    Especially, because it will determine where Brazil and Germany will end up in their respective group. It is pretty likely that both make it into the next round; but if one of them ends up at #1 of their group and the other one at #2 (a scenario which is rather probable), the Brazil - Germany game that many pundits expected as the final will be played in the round of 16 instead.

  6. 16 minutes ago, Cugalabanza said:


    Australia for me.  They aren't my number one, but they are fun to watch.


    I like teams that come to play even if they're outmatched.  I don't like it when teams bunker in and try for the 0-0 draw or hope maybe some lucky fluke goes in their favor right at the end.  That's Dick Jauron type stuff.  That's why Iceland was so great to watch 4 years ago.  They weren't intimidated by superstars.  They went out there and played the game.



    Iceland was not in the 2014 World Cup. What you remember is the Euro 2016.

  7. 9 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

    It's been a long standing tradition here at PPP to never post more than a line or two about lesbians without also posting some damn sexy pics of them. DrW, you are new and can almost be forgiven, but do need to make up for it in some way.


    On the internet, I can only provide a picture of Sappho (from the island of Lesbos), who is the symbol of love between women. All my other pics of lesbians cannot be shown on a web site that is accessible to minors. But, here you go:



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  8. 13 minutes ago, DC Tom said:


    You won't find the word "lesbian" because the researcher uses the term "sexual minority women."


    Yes, I read the grant proposal too.  The story was exaggerated, but "lesbian contraception" is a not insignificant part of the research.


    OK, I did not want to post the whole NIH abstract and project terms. But here they are:


    Abstract Text:
    High rates of contraceptive dissatisfaction, switching, and discontinuation in the US demand new approaches to contraceptive acceptability and promotion. Behavioral models of contraceptive use have failed to address sexuality, even though contraception is designed for sexual activity. By following new contraceptive users across 12 months, this study will 1) document sexual acceptability for a variety of contraceptive methods, 2) determine associations between sexual acceptability and continuation over time, and 3) set the stage for the creation of new, more valid sexuality measures to be used in future reproductive health research and interventions. The proposal catalyzes a patient-centered approach to contraception that has the potential to improve women's experiences with their methods. Research from this program could ultimately be used to help match women with the method(s) they will find the most sexually acceptable— methods they will like and use—thereby helping women fully realize the social, economic, and health benefits of contraception. RELEVANCE (See instructions): Many effective contraceptives are available today, but half of women discontinue use within a year due to dissatisfaction with available methods. Women have requested oral contraception to be used immediately in advance of infrequent intercourse. This proposed “On Demand” Contraceptive Center is focused on the development of effective, safe, acceptable contraceptives for women which block ovulation to prevent pregnancy.
    Project Terms:

    Address; Adverse effects; Affect; Arousal; base; Behavior; Behavioral Model; behavioral study; Breast; Characteristics; Child; Client; clinical practice; Clinical Trials; cohort; condoms; Contraception Behavior; Contraceptive Agents; Contraceptive Availability; contraceptive efficacy; Contraceptive methods; Contraceptive Usage; Copper Intrauterine Devices; Counseling; Data; Decreased Libido; Depo Provera; design; Desired Family Sizes; Development; Dimensions; Disinhibition; Economics; Equation; Esthesia; experience; Factor Analysis; Failure; Family Planning; Female; Future; Goals; Health; Health Benefit; Hemorrhage; Heterosexuals; Hormonal; Implant; improved; indexing; Individual; Injectable; Instruction; instrument; interest; Intervention; Intrauterine Devices; Lead; lens; Levonorgestrel; Libido; Life; Link; Longitudinal Studies; Lubrication; male; Male Condoms; Measures; men; Method Acceptability; Methods; middle age; Modeling; Muscle Cramp; novel; novel strategies; Oral; Oral Contraceptives; Orgasm; Outcome; Ovulation; Pain; patient oriented; Patients; Pattern; Perception; Personal Satisfaction; Persons; Physiological; pill; preference; Pregnancy; prevent; product development; programs; prospective; psychologic; Psychological Factors; Psychometrics; Public Health; racial and ethnic; Reporting; Reproductive Health; Research; Research Design; Research Personnel; Research Project Grants; reversible contraceptive; Risk; Role; Sample Size; satisfaction; Sex Behavior; Sex Functioning; Sexual Dysfunction; Sexual Partners; Sexuality; Shapes; social; socioeconomics; Structure; Surveys; Time; tool; Translations; unintended pregnancy; Vagina; Vaginal Ring; Woman; Work



    Can you please tell me where you find the terms "sexual minority women" or "lesbian contraception"? Please understand me correctly, it is obvious that the PI works on these topics. However, they are not part of the research funded by the NIH. 

  9. 22 hours ago, B-Man said:


    OK, I was skeptical, and I went back to original sources, the CV of the lady (available on her web site) and the NIH Reporter, which gives you access to information about all NIH grants, such as the abstract of the grant and "project terms", i.e. keywords for search engines. The result: the title of the write-up in "Hot Air" linked by B-man and its message is a gross misrepresentation of the project actually funded by the NIH. The source of the "Hot Air" piece in the Washington Free Beacon actually gets it about right, only the "Hot Air" writer manages to turn it into, well, hot air.


    As many researchers, the PI (Principal Investigator) has actually several projects she is working on. The NIH grant (with $350,000 so far)  is for a project entitled "SEXUAL ACCEPTABILITY'S ROLE IN WOMEN'S CONTRACEPTIVE PREFERENCE AND BEHAVIOR". The relevance of the project, according to the abstract: "Many effective contraceptives are available today, but half of women discontinue use within a year due to dissatisfaction with available methods. Women have requested oral contraception to be used immediately in advance of infrequent intercourse. This proposed “On Demand” Contraceptive Center is focused on the development of effective, safe, acceptable contraceptives for women which block ovulation to prevent pregnancy." While we can argue if this research is appropriate for funding by the NIH, nowhere in the abstract and in the more than 200 keywords you will find the term "lesbian".


    Beyond that, she is Co-PI on a collaborative project on "Understanding Family Planning Disparities among Sexual Minority Women: A Critical First Step for Improving Contraceptive Care", which indeed addresses contraceptive use by lesbians. However, this research is not funded by the NIH, but by a $75,000 grant from the "Society of Family Planning", a private agency.   


    Conclusion: At least in regard of the case discussed here, the claim the NIH would spend "$350K to see if lesbians are using the right contraception", is wrong.

  10. Me and my son were on our way from Lubbock to some National Parks in Colorado and Utah for a week of vacation. About 15 miles after Santa Rosa, my Ford Windstar blew its transmission. AAA sent a tow truck that towed us back to Santa Rosa. The repair shop said it would at least take half a week to get all the parts and do the repair, which would have essentially killed our vacation plans. I called the tow truck again (as AAA would pay for 100 miles per incident) and asked him if he could tow us to Albuquerque; I would pay for the charge beyond 100 miles. Unfortunately, the tow truck had only 1 passenger seat. Thus, my son had to sit on the floor of the cabin for 100 or so miles; he survived.


    In Albuquerque, we found a repair shop specializing on transmissions. However, even they would need a few days to fix it. What to do about our trip? Fortunately, close to our two-star motel was a four/five-star hotel with a car rental. The selection was not great, but we got a Kia Sportage with which we were able to do the trip we had planned. Returning to Albuquerque, the van was fixed for our trip home.


    This was 7 years ago. The Windstar is still alive, now driven by my son. If he and his friends get together, he is the only one who does not drive a truck (after all, this is Texas).  Strangely enough, his friends appear to have accepted his choice. A year ago, when finishing high school, his classmates (I assume, some females were involved) decorated the van very elaborately and labeled it "Swagger Wagon".

  11. 15 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

    In addition we both know that is not what B-Man is saying. He, while linking a study that goes against "settled science", is mocking the Climate Change Church. DrW, being a new poster doesn't know the other posters here and can't possibly know that B-Man was being ironical. That's why I have encouraged new posters to lurk for awhile and not jump in based on assumptions.


    You underestimate my familiarity with the history of this site; I have been lurking for quite a while. I have to admit that I did not see the comment by B-man as ironical; my apologies if it was meant that way. And I would still like DC Tom to give me an example where a single study overturned the settled science.

  12. 16 minutes ago, njbuff said:


    I wish we would just obliterate Iran and get it over with.


    They are nothing but terrorists over there.

    I sincerely hope that you made this statement tongue-in-cheek. There is a significant percentage of Iranians who oppose their current regime. These were the people that started the protests in Iran, which are still ongoing. Why do you want to kill all these people? Why not support the protesters instead?


  13. 7 hours ago, Misterbluesky said:

    The lake makes it tricky...


    This. The Great Lakes in upstate New York generate a microclimate that makes a prediction often difficult. Here in West Texas where the meteorologists have to deal only with large-size weather patterns (the nearest source of significant amounts of water is 500 miles away, the nearest mountain range more than 200 miles), the predictions even for 4-5 days ahead are usually spot-on. And I don't mean predictions as "no precipitation", because that is true for more than 98% of the time, but such as wind direction and wind speed.  

  14. In our college (and probably everywhere else), the evaluations students give for their professors consist of a grade and an optional written comment. Until a few years ago, the written comments on the paper questionnaires were entered into the computer by departmental staff. For a few years, I was in charge of this process. The crazy thing: A student left his/her phone number in the comments for the professor, with some encouragement to contact him/her. Of course, this comment was not forwarded to the professor. Now the evaluation of written comments occurs via computer, by "cloud". I wonder if they would catch this issue. 

  15. Dust devils. I had seen a few when visiting Australia, especially around Ayers Rock (now Uluru). However, before moving to West Texas, I did not know how strong they could be.

    Case 1 (which I had to observe): A 450 pound playground structure in our backyard; my son (about 5 at that time) and my father-in-law were playing close to it. The wind had not been remarkable (for West Texas standards, 10-20 mph appears normal). Suddenly, a dust devil lifts up the playground structure and moves it by about 6 feet. Very fortunately, neither my son nor my father-in-law were too close to be hit. The next day we anchored the structure with concrete.

    Case 2 (which I did not observe personally): I returned from a one-week-conference; we had invited my mother-in-law for that time to look after the kids, as my wife is also working full-time. Upon my return, I saw that two of the three 12-ft-trees in our driveway were gone. My first reaction: Mother-in-law had another accident (she had totaled my wife's car on a previous visit) and mowed down the trees. However, all our cars were fine. Thus, a dust devil must have uprooted the two trees.

  16. In the mid-1990s, when I lived in Rochester and my then-girlfriend, now-wife was in Montreal, we went to Maine for the summer vacation. It was great. We canoed a lot, and especially Katahdin and Acadia were impressive. The next year we went to Newfoundland, and that was even better. We saw icebergs floating southward and more whales than in Maine (sometimes you could spot them from the shore). One of the highlights was the "bird rock" in Cape St. Mary's, with hundreds of gannets, razorbills, murres, and kittiwakes.  

  17. January 2000, still living in Rochester. Wife and I had been to Mendon Ponds Park with our 10 months old son for some sledding. On the I-390 back to Rochester road conditions were not ideal, about an inch of snow/ice/slush. Traffic was, on average, perhaps a bit too fast for the conditions, but everything went smoothly... Until a state trooper who had been parked on the side of the road saw something that must have caught his attention (I do not know what). He turns on all his lights and accelerates toward the driving lanes. Panic ensues. A crash ahead of us on the lane left of us, another one right of us. I just stay on my lane and get through it safely.


    In the end, I do not think that anybody was seriously injured. Even in case of a crash, we should have been relatively safe as I was driving my second "Yank Tank" (as the Aussies would call it), a Pontiac Safari full-size station wagon (the first had been an Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser).    


    Written from the point of view of the bacon:


    "There was a time when bacon sandwiches
    Were everyone's favourite snack
    I'm delicious when I'm crunchy
    Even when I'm almost black
    So why you make a soup with me
    I just can't understand
    It seems so bloody tasteless
    Not to mention underhand"
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