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Posts posted by UKBillFan

  1. 31 minutes ago, Process said:

    If the Bills lose to the Saints practice squad the season is over. Maybe not from a standings perspective but it would be the final confirmation that this team is nowhere near ready to win a super bowl. Luckily I don't think that will happen.


    Heres to hoping this is our get right game, and that we can then get back to full health for the Patriots.


    This will be the start of a hot run to end the season and into the playoffs. Crush em. 


    I'm kind of in the same mindset as I was before the Jags game - even if we win this one it doesn't really prove much considering who we're facing (no disrespect to the Saints but they've been shredded by injuries). However, we then lost to the Jags so we better turn up and take it seriously.

  2. 14 minutes ago, CincyBillsFan said:

    He said the same thing today on the Cowherd show.  This last comment has me concerned:


    - Josh Allen has to be special, every week, every play, or the Bills cannot win.  That's too much to ask, does not believe it's sustainable.  


    Do we risk messing up our franchise QB with insane expectations?  We know Allen internalizes this stuff and takes all the blame on his shoulders.  Throw in the fact that the big new contract makes him even more likley to believe he should be playing perfect every game.  Look how quick some of the posters on 2BD have thrown out his contract as a reason to expect Allen to play great on every play in every game.


    I'm normally optimistic but on Cowherd Cosell seemed to be pissed off at the Bills brain trust for this. He didn't say so specifically but in responding to a Cowherd comment his tone was dripping with contempt with the Bills scheme and pass blocking.



    And then it snowballs - he looks for the big plays and goes for the hero-ball because he feels he has to for the team, as he sees it as his responsibility.

    • Agree 1
  3. 16 minutes ago, TheProcess said:

    There was a lot troubling with today’s game. Obviously. I think the team is soft where it matters most - the lines. And that probably isn’t getting much better this season.

    The coaching? A joke. McD has earned himself some goodwill with me, but Daboll can go if he squanders this talent and doesn’t turn this around. McD also needs to start coaching more aggressively. Complete chicken ***** call to kick that FG on 4th and 5 down 17. And it’s sad to me that fans on this board can call out short term adjustments or improvements they can make, like playing Brieda more or starting Bates, and they refuse. Stubborn player evaluations make me constantly question McD. 

    However, my biggest concern is a disturbing trend I'm starting to see from Josh. When he gets down on the scoreboard, panic sets in and the mistakes start piling up. He tries to get everything back or right every wrong all at once. We get it Josh, you can throw the ball out of the stadium. But there is no 17 point play. Try just taking what’s there. Claw back in it. Or maybe not rifling it over Beasley’s head on a sure first down. Get a 10+ point lead on Josh, you force him into mistakes. I’m not saying he’s a front running QB, but the trend is concerning. I realize part of this is that he likely feels like he has to do everything himself, which falls squarely on three people - Beane, McD, and Daboll. 


    Then the big question - is Josh coachable? If yes, why haven't they been able to get him into a settled mindset, whatever the scoreboard? If no, why the heck have we lumbered ourselves with a Quarterback who goes into panic mode at the first time of trouble?

    • Disagree 1
    • Thank you (+1) 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, Gene1973 said:

    No, my mindset at the end of last season is this team has a chance with the right personnel moves.


    Then the draft and free agency happened. And I didn't think they had a legit chance.


    On to the next offseason.


    Sure, a playoff appearance is better than none, but doesn't teally matter if they don't have a legit championship run in them.


    The best that could happen is knocking the Pats out of the playoff's somehow.

    They will win one of the Saints, Pats or Bucs. The one that seems most unlikely at the time.


    Despite the prediction, I'm actually more confident about the Saints than I was the Colts. Perhaps not that one then!

  5. It feels like we've shot our bolt. If this was a blowout from out of nowhere then it'd be a punch in the gut but recovery would be possible. But actually the defense was the same one which got it's tummy tickled by the Titans and the offense was the same one which got squeezed by the Jaguars. Yes, we're missing people but so are all teams at the moment. We haven't learned from the mistakes of previous games which means, what, we're incapable of doing so? And if that is the case is that because the players do not have the ability, the coaches do not have the capacity to improve the schemes of both?


    The Saints match up could be another Titans scorefest with the dome, meaning Josh may feel more settled and we'd hold on to more balls but the defense will, in all liklihood, be putrid - especially if Kamara returns. After that... right now I have no faith that anyone at Orchard Park, from the Pegula's downwards, have any idea how to fix the mess we're in and that means we're very reliant on the remaining AFC franchises having problems of their own to get into the post season. The Super Bowl is further away than it has a right to be and we have been exposed for what we are.

    • Dislike 1
  6. 1 minute ago, Murdox said:

    We can't start Mitch.  We have to try and get Allen corrected.  Not sure if it's the opposition that has figured him out or what.


    He's panicking more than anything. The opposition have figured us out and we do not have a plan B so we're easy to play against if you're a mediocre team or better.

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