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Posts posted by Griz

  1. "There's a number of things I learned. In 2001, we were not criticized for that. When we were 6-10 (in 1999) we were criticized for that. So what I learned is you better win. When you win, you're pretty smart. When you don't, you're not."




    ... Not to brag, but I learned that when I was 5.

  2. I'm not saying I even want him back, but I'm just floating his name out there. He did get us to the playoffs before and had the Titans on the ropes before the most absurd play ever in playoff history happened. Then bring in Haslett as the DC and Norv as the OC. If Malarkey goes I would mind him being thrown into the mix. Hey I think Wade even wears a headset now!


    Just curious, who was our offensive coordinator during the year of the Titan playoff loss? Anyone know?




    Joe "I'm talking into the palm of my hand" Pendry

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