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Posts posted by pigpen65

  1. They know the Pats cheat. They know that, because of the pandemic, they couldnt cheat this year. They know that next year they will be able to cheat again. So they are plenty comfortable in starting the predictions for their return to the elite. Belichick knew it too obviously. That's why he was so willing to write the season off even before it started 

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  2. The Bills coaching staff is very good when they are behind at halftime. They identify and make the adjustments to counteract the opponent's game plan. On the other side, the Bills coaching staff sucks when they are ahead at halftime. When it's the other team who has identified and made adjustments to the Bills game plan it always reverts to playing it safe, trying not to turn the ball over, and running clock. It's like there is never any "on the fly" identifying and adjusting being done. It always only happens at halftime. The Bills are good about coming from behind when they are losing, and they are great at letting the other team hang around and pull momentum away when they are winning. That's the simple explanation for why their point differential is so close to .500. Maybe they need better in game communication between the coaches so that adjustments can be made quicker..... i don't know. It's what it seems like though.

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  3. 14 hours ago, 78thealltimegreat said:

    I agree although I didn’t see much of a hold on the second one you can call holding like that every play if you wanted 


    Yep. Same with the PI call on Worley. By the book it was a PI, but every single passing play has the same amount of contact between CB and WR. You could call it on all of them.

  4. Completely agree with OP. With concussions we know with 100% certainty that it becomes easier and easier to suffer one with each successive injury. I think the line for when its time to retire is pretty clear. When it gets to a point that even routine plays are causing trauma, retire. Your brain is telling you that its reached its limit. Morse should retire. It shouldn't even be his decision. Team doctors should stop clearing guys in his situation.

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  5. Giving up 8 yards per carry because you are scared shitless of the opposing QB and coach, in a rain storm no less, is the equivalent of.......... i want to say striking out with the bat on your shoulder but that doesn't do it justice. It would be more like striking out with the bat on your shoulder against a pitcher who has a broken shoulder and is using his other arm to lob em underhand. Just completely gutless coaching and quite honestly an embarrassment in front of a national audience. Go down swinging for christ's sakes.

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