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Posts posted by ziltoid

  1. 33 minutes ago, Capco said:

    So it’s not about your neighbors or fellow citizens. To hell with what happens to them. The individual and their individual choices are the most important thing in this society. If bilzfancy wants to live his life normally during a pandemic at the risk of harming others by not taking precautions that stop the spread of the virus, well THAT is what REALLY matters, right?


    #######s. #######s everywhere.


    Straight talk Capco - you are correct.  If you died tomorrow, I would not care.  And vice versa.  Deal with it.

  2. 5 hours ago, SectionC3 said:


    College is a problem.  Schools in general are going to be a problem.  We're playing with fire right now, but unfortunately none of the stakeholders in education is doing anything about it (parents want to warehouse kids, K-12 administrators are paid [indirectly] by parents, and colleges want to make it past the tuition refund date before going virtual).  The fact that we have a byzantine, fractured national response hasn't helped either.  Strong measures in one place (such as New York) aren't nearly as effective as they could be if there were like strong measures in other places (FL and AZ bore this out recently).  So it's probably going to follow 1918 and blow up again in the fall.  And it's a shame, because it's terrible for small business and wastes probably millions of years of collective sacrifice and hard work. 

    Hope you have your covaids bunker stocked up until Nov. 4th!

  3. 53 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:



    Called this in April:



    "At the same time, we will not, we cannot, go back to the way things were," he continued.


    "Throughout history, outbreaks and pandemics have changed economies and societies, this one will be no different," Tedros added.


    "In particular, the pandemic has given new impetus to the need to accelerate efforts to respond to climate change," he said. "The pandemic has given us a glimpse of our world as it could be, cleaner skies and rivers."

    Talk like this makes you want to commit suicide, doesn’t it? Is that a side goal of the WHO?

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  4. I know a bunch or yoos guys have weighed in, but here's my commentary on the collective thinking out there:


    I see a lot of regular PPP posters trying to discuss covid things over on the OTW side of the fence.  2 threads to choose from, but the facts one is off limits to any new contributions.  Most of the time the ideas that we have been discussing here are immediately poo-poo'd by the entire lot of people over there.  Most notably by the more powerful poster(s) over there (jannie).  And I would say our opinions over here are leaning right but fair when it comes to the virus, as I would venture a guess a few of the sane posters over here are lefties.  Not the majority, but there are a few.  You would think NFL football fans would take a hopeful approach using the latest information out there, but they just want the NFL season shut down.  Very strange to me.


    I see this too in real life.  A few of the people that I thought were rational thinkers have completely lost it when it comes to our personal actions (don't leave the house anymore) and the decisions of local officials (school opening is the latest hot topic).  They are perfectly fine with locking down forever and obliterating people's businesses and livelihoods.  And a couple of these people are highly respected managers where I work.  I just don't get the disconnect.  They manage multi-million dollar budgets, make tough decisions every day, but this virus has them vapor locked.  Makes me think maybe they aren't as smart as they claim.


    The only thing I keep coming back to is their voting preference.  It can't be that, can it?  Do you really throw science out the window when you have a president you don't like?


    And what's up with the power trippin on the other side of the board?  I've had more than one comment deleted over there that was apolitical.  I just did not stick to the consensus covid notes.



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  5. 1 hour ago, shoshin said:

    There is no evidence presented for the conclusion, “Many of these deaths are likely from suicide, despair, alcohol and drug abuse, and violence.“


    There may be something to that—and I’m sure there is actually— but it’s a clumsy conclusion not backed by the data presented.

    Further, the article notes that the cdc data on Covid categorization lags but does no analysis on how that affects the paper’s data. For example, the CDC was 30,000+ deaths behind just a few weeks ago. So the excess deaths may be largely attributed to Covid deaths not yet categorized as such. 

    In all, it’s an incomplete article posing as an academic paper on the Twitter-net. I hope he does more work to backfill this data in 2 months, through this same date. Then he can identify the gap in excess deaths if there is one, but maybe not yet the causes. 

    Bad source. 




    @Magox & @shoshin


    I find it amazing that it takes 3-6 months to ultimately decide and categorize how people die.  I guess it takes a pandemic where you want to make real time policy decisions to reveal this.  If this pandemic and it's response is truly about public safety and not straight up politics, then a reform of the state and CDC disease categorization process should be on both presidential candidate's agendas.  2 weeks lag tops.


    But I fear I am asking for way too much.

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  6. 1 hour ago, shoshin said:

    - timeframe to herd immunity (30% in his view) counting people who have had it + cross-immunity to other coronaviruses + vaccines: In the US, he says sometime 2021 we will be largely over it. 2022 rest of the world.


    Very telling the herd immunity number keeps coming down.  2 months ago proposing a number less than 70% was conspiracy level nutso.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  7. 3 minutes ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

    Former CIA Officer Arrested and Charged with Espionage

    Alexander Yuk Ching Ma, 67, a former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officer, was arrested on Aug. 14, 2020, on a charge that he conspired with a relative of his who also was a former CIA officer to communicate classified information up to the Top Secret level to intelligence officials of the People’s Republic of China (PRC).  The Criminal Complaint containing the charge was unsealed this morning.


    According to court documents, Ma and his relative (identified as co-conspirator #1) conspired with each other and multiple PRC intelligence officials to communicate classified national defense information over the course of a decade.  The scheme began with three days of meetings in Hong Kong in March 2001 during which the two former CIA officers provided information to the foreign intelligence service about the CIA’s personnel, operations, and methods of concealing communications.  Part of the meeting was captured on videotape, including a portion where Ma can be seen receiving and counting $50,000 in cash for the secrets they provided.

    The court documents further allege that after Ma moved to Hawaii, he sought employment with the FBI in order to once again gain access to classified U.S. government information which he could in turn provide to his PRC handlers. In 2004, the FBI’s Honolulu Field Office hired Ma as a contract linguist tasked with reviewing and translating Chinese language documents.  Over the following six years, Ma regularly copied, photographed and stole documents that displayed U.S. classification markings such as “SECRET.”  Ma took some of the stolen documents and images with him on his frequent trips to China with the intent to provide them to his handlers.  Ma often returned from China with thousands of dollars in cash and expensive gifts, such as a new set of golf clubs.

    According to court documents, in spring 2019, over the course of two in-person meetings, Ma confirmed his espionage activities to an FBI undercover employee Ma believed was a representative of the PRC intelligence service, and accepted $2,000 in cash from the FBI undercover as “small token” of appreciation for Ma’s assistance to China.  Ma also offered to once again work for the PRC intelligence service.  On August 12, 2020, during a meeting with an FBI undercover employee before arrest, Ma again accepted money for his past espionage activities, expressed his willingness to continue to help the Chinese government, and stated that he wanted “the motherland” to succeed.



    Yikes.  Does something like this get the death penalty?

  8. 23 minutes ago, Gary M said:


    Any chance the myocarditis existed before the kung flu, but not diagnosed until after?


    Maybe, but most likely a result of an acute viral infection.  Myocarditis has a long and established link to most infections, snake/bug bites, chemotherapy - the list goes on and on.  Basically, your body get attacked by something, your body responds creating antibodies, and as a result tissues and sometimes organs get inflamed.  Similar to an autoimmune disease. 


    Here is a good prognosis: "Patients with acute fulminant myocarditis, once they survive the acute illness, had an excellent long-term prognosis of 93% at 11 years..." Citation.


    I get it, this is all new and needs further study.  But this opinion piece guy want more eyes on heart disease in general, and covaids has cracked that door open for his interests.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Niagara Bill said:

    Agree....big difference between activity exercise and standing in a crowded bar or concert so their peers can see the new dress. You can have a beer with you 4 best buds without being back to back with 75 other people you wouldn't pi?? on if they were on fire. A bubble of friends is necessary for most folks. But if they leave the rink and go to the local bar and stand back to back with others who do not respect social distance then they are selfish. 

    Even pro ball p,Ayers are wearing masks. I bet we see some NFL players in masks. 

    Yes, I would kill to play some hockey and forgo the locker room beers right now in NY.  Maybe in the next month or two.


    I think we're on the same page - but it surprises me when I still see people hiding in their 1 room apartment going on 5 months without leaving...

  10. 8 minutes ago, TH3 said:

    Please point me to a "Libertarian" society or country, past or present that has been a sustained - or even modest success - or even in existence ...


    The article from the mises.org has an obvious libertarian slant to it.  That's why I mentioned it.


    To your point, there is no single philosophy that rules the day.  A libertarian society would look like the wild west in short order.  My point is a little more self reliance wouldn't hurt.  Blending that into our current governmental approach would only help.

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