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  1. I been a Bills fan my entire life. I also been a lurker on The Stadium Wall for years. Never visited this section of the board until a few days ago and I saw posts that I massively disagreed with. I wanted to have a good faith debate/discussion on some of these important issues. IMO you have to be able to listen to the other side if you want to fully be informed.
  2. Been at work all day and I’m going to respond to some of these posts later when I have some time. Off topic I’m clearly more left than this board. This place definitely seem right leaning. But it is important to have these discussions. Talking in our echo chambers is not going to lead to change. I disagree with the responses to my posts but most of them have been respectful. I definitely want to address the systemic racism point. I think some of the posters on here are downplaying this.
  3. We will have to agree to disagree. I think points were well researched and clearly expressed. They briefly talked about racial profiling is a variable. If you been through racial profiling it make a lot more sense. Also there was a FBI report in 2006 under the Bush administration stating that White Supremacists were Infiltrating Law enforcement. BTW. Most of us are not saying all cops are racist or bad. I have had experiences with racists cops and good cops. I had cops literally stop me for no reason and asking me why I was in a particular neighborhood. I been stop with my friends because we were in a certain type of car. Some of these situations went left. But, I also have had cops let me off with a warning when they could have given me tickets. I know cops that show up to Block Club meetings and get to know people. Cops are like the rest of society. You have good people, bad people and everything in between. But too often the bad cops are not held accountable for their actions.
  4. I’m not sure how much of a side show he would of been as a backup. I do believe that a lot of owners, GMs and coaches thought he would be a distraction although I disagree.
  5. Where did I say that? Of course that is not the case. However, Black people are killed at disproportionate rate. The Boston Globe just came out with a good article about this. It is worth reading. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bostonglobe.com/2020/06/11/opinion/statistical-paradox-police-killings/%3foutputType=amp Also, the main point is that no one should be unjustly killed by police. I would hope you would be on board with certain police reforms to try to stop these incidents. However, when it is a Black person killed by the cops or even just a White citizen (Ahmaud Arbery) there are all sort of excuses given. The victim is put on trial. That is why so many Black people are frustrated and feed up.
  6. This Breonna Taylor case is partially horrific. If you truly believe in small government and the 2nd Amendment you should be outrage. The suspect was already in custody. There was a no knock warrant and the police were in plainclothes. Breonna boyfriend Kenneth Walker is a legal gun owner. He did what most people would of done and defended himself. He had know way of knowing they were cops. It despicable that they tried to charge him with attempted murder. The only reason they dropped the charges was because of public pressure. Often Black people are not afforded the same second Amendment rights as our White counterparts.
  7. These are two entirely different issues. Do anyone doubt if a young Black male in Chicago is caught on camera killing someone that he won’t go to prison? The issue is that cops are unjustly killing Black people and usually there are zero consequences. Even when it is on camera. Cops are and should be held to a higher stander than a gang member. Also this leads bigger issues in Black communities. When a crime occur many of us are afraid to call the police because of bad experiences. I have been treated like garbage by police on more than one occasion and I am a veteran. I am very hesitant to call the police because some cops actually make the situation worse. One more thing. Black people talk about and address crime and other issues in our communities everyday. Just in Buffalo alone the Peacekeepers are in the community doing a great job. In Chicago you have groups and people in the community trying to make a difference. Just because it is not covered in mainstream media, or right wing outlets doesn’t mean it is not happening.
  8. With all the awful qbs that were/are in this league, it is nonsense to think that Kaep wasn’t good enough to be at least a backup. Most objective people knew it was about politics. At this point I don’t see him ever playing again. He is only getting older.
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