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Brennan Huff

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Posts posted by Brennan Huff

  1. 4 minutes ago, Don Otreply said:

    Now that’s a good one, especially since Mcgahee so lived up to the expectations at the position, this started the run of RB acquisitions that were so needed, gotta like a GM with that level of a thought process... this could go in all day ?


    okay, it’s your turn again, ??


    Go Bills!!!



    Beane is so awful I’m sure he would have drafted Tony Eason over Kelly

  2. 3 minutes ago, Don Otreply said:

    ? okay I’ll run with the theme, 

    Of course he doesn’t, name me just one think he’s done that’s been of help to this team, the guy has whiffed at his every move, it’s just amazing that he was hired to begin with. Hell, WEO or Scottlaw would have done a better job.... 



    (sarcasm off)

    It’s blunders like this one that makes me miss Tom Donahoe. At least he had the balls to make moves, like drafting McGahee in the first round...

  3. 1 hour ago, zonabb said:

    Does fandom have to extend to what the owners' kids do? Who cares, honestly. She is a mediocre tennis player basically playing professional tennis as a hobby because her parents can support her financially. Anyone her age, with the inability to climb to any substantial position in the rankings, would have retired into a real job by now. In other words, who cares. I don't. And I don't care about the other garbage they do, shops they open, businesses they buy. The hero worship is astounding.

    What an awful post. Do you just need some attention? Seriously, the worst...

  4. 38 minutes ago, BillsFan692 said:

    **** The Patriots as a staff, football team and as a mother****** fan base
    And if you want to be down with the Patriots then **** you too
    Edelman, **** you too,
    Cam **** you too,

    All you mother******, **** you too
    All of y'all mother******, **** you, watch your dynasty die slow, mother******!
    #17 make sure all y'all seasons blow
    You mother****** can't beat us this season
    We the mother******' #BillsMafia, 716 'til we die
    We'll bomb on you mother*******. We do our job
    You think you mob? We the mother****** mob

    When we play football, it's felt!


    This is great. Hit em up is definitely in my top 10 rap songs of all time

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