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Milanos Milano

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Everything posted by Milanos Milano

  1. Khalil Mack! Please please. That would be Mario Williams level.
  2. It very well maybe a nothing burger, but I’m willing to give her a shred of credibility compared to most out there. Nothing else out there so it kind of puts out a good vibe, just ridding the FA euphoria wave.
  3. NFL network, so I tend to think she may know something others might not.
  4. If we didn’t just sign Sanders, I would be more receptive to the idea of Golladay being the excitement. Maybe she is excited about Ertz, because since she is an analytics girl, maybe she feels he would overperform in our system. All I know is, if I’m a Lions fan, I’m not getting excited enough about Ertz to switch teams lol. I really hope she truly knows something, I’m pumped about a big trade putting this team over the hump and bring our first super bowl victory to the city!
  5. It’s definitely better than what we have now, but is it worth taking on his contract? I have to assume all the excitement is from somewhere else. Which is why I think its not Ertz. I honestly have no idea who it would be. Considering no one else has even bothered to leak anything about it.
  6. If Beaned pulled that off, I would go streaking to the quad and to the gymnasium. I honestly hope it happens. It would be an amazing time to be a Bills fan.
  7. Absolutely, I want Mack, but I don’t see how we can fit the money.
  8. But why do it now, wouldn’t that lower the trade value of Watson in some teams eyes dealing with a potential lawsuit? Although I see where you are coming from.
  9. Pick your option. 1. Watson making up the lawsuit to get himself out of Houston either via cutting or traded (which helps damage the Houston owners in the process because they get little value in return). 2. Another team is making up the lawsuit to lower Watson’s value to the point Houston either cuts him, or they can come in with a low offer (helps this team acquire Watson for “cheap” ). 3. Houston is making up the lawsuit to lower Watson’s value to the point no other team becomes interested and Watson stays with the team until the contract is finished ( I don’t see this as being the case, because why would they damage his value as to possibly get nothing in return for their investment). 4. Watson didn’t do anything and is getting slandered by some crazy woman/lawyer. Which hurts Watson and really every party involved except for some team willing to deal with the allegations. 5. Watson did something and possibly hurt his career.
  10. Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t hate the trade. I just find it odd that Ertz would inspire such a tweet. While he is good, he isn’t a superstar. It isn’t hard to be one of the best TE we have ever had.
  11. That’s probable, and a fair assessment. Isn’t she like a Lions fan or something. Just seems weird that this news all of a sudden makes her contemplate switching teams. Especially given that the Bills have already been exciting for a few years now. However thinking about a player like Mack on this defense would make even decent fans around the league switch allegiance. Now that would be news worthy.
  12. Very possible. Honestly I don’t know. I’m just completely speculating. I just find it odd a player like Ertz would inspire a team switch.
  13. Exactly. Which makes me think it’s not Ertz. Either that or some top super star player worth getting excited over. Ertz doesn’t exactly inspire that, at least for not big football fans.
  14. Yeah, he might be the only one. Even then, if you were a neutral fan looking to join a new team, is it worth that much drama to sway you? Now if it was a person like Mack, I’d tend to agree. The problem is, I don’t see how exactly we will clear enough money for something like that.
  15. There isn’t a TE outside of Kelce that isn’t that exciting to generate such a tease tweet.
  16. Even if the rumor/secret doesn’t happen. I’m genuinely curious to see who the player is that generated the tweet to begin with.
  17. Yep. Sanders is a better WR than Agholor. I will take Sanders for that price any day of the week.
  18. Who changes a team because of Ertz though lol . That’s not moving the needle much for most football fans.
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