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Posts posted by OrangeBills

  1. Just now, Buffalo Timmy said:

    What do you suggest happens?


    It's just that Tibs is a Leftist and has no idea how incentives work in an Economy.  He can't track or understand rates of return, capital flows, etc etc


    For instance, Leftists are crowing about "Biden Deficit Reduction", but that's because they're too stupid to realize that's resultant from the Federal Reserve and Federal Gov't just PUMPING money into the Markets and Economy, leading to Trillions in short-term paper wealth profits, leading to lesser-Trillions in short-term cap-gains tax receipts, but ultimately not fundamentally changing anything, and in fact leading to this hyper-inflationary situation that's going to destroy livelihoods faster than they can say "Fossil Fuels Are Bad"

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  2. 11 hours ago, All_Pro_Bills said:

    Putin's objecitve, and Xi's too, is to end the uni-polar world order where Washington gives the orders and everybody else follows the rules.  Or else!  Now I'm not complaining about the current system because as citizens of the Empire we derive enormous benefits from the arrangement.  But that's how the world currently operates.    


    We're going on a 2-3 year Global Psy-Op/Kinetic War that we completely fell for....

  3. 7 hours ago, ALF said:


    I hope US energy companies are not exporting cheaper oil for more profit and importing more expensive oil. There must be a explanation I just have not found it yet. The US also exports Liquified natural gas . NYSEG just requested a 22% rate increase for NY.


    Huh, what?  Nat Gas operates in a regional/global market and producers are free & right to find the best price for their product.  It's not their fault that Europe listened to much to their Green Left and demolished their Energy infrastructure and became entirely reliant on Russian Gas + US LNG...so now that they are dropping Russian Gas, European Nat Gas prices have sky-rocketed 156% this year to $189/mmbtu vs. US prices around $8.50.  Yes, those prices are up 127% YTD here in the US, but that's our fault.  NY State has enough Nat Gas to power half the US, but we won't allow it.  So there you have it, the companies are responding appropriately to market forces.  

  4. Just remember, as bad as things are right now, our idiot Democrat leaders actually wanted to print and spend $6.5 TRILLION MORE dollars on their pet projects to buy votes...and when that didn't work they wanted $3.2 TRILLION...and when that didn't work they wanted $2.0 TRILLION...all on top of the unnecessary $1.9 TRILLION they printed when they came into office dubbed their "historic AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN".


    These people are so effing stupid they should be forced out of government NOW.


    The reality is they don't want you, the individual, to succeed...that does NOTHING for them.  They want you to fail, so you NEED them, and they can come and rescue you with some tritely-named "rescue plan".


    Eff these people, they need to go.  

    • Agree 3
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  5. 21 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:

    We need to talk more about how the leak is designed to do exactly what the left has been alleging the Trump voters were doing on January 6th.  




    Only the intimidation, threat, and undermining of the Republic is actually happening here.


    Instead, they'll call the leaker a hero.  


    "Means to An End" Party at work.

  6. 4 hours ago, Governor said:

    He’s always been in the racist, conservative, intolerant faction of of center, similar to Trump’s faction of the GOP. It’s mostly white grievance and the battle against some “woke” boogeyman coming from him these days. 

    Ratings caused him to find a center safe place to attack both sides.


    Wrong, he's great


    It's just the Left is utter bananas right now (and will be probably forever until some foreign power eliminates them)

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  7. 47 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:


    You lumped in a lot of taxes there.  We're only talking about SALT.  So for someone making $500,000 now they lose a $35k tax deduction.  if they are married they gained $12k via the doubling of the standard deduction.  So it's actually only a $23k reduction in fed deductions.  At that income they are in the 35% marginal rate.  That is about an $8,000 in additional taxes.  It could cost double that to move and there is no guarantee that property taxes will be lower to wherever they are moving.  So this is my point when I say SALT pisses wealthy people off but will most likely not prompt them to pack up and move. 


    Yeah, but I was using $500,000 income to be diplomatic...that's barely middle class in many areas of Northeast Blue States.


    It's a much bigger impact than that, ESPECIALLY in a virtual work-from-anywhere world


    The Northeast is doomed long-term I think

  8. 8 hours ago, Chef Jim said:

    How will SALT have wealthy people leaving for red states?  It’s part of the federal tax code. Are you thinking wealthy people stayed in typically higher taxed blue states for the tax deduction?  


    Um, really?  It costs a LOT of money that one could keep just by shifting from place to place


    7% State Income Tax, obviously that's $7,000 per $100,000, and really kicks in for those over $500,000, so that's $35,000 minimum that you have to pay AND don't get back in Federal.


    Then absurd property taxes, say $25,000 per year...so that's $60,000 per year which would probably cost you ~$10,000 in Florida or Texas, and before you were able to offset Federal Income but no more.  Yes, Trump really screwed the Blue States, but they're in a bind because to unwind it they'd be "lowering taxes on the Wealthy and raising them on the unwealthy"


    Of course, all this does is highlight that many, many of Trump's programs were actually some of the better Democrat ideas just actually executed.  But he sent mean Tweets so Dems are upside-down on themselves

  9. 2 hours ago, T master said:


    I agree but there are other alternatives & one that i can not in any way understand well i mean i do it's because it won't follow a certain agenda & it also kills 2 birds with one stone .


    Hydrogen is in most every thing on the planet it is a basic building block and with the amount of water in the ocean there is a ton of it then you factor in rain & so on it seems to me a no brainer & the one thing with burning hydrogen for fuel that it doesn't do is pollute basically anything because the only thing it produces is more water virtually no emissions .


    To think that there isn't the technology to do that is absurd ! I know a few years back Ford had a truck built to go to market with the proper fuel cell & all but one minute you saw the advertisement the next it was gone . WHY ???


    You can bet there was some gov't involvement in it though because some one couldn't make the money off it like they could electric because with electric fossil fuels will still be the over all biggest producers of electricity weather libs or conservatives want to admit it so there must be some agenda behind not bringing that to market .


    What we can't say that this tech doesn't cause global warming OMG where will we be able to spend those billions on my upstart companies so i can become rich ... Politics i freakin hate them !!


    One major problem in the world is the lack of understanding about Hydrogen.  Hydrogen is not an Energy or Electricity production mechanism.  It is a store of power, a delivery mechanism so to speak.  In fact it takes a great deal of energy to create Hydrogen power (Grey & Blue) vs. the Green Hydrogen that is really pie in the sky until we have more Nuclear (Fission now, Fusion eventually).

  10. 19 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    Well, no, Billsy, that's a separate issue altogether.   If your safe space is dealing in absolutes, we can do that.


    The GQP should be prosecuted when the GQP is involved in criminal activity.  


    I don't think the GQP should be prosecuted, harassed or threatened when there is no criminal activity. That's where we probably disagree. 

    Of course.   


    I don't recall anyone  lobbying for the Gore team to be prosecuted for questioning the sanctity of our elections, or sowing seeds of discontent.    Even though it's clear W prevailed on election day, sometimes these things are litigated.  


    Well of course, in that case it was the Democrats challenging...they are allowed to do that.  Because, um, they are on the right side of History, that's why

  11. 1 hour ago, Over 29 years of fanhood said:

    All for the second one, to the first, your thinking is someone making 30k per year should pay rhe same portion of their income to taxes like someone who makes several million? 


    It's a good question you ask...my personal view (long gone from possibility) would be that low-income pay not much, middle-class pays more (as a %-age of their income) and the wealthy pay a much higher %-age AND we have a much smaller Federal Gov't that focuses on the things that a Federal Gov't in a Republic should focus on...



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  12. 12 hours ago, Buffalo Timmy said:

    I have a friend who actually believes, and I have a hard time showing any evidence he is wrong, that Biden is intentionally doing this to force enough people to be reliant on govt that Dems never lose power. Basically the LBJ plan for all.


    that is 100% the plan.  Headlines last week that the FEDERAL GOV'T was going to write checks to "people who drive cars and have suffered from higher prices..."


    This is EXACTLY what the the Leftist/Socialist agenda-ites actually puppeteering behind Biden are up to.  It's Socialist whack-a-mole.  Toss out idiotic ideas ($1.9T "Historic", unnecessary stimulus) without consideration for the externalities & consequences (runaway inflation) then toss out even further idiotic ideas (print more money) because they're just plain stupid instead of doing what would make more sense (convince companies to pump more Oil because you're "not going to put them out of business" as said prior on television hundreds of times).


    We are in deep trouble with these people in charge, I hope we make it to November.

    • Agree 2
  13. 4 hours ago, TH3 said:

    Got ANY back up to substantiate ANY OF THIS? And no ….Biden sucks not good enough….How has any Biden policy affected any current supply capacity? No…Keystone and No ….lack of new drilling permits did not change US supply capacities……there are literally thousands of drilled and capped wells and thousands of already permitted areas not drilled….Please point me to an actual legislative policy and actual quantitative result …..

    Yes you got it correct in the last sentence 


    You just don't understand economic incentives and decisions, like at all.  It's OK


    Most Leftists don't

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  14. 12 hours ago, Coffeesforclosers said:

    We're suffering from a massive case of the boy who cried wolf.  Ever since the forever wars started, we've been fed a line about the next Hitler, mushroom clouds, wmds and whatever.


    Now when there's an actual maniac who wants to reconquer a dead empire, everyone on all sides of the political spectrum is fed up.


    It's ***** sad that we've come to this. because everyone is torn between standing up to Tsar Vladimir the Insane and starting ANOTHER war that goes on and on and on and on.




    No, it's Emperor Has No Clothes

    Covid Definitely, Global activities certainly.  The boy who yelled "But he hasn't any clothes on" would be arrested by today's Leftist thugs.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  15. I find this hilarious...I just got a NY Times "Breaking News" Alert that the "Former Proud Boys" Leader was indicted in the Jan 6th investigation


    I had no recollection of who "The Proud Boys" are or why that would be breaking news, so I searched my email for NYT Breaking news emails, and I have 6 such emails since Feb 27th:

    -- 3 Jan 6 "Breaking News Alerts"
    -- 2 Russia Invades Ukraine
    -- 1 Wuhan Market likely origin of the pandemic (yeah, OK)


    LOL, no wonder we're so effed up; apparently half the population either reads or thinks this way.  Terrifying


    • Thank you (+1) 2
  16. 2 hours ago, Tiberius said:

    Kharkiv is, according to the news, just being flattened. Totally indiscriminate bombardment. Now a nuclear power plant on fire. Ya, this is an attempted genocide or attempted ethnic cleansing action against the Ukrainian people. Putin is a modern Hitler




    Leftist Europe and the United States should not have adopted idiotic Energy policies over the last 1-10 years.


    The Western Libs about to learn a hard lesson

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