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Posts posted by OrangeBills

  1. On 8/9/2022 at 3:28 PM, ChiGoose said:


    The law as crafted is to give the IRS resources to target high wealth individuals and corporations with complicated tax structures. I am absolutely in favor of ensuring that all Americans are subject to our tax laws, not just the poor and middle class. If they use the funds improperly, they should be punished for it.


    So I will ask you for a third time: Do you think the IRS should enforce tax laws against the elite?


    The poor and most of the Middle Class pay Zero Federal Income Taxes....and most GET money from the gov't each year.  Clueless.

  2. 23 minutes ago, Tenhigh said:

    At this point I hope it's enough to get Trump banned from running again.  His mere existence in the political world is bad for the country. Partially because he is a POS.  But also because he makes our friends across the aisle act like full blown animals.  


    Incorrect, the Means To An End Party would be acting like this regardless of "Trump"


    Sure, he probably amplifies their generational angst, but they truly want to reform the Greatest Nation-State in the history of the world in their image and they'll stop at nothing.  They don't respect our Rule of Law because they don't respect how the country "is"...


    Look at the 3-year NY AG "probe"...if "They" spent 3 years investigating any person in the United States, with all of their absurd rules they've foisted upon us, they could arrest every single person in the country.  They will stop at nothing until they've demolished what had existed.  


    Destroy Not Build -- US Democrat Party

  3. 1 minute ago, Nineforty said:


    You don't see how the modern Republican party is the party of fascists? jesus ***** christ man... wake the ***** up.


    I just looked up the definition and I can draw a parallel to the Republican party with every ***** description of the word. 


    I'm quite confident that you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about. 


    Rule of Law, Freedom, Personal Responsibility, SMALL State, LESS Government, YOUR Money, YOU Earn It, WE leave you alone, WE DON'T tell you what to do, WE DON'T over-react to a standard cold/flu virus...


    These are the opposite of Totalitarian/Fascist principles


    Again, I appreciate that Leftists/Liberals can't comprehend this



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  4. 16 hours ago, Nineforty said:


    I think this is something that would be litigated all the way to the Supreme Court, and I would presume Trump would win if that was the case. winning a national election from a jail cell though.. different story.  im sure the fascists (his supporters) would still vote for him


    that said, there are plenty of other ways this ends with him not being able to run for office again that has nothing to do with removal of classified documents. 


    18 USC 793E


    These are very bad people.  You are mislabeling who the Fascists are here (as has happened throughout history).


    Nazis (Socialists)

    Mussolini (Socialist)

    USSR (Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics)

    Cuba (Socialists)

    Venezuela (Socialists)


    The only real "Fascist" state is North Korea, that's really undefinable...the Middle East non-free societies are just religion-based.   All Totalitarian regimes in the West erupt from Socialism, which we are hurtling toward.


    I understand the Leftist/Liberal mind is incapable of understanding this

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  5. 12 hours ago, DRsGhost said:


    Imagine if only in 2020 we had internationally respected scientists advocating for keeping schools open. Maybe this massive failure could have been avoided.


    Oh wait. We did. In October 2020. And this declaration was promptly censored and labeled as disinformation. Leading scientists from Harvard, Stanford and Oxford....disinformation peddlers!


    But sure, follow the science or something...




     As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection. 


    Coming from both the left and right, and around the world, we have devoted our careers to protecting people. Current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health. The results (to name a few) include lower childhood vaccination rates, worsening cardiovascular disease outcomes, fewer cancer screenings and deteriorating mental health – leading to greater excess mortality in years to come, with the working class and younger members of society carrying the heaviest burden. Keeping students out of school is a grave injustice. 


    Correct, we were lied to by Leftist "scientists", who are really political scientists and they saw an opportunity to seize a weak-minded populaces' freedoms

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  6. 11 minutes ago, TSOL said:

    How come nobody ever talks about Bidens successes? 


    Because this is the Liberal mind-set (they have no idea how an economy works):


    Biden got up today and rambled off like 4-5 gov't initiatives of borrowing/taxing and then spending money, then declared "that doesn't sound like a Recession to me"


    These people are so beyond clueless.   SURE!  Fake a Pandemic, hand over $1 TRILLION to Pfizer/Pharma, then demand back $200B like that's some "policy win" and give that money to Leftist-friendly Green technology future failures


    (I'm not even negative on Green Technologies, quite the opposite, but they should happen like any other, some subsidies are fine just like the fossil fuel industry because in the end, and as Europe is finding out, Energy is a National Security issue)


    Throw $100B at the IRS because there are "tax-evaders" out there not "paying their fair share" when literally 60% of Americans don't even PAY income tax?!





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  7. 2 hours ago, Doc Brown said:

    I told you a couple years ago that once the vaccines were developed and widely distributed the restrictions would gradually go away including mask mandates.  You insisted it would be forever with your stupid Sandlot gif.  This is becoming more like the flu as people are coming to the realization this is an endemic.  Politicians are getting the memo.  


    It was a political never-happened as they defined people who died in hospitals but tested positive for COVID as COVID deaths to juice numbers and engage in the Global Psy Op


    We had two light flu seasons then two heavy ones as people forgot what it's like to be sick.  Societal hysteria, labeling, Media, politics...the Western Free World was ripe to be manipulated, they WANTED to be manipulated


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  8. 9 hours ago, DRsGhost said:

    When the history is written on covid policies and lockdowns, what these ghouls did to the children of our nation in the name of "following the science" will be rightly called out for the disgusting political BS that it was.


    Never again.


    ***** every last one of them and anyone who supports this non scientific bull *****.



    it’s more than that....we will find out/realize that there was a global cabal sending us on an unenviable crusade





  9. 59 minutes ago, cle23 said:


    I agree that both sides suck.  That's my point.  But everyone jumps on one side and just blames the other side when they both do the exact same thing.


    People call it a plandemic yet somehow never blame the people in charge at that point.  Who deserves the blame if it was planned?  US? China? Who? I'd love to know considering it killed both my parents.  


    Either way, how did the $3.1T not contribute but the $1.9T is solely to blame?


    It was quite clearly a Sino-Russian Psy Op designed to turn the Western Leftist world against itself and shift the world order.


    They knew what we would get ourselves into if given the chance.

    32 minutes ago, cle23 said:


    Covid killed 6.3M in 2 years.  The flu kills 350,000-600,000 per year.  But yeah, the flu...


    Those are gov't numbers which you need to stop trusting, and they are nowhere near Apples/Apples.

  10. On 4/9/2022 at 11:48 AM, ALF said:


    If hydrogen fuel cells could be made better for vehicles and the environment then lithium batteries and the need for large electric use to charge would it not be better ? Hydrogen fuel power generation instead of nuclear power ?  


    Hydrogen does not produce power itself, it is a delivery mechanism for stored power, like a Battery

  11. 11 hours ago, Delete_Account said:


    I don’t disagree with anything you said here, ALF.


    It’s unfortunate that Republican voters think opening the floodgates on domestic fossil fuel supply will have a major effect on inflation and gas prices. A cursory look at U.S. fossil fuel import/export data from the past 5 years would shatter those hopes, as would a cursory look at international inflation and gas price data from the past 5 years. The lesson, in other words: our energy industry isn’t nationalized, and fossil fuel prices are subject to international supply/demand forces.


    Yet another GOP inflation talking point that should be dispelled by election season (but won’t) is the notion that excess government spending and increased spending agency among the labor market are major contributing factors. We can look at 5-year national/international data on federal budgets, consumer spending, wage growth, and inflation to figure out that these aren’t good explanations, either. And the observed spending spikes in 2020 were necessary to prevent a dangerous deflationary cycle.



    At the moment, natural gas is about 30% of our total domestic energy consumption. You don’t think we could get that number down to 20% by ~2035 and 5% by 2050 if we relied on nuclear? That would be three decades worth of preparation! Almost all of the effort would come in the simple form of preventing new public land sales for fracking. Every employee who recently joined the natural gas industry would still have the opportunity to finish their careers in it if they so choose.


    “Libs” are slowly changing their minds on nuclear. I’m seeing it! It’s true, though, that “cons” are historically more favorable to it. Yet another reason why I’m so pro-nuclear is because it lends itself better to political compromise than any of our other energy options.


    "The Libs" should be pro-nuclear, but they're apparently not very smart so they missed this boat by a mile.


    The answers to your questions are that Nuclear SHOULD be able to replace Nat Gas, but for the next 10-15 years you're still talking Nuclear Fission.  In that case, it's just not possible and we will be ultra-reliant on Nat Gas.  Incidentally your 30% number is way off, it's really 38-40% but in reality it's much more than that at given periods...you can't average out baseload capacity for the periods when Renewables are actually 'shining' or else you'd have extended periods of down-time.


    The US Gov't (read, Libs) have made operating and constructing a Fission plant so impossible that none will be constructed, I'm sorry to say, to create this response you're referring to.  They are still shutting down US Nuclear plants, and the most recent dual-Fission reactor plant to be constructed was/is like 8 years behind and costing $Billions more than expected, essentially shutting down any follow-on projects.


    There would be hope for smaller reactors in development if not for the afore-mentioned cultural problem we have with the Left.


    So you're really going to have to wait a couple decades for Nuclear Fusion to take over...the Tech is really getting there but will take a generation for it to be scaled to our needs.


    US citizens should watch what's happening to their Eco-Green-Oriented European counterparts, particularly this winter when they have no fuel to burn unless they pay Russian extortionary pricing (in Rubles likely), and reconsider if that's the future they under some Leftist/Biden/Harris leftward lurch.


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  12. On 6/30/2022 at 2:23 PM, ChiGoose said:


    That used to be my argument when friends said they wanted to get rid of the filibuster during the Obama administration. That they would regret it when the GOP took over.


    But at this point, we are so polarized, so divided into our "us vs them" two party camps, that there is zero incentive for senators of one party to do anything that might benefit the other. You could propose a bill that 80% of Americans support but you'd get few people from the other side to join you and reaching the 60 vote threshold, even on a popular bill, would be next to impossible.


    Congress doesn't actually legislate on anything important any more. There's just no incentive for them to cooperate. But all the American public sees is those bums in Washington not doing anything for the average American.


    So do away with the filibuster entirely. It will allow the parties to actually pass meaningful legislation AND it would make it very clear to the American public who is responsible for it.


    If the Dems somehow manage to pick up two senate seats in the Fall, they should immediately do away with the filibuster and pass the legislation they believe they were elected to enact. And if they overreach or don't do what the public wants, then the GOP will take over in 2024. And then the GOP can pass what it wants to pass with no obstruction from the Dems. And the voters can judge them on that.


    But in the current environment, so long as the filibuster stands, the senate will obstruct meaningful legislation from either party. And the public will blame everyone instead of those doing the obstruction. It's a recipe for nothing getting done and increasing division.


    [EDIT] Addendum:


    Removing the filibuster may actually create an incentive for bipartisanship. If the minority party knows that the majority party can pass any legislation it wants, then the minority party may be incentivized to be involved in the legislation to help shape it in a manner they find more acceptable. Currently, there is no incentive for this as the minority party can just block the legislation outright.



    Sorry, dumb


    Never forget that our society is going to collapse under 8-9% inflation, and the looney tunes under your Party's cap wanted to spend ANOTHER $6T to really send us into the Dark Ages.


    The Filibuster protects us all against completely stupid Leftists, thank God


  13. 13 hours ago, Buffalo_Stampede said:

    What’s the cause for the drop? 


    Commodities prices are dropping quickly all over the place as investors and industry participants brace for the pending Implosion/Recession that's coming.  


    Such periods are really bad for prices.  The Fed has to irrationally raise Interest Rates well above the natural rate to levels that cease commerce because our Liberal/Democratic morons in charge shut down the Economy over a run-of-the-mill virus and pumped $10T into a $20T economy because they don't know what they're doing.


    The human toll from those actions will dramatically exceed any suffering (over)-attributed to COVID.

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  14. 7 hours ago, All_Pro_Bills said:

    Our entire culture is sick.  Right away, the usual suspects in politics and the media go on the hunt to identify the shooters ideology.  Which side can we blame?  The left or the right?  Did he vote for Biden or Trump?  Is he associated with Antifa or maybe White Supremacist groups?  Can this violent and senseless act help with our political and social agenda?  How can our causes benefit from the suffering of others?   


    Instead of just admitting we've got a generation of a lot of maladjusted and dysfunctional young men that appear to have little purpose or interest in life running loose in the country.  And that for one reason or another they've gone down a wrong path that's transformed them into raging psychotics and we need to do something about it that goes far beyond talk about gun control.  Whatever the politics, the system, whether its education or parenting techniques, or the legal system, or the economic system, or social media, or video games, or some other thing, screwed these kids up and the system better fix the problem.


    It's the great "unsaid":   some time ago society declared war on privileged White Males.  The problem is not all white males are privileged, but they have to deal with the same new framework as the actual privileged males. 


    No defending the behavior at all, but there are cost/effect to actions that societies are not very good at understanding.  And the American Left is absolutely horrific at understanding...

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  15. 1 hour ago, Delete_Account said:


    I don’t think it needs to take us several decades to get to a satisfactory state of renewables. With the proper political willpower, we could get it done within one decade. If you recall earlier, I provided an example of a national energy percentage breakdown that could get us to net zero emissions by 2050:


    45% nuclear

    20% EV

    15% solar

    10% petroleum

    5% natural gas

    5% all other renewables

    0% coal


    Using CURRENT technology only (so stuff like Generation 2+ fission reactors, lithium-ion batteries, and silicon-based photovoltaics), we could get to something like the following by the end of this decade, simply by enacting sufficiently large government expenditures on energy infrastructure:


    35% nuclear

    10% EV

    10% solar

    20% petroleum

    20% natural gas

    5% all other renewables

    0% coal


    As you can see, I’m accounting for the fact that any practical energy solution will take longer than a decade to wean ourselves off petroleum and natural gas. This sample breakdown would put us well on our way to meeting net zero emissions, and that’s assuming only incremental technology improvements made henceforth. I didn’t even factor in any major nanotech/materials breakthroughs in EV batteries, solar panels, or generation 3/4 fission reactor plants. Those would surely come about at a rapid pace if our country actually tried. The technological difficulties for carbon-free energy aren’t quite as daunting as those faced at the very beginning of the Manhattan Project (which took us ~4 years) or of NASA’s race to the moon (which took us ~8 years). Moreover, we have an international STEM community collaborating on carbon-free energy R&D, unlike the Manhattan Project and NASA moon landing which were carried out under strict national secrecy.


    So basically, what I’m saying is that I’m much less worried about the technology issues than I am the political ones. What we need by 2024 is the next great U.S. energy president to emerge who takes this subject seriously and who demands an all-hands-on-deck approach involving both the government and private industries. What we don’t need are more MMGW deniers, EPA haters, fossil fuel crony capitalists, and free market fundamentalists.



    The Nat Gas assumptions...not possibly close I'm afraid.


    And the Libs hate Nuclear, so good luck with that.

  16. On 6/16/2022 at 10:31 AM, 716er said:


    Dumbest thing ever written on PPP






    I don't care, you just lack critical-thinking skills, and like most of America have little knowledge of viruses


    Think about these questions:


    1)  Why did China obfuscate or flat out lie about the real health effects of this latest "novel coronavirus"?  I assure it wasn't because they didn't know.   They've dealt with novel coronaviruses more than anyone


    2)  Why did China hoard "PPE" from the West after "making it clear" that everyone needed PPE to protect themselves from the virus?


    3)  Why were Chinese Twitterbots posting bogus videos of people "with COVID" dropping dead in streets which is absolutely not what happens here?


    They convinced the West to destroy their Economies, tilt their politics suicidally Left, crush a generation and basically cede eventual Global domination by hyping a slightly worse Flu bug.  


    But "oh right" a MILLION Americans died over 2.3 years of a disease we were convinced to desperately seek outcomes from...the historical obituary of the decline of Western Civilization will focus on the American Left's response to COVID, with pictures of youth basketball players wearing masks, etc.

  17. 12 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    The American people should solve this. Everyone should improve their gas milage. Smaller cars, more fuel efficient and that will save people money and drive down costs. 

    So you have zero ideas. Ok) 




    Declare COVID over.  We can debate about what it ever was (it was a global Psy Op that we fell for) but no matter, it's gone and is dramatically affecting our economy.  People need to go to work.  The Biden Admin needs to have the courage to declare this "Pandemic" is no longer a National Emergency and people need to get back to work to earn a living.


    Remove the punitive language and disincentives toward Energy production...ESG-related innovations are happening regardless, no need to punish the lower-40% of Americans to make John Kerry happy.


    Yes, maintain low overall Tax rates.  It's an important incentive to invest here.


    Essentially, just do every thing that Trump was doing without the bombast that weak-minded Leftists can't take (nevermind that the Racist and Hate nonsense was creationism by radical Leftist media)



  18. Just now, Buffalo Timmy said:

    What do you suggest happens?


    It's just that Tibs is a Leftist and has no idea how incentives work in an Economy.  He can't track or understand rates of return, capital flows, etc etc


    For instance, Leftists are crowing about "Biden Deficit Reduction", but that's because they're too stupid to realize that's resultant from the Federal Reserve and Federal Gov't just PUMPING money into the Markets and Economy, leading to Trillions in short-term paper wealth profits, leading to lesser-Trillions in short-term cap-gains tax receipts, but ultimately not fundamentally changing anything, and in fact leading to this hyper-inflationary situation that's going to destroy livelihoods faster than they can say "Fossil Fuels Are Bad"

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