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Posts posted by udonkey

  1. Yeah, because talking about the big conferences isn't enough. Hey, what are the big boys scared of???? Afraid Ball State will pull another Boise State on New Years Day???




    I've never seen a better bowl game than that Boise State game. But god forbid, don't let anyone else into the real bowl games......it's getting old!


    I'm just bustin' balls...I agree that the Boise State-OU game was one for the ages, but admit it buddy, the only thing that Ball State has in common with the '06-'07 Broncos is "B-S-U".

  2. Cuz your gonna get rolled by my Cards next week.


    Brady Hoke will outcoach Gill. Nate Davis will outshine Willy. Miquale Lewis will continue to dominate the MAC. And Bills fans will salivate at the opportunity to watch their future TE, in Darius Hill. The line should be somewhere at about 17 1/2.


    Yeah UB fan, I'm talking to you. From soldout Schuemann Stadium tonight to Ford Field next week, your gonna get rolled. IT's official, and it's on. Please make a good showing for yourselves. The MAC Least has looked pretty damn weak this year. Can you make up for it?


    Ball State 45 UB 17


    Is this guy really talking sh-- about MAC football? I know that MLS season is over, but can't you find something else to entertain yourself?



  3. Connor Barwin's xfer from TE to DE...who knew? :o


    Don't forget that he also filled in as a "body" for the basketball team in Mick's first year.


    The guy has been an incredible asset to UC athletics and I hope his name will make it somewhere on the campus permanently.

  4. On November 19, 2006, a day after my UC Bearcats knocked off an undefeated Rutgers at home, I made the following post:




    From the opposite point of view as Ed's, WHAT AN INCREDIBLE GAME!


    Let me preface this by saying that its difficult to be a Cincinnati Bearcats football fan. In this city, people rank football in order of: Bengals, High School football (these 2 are interchangeable, depending on how the Bungles are playing), and then the Bearcats. The way I see it though, these guys deserve to have people in the stands, and they're finally putting together a program that will ensure it.


    Despite playing right after the biggest college football game of the year, UC was still able to draw out ~27,000 people. Sounds embarassing, considering I was at a high school game on Friday night in the same stadium that drew over 17,000, but fortunately, the people that were there gave the guys on the team something to be proud of, being extremely loud for most of the game and letting them know that we appreciated the dominance of a top 10 team.


    Not sure if people will say that UC played well, or RU played poorly, but if you look at the stats for the season, it was pretty much more of the same for UC's defense. According to ESPN.com, in 7 home games this season, no team has rushed for 100 yards against UC, including the 3rd best rusher in the nation, who only put up 51.


    Theres talks that Dantonio might be heading up to MSU, but if UC can secure him, and get an offense put together to go with his solid D, I think people might be hearing more about the UC Bearcats in the near future...never going to be making a run for a national championship, but hopefully becoming a consistent player in the Big East.


    Well, here we sit 2 years later, and looking back, it can be said that THAT was the game that put UC football on the map.


    Today, Nov. 22, 2008, UC takes on Pitt - which will be before a SOLD OUT crowd of 35,000+, on national primetime TV - ranked #19 vs #20 - to essentially lock up the Big East title and the school's first BCS bowl bid (after winning, they would still have to beat Syracuse next week to finalize this).


    Since my last post, Mark Dantonio has left and we've brought on Brian Kelly. Now, the talks intensify that he's on his way out as well...I don't feel bad though. In two years, we've made some great strides, we've got some of the best facilities in the country (including a new practice facility just announced yesterday: http://www.wcpo.com/news/local/story.aspx?...b-3879712cb392), and we've got an invigorated fan base. We'll find a new coach to keep this thing going if BK leaves.


    As a UC fan (and season ticket holder), I say SCREW EM....we're on the map, and we're not going anywhere. :rolleyes:

  5. We've had rowdier crowds in Morgantown than there were Monday night. However, there were plenty of drunken idiots turned away at the gates...which held everyone up and made me miss half of the first quarter and Trents first 2 INTs...


    Consider yourself lucky then...


    By the way, how about those Bearcats? Nice bloomers in your avatar...hopefully all of the girls don't wear granny panties in Morgantown B-)

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