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Posts posted by PaoloBillsFanFromItaly

  1. 8 minutes ago, D. L. Hot-Flamethrower said:

    350 million people, if 70% get it thats 250 M. If 85% of the cases are mild that still leaves 35 M. If the death rate is 1% that is 350, 000 Dead. Lots of bodies, especially when you consider the normal flu kills 20-50,000. Even if only 30% get it still over 100,000. If the death rate is 3.4% like WHO says that's over a million. I hope everything tends to be hyperbole by the media. I'm no so sure that this isn't pretty damn serious.


    If a lot of people get the disease there is no structure that can treat them.

    5%, 10% of people affected requires "intensive therapy", if the disease will spread 10% of the affected people will die.

    This happened in Wuhan when the disease begin to spread.

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. Today in Italy the person in charge of the civil protection gave the numbers of the covid death.

    827 deaths, 78% are people with bad pre exixtent conditions, in Italy we say, they died WITH the coronavirus.

    The remaining are the deaths FOR the coronavirus, the index of letality adjusted according to this consideration is 1.46% and it is compliant with the rest of the world.


    I want to remark this because I saw your posts about the high mortality of the disease in Italy.

    We count every death, there are no reserved information (I hope), but I want to remark this important difference.

    And I repeat, the problem is not the letality, it is the HUGE number of people that require special cares in hospitals.

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. In Lombardia, the Italian region most covered by the infection, the regional government is asking the national government to shut down for two weeks public trasportation and all private companies. The national government is neglecting it for now, due to the power of Confindustria (the Association of Industry), but the thing can happen in the very next days.

    An entire region (Milan included) can be completely shut down for two weeks.

  4. 16 minutes ago, Buffalo Bills Fan said:


    Hey hope you and everyone doing ok.  Take good care of you're self. Question is i'm asking if you're brother knows if meds helping people out with covid-19?  What happens if meds run out?


    Just seeing meds helping lots people out. Just wondering on this.

    I don't know anything about meds, my brother treats melanoma, he does not know.


    For now situation is under control, doctors and nurses are working very very hard, we have meds and we have equipment, right now.

    There is no lack of medical equipment, the percentage of dead people is way higher in Italy because we made a lot of testing of people badly compromised by existing diseases that were posititive to the test (after death). There was, and there is a lot of public debate about the difference betweem dying FOR coronavirus and dying WITH coronavirus.

    In Italy both categories were counted, we suspects that many people dying from viral pmeumonia in other countries are not counted. Of course this is just speculation.

    Also Italy has the most percentage of old people (second only to Japan).


    But, the situation is CLOSE TO THE EDGE, and so extraordinary measures took place.

    Measures very similar to the ones taken in China.

    The legislative decree that took places yesterday was named "Stay home".

    • Like (+1) 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

    Let's call it 120,000 cases. There are 7.7 billion people in  this world. As I posted the other day, your chances of dying from a car accident, walking (falls), or the flu are much greater than catching, or dying from, this disease.  Are you going to give up driving? Are you planning on giving up walking? Did you get a flu shot?


    This is true, we used to say the same things...


    Problem is that if hospitals are full of covid cases and you will have a car crash, no one will take care of you and will will die.

    Read my post above please, no country is taking straordinary measures for no reason.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  6. Hey guys, as my nick states, i am Italian, I didn't read the topic, I want to tell you about the situazion in Italy.


    From yesterday the whole nation has been elevated to "red zone" status, meaning that no one is supposed to leave home without a valid reason (work, health or "strict necessity"). The vast majority of companies is switching to partial or full "smart working". Gyms, swimming pools are closed, in every shop people is allowed to enter one at time and outside people is waiting in queues with at least one meter of distance between each other.

    Even when walking (in european cities people is mostly walking, not driving) people are keeping the distance on one meter by rule.

    Hospitals begin to be full of covid cases, situation is critic, my brother that works in oncology department said that most of medical examinations are postponed not to expose immunosuppressed patients to potential infections. I am 37 years old, my parents are 73 and 69 years old, my brother prohibited me to visit them, unless stricty necessary, in case I have to go there with clean clothes.

    I don't take trains or public transportation to go to work, but I decided to make a 40 minutes walk.


    Three weeks ago, when in China the martial law ruled and people where cared of in military tents, our politicians told us not to stop economy, to continue going on to restaurants, cinemas, museums.

    In Europe now no one is caring too much, I cannot blame them, we kept the same behaviour until the situation got critical.

    Probably we thought "they are chinese...", now French and German are probably thinking "they are Italians", until the disease will spread up VERY fast.


    And beware, problem is not the letality of the virus, which mostly kills people with bad pre-conditions, the problem is the number of people required to sustain intensive therapy.

    If the situation will get worse, hospitals will decide to treat the young people and let the old people die.

    I'm telling you this knowing that we still have one of the best national healt system in the world.

    I don't want to imagine how the situation will be handled in the USA.


    So please spread the word and keep it safe.


    • Like (+1) 4
    • Thank you (+1) 3
  7. I am a 37 years old man from Italy and here a few people follow American Football.

    I have been following American Sports since I was a child (6 years old) and in particular american football was my favourite, even though I was playing basketball at that time.

    I have a vivid memory of watching Superbowl XXV (for sure it wasn't live) and I remember I was already a diehard Bills fan. I remember the wide right episode and the following superbowls.

    After some years the american sports channel was trasfered to pay tv and I didn't follow the Bills for quite some time.

    Then Internet came and I was able to follow the matches on NFL gameday site and radio streams.

    Then again my parents purchased pay tv and football was back on TV!!!

    Since I have been living on my own I use to purchase NFL Game Pass every year.


    But I have another vivid memory of my childhood years.

    When my soccer ball used to get punctured I didn't throw it in the thrash can, instead I used to throw it with my hand like an NFL QB, and in particular the player I was "interpreting" was.....JOE MONTANA.

    So probably somewhere back in time I switched to the Bills from the 49ers  :-)

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. I am enjoying so far the products, in particular:


    1) Clock rules

    I like them for the most part, the up tempo is nice to see. Having same rules in time stoppage for both tackles and incomplete passes will limit the usual strategies of running to consume the clock or to pass to come back from behind, but maybe this is not bad. I think that having constant comunication between QB and OC will favor offense over defense though. I fear I will see the NFL as too slow when it will start in September...


    2) Kick off rules

    I like it


    3) Punting rules

    I like the rule that gunners have to wait until the kick, I absolutely don't like the touchback on 35 yds line (while I like it for the kick off).


    4) All microphoned

    Hmmm, it's nice to hear everything but it will never be adopted by a big league for the sake of signal "stealing".


    5) Hit on defenseless receiver

    Still inconsistent calls, if DB leads with shoulder, does not target neck/head, and does not "launch", it should not be called.

  9. 14 hours ago, The Real Buffalo Joe said:

    I personally wonder how much this will really be used. I'm reserving my judgement on the rule until I see how it's executed. The playclock is the one rule I don't like. Speaking from a fan's perspective, I love going to sporting events, and I'm never in a rush to get out of there. But I get WHY they're doing it. Quicker game play for the TV audience with a short attention span.


    I enjoyed the AAF as well. The on field product was good for the most part. I liked the recruiting structure where each team had a territory of specific college and NFL teams, and you had first dibs on players who most recently played for those teams. I'm a big Houston Cougar fan, so I enjoyed watching the San Antonio Commanders because they had 3-4 Cougars on the team. The problem with the AAF is they didn't have the funding, and were doomed from the get go. The concept was fantastic, if they had the funding.


    Vince McMahon has funding. He's sold a big enough share in WWE to fund the league for three years, which hopefully gives it enough time to gain steam. Just hope he learned from Donald Trump and the USFL, and doesn't try to become a direct competitor with the NFL. At least not any time soon. 


    I also don't know how much double forward pass will be used, in any way, it is something that favors the offense, defense will have one more thing to be prepared to.

    In the last years a lot of rules favored the offense so we live in a time in which defending is more and more difficult.

    Another rule that I don't like, for the same reason, is the one foot in bound for completed passes, it also put out from the game the toe dragging which is a receiver craft.

    I will be happy to see rules that can balance the things out, for example in my opinion the DB should be allowed to make contact with the WR on the top the route (without holding of course), while the WR should be banned from pushing off in this scenario.


    For the playclock I fear that the 25 seconds playclock will put out a lot of strategy from the game, same for the rules that don't stop the game clock in case of incomplete passes.

    I think that the Alliance changed the clock from 40 to 35, this was enough in my opinion.

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