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Posts posted by Wraith

  1. Some love me here, some hate me.  No matter what anyone thinks of me here I LOVE MY BILLS!!!!!.  Ive loved this team since I was 6 years old living at Quater Meadows Apartments and use to walk to the games.  Every game.  I use to play basketball with Tony Hunter when I was little and he was just a great man.  A ticket given to me by him every week, just for playing hoops with him and helping him around the yard.  Never have I ever turned my back on this team!  Not during the Super Bowl years, not during the rebuilding years, not EVER!

    Never in my life have I been so sick than what I seen today on that field.  I knew we would take a step back with JP, but this team took a 3 year step back.  The D is NOT as good as everyone makes it out to be.  WE CANT STOP THE RUN FOLKS!  Pat is Missed......  If this team takes a injury then FORGET IT!


    How many of these EX-Pittsburgh morons is TD going to hire to coach this team?  How many garbage players is this guy going to pick up?  Im sick of this sh--!  We lose and lose and lose to FA and pick up some friggin guys who cant reach their ass to pick dingle berries but are suppose to protect JP.  GIVE ME A BREAK!

    Yeah, Im pissed we lost and yeah, the world is not over.  But Im SICK AND TIRED OF %^&* LOSING!  Its been over 10 years since we had a good team.  10 YEARS!  We have seen Baltimore, Denver, Tampa, New England win superbowls since then.  When is it if ever going to be our turn?  Its not going to happen with TD and im sorry to say this.  Moderak or whatever his name is will do a hell of a better job than TD.

    Sorry to vent guys.  But Id like to have a great season of Buffalo kick ass football.  This crap today is just BULLCRAP and IM SICK AND TIRED OF THIS SAME JUNK YEAR AFTER YEAR.  THE FANS OF THE BUFFALO BILLS AND THE CITY OF BUFFALO DESERVE BETTER AND MORE!



    That was quick. Go cry somewhere else.

  2. Dude...  the bills going from fredonia to Fisher was like going from driving a volkswagon beetle to a Lexus.  SUNY campuses have basic facilities.  private colleges have a lot more ammenities.




    Don't lump in all SUNY schools with the small colleges. UB, admittedly SUNY's largest and most well off University, has a heck of a lot more going for it that St. John Fisher, when speaking about athletic facilities and pretty much everything else.

  3. A couple of bad decisions by the former execs: The kiosks haven't panned out the way they thought. Trying to compete with Ofoto and Shutterfly by developing their own online print service (instead of buying and improving Ofoto) was another bad decision.


    On the other hand, medical test machines are doing very well, and their foray into mass-market digital cameras has been highly successful.


    Any nepotistic tendencies by big business will cause layoffs as the market changes too quickly to keep people for the sake of keeping them. Would you rather have Kodak leaner and viable, or bloated and nepotistic?



    Kodak actually owns Ofoto. The kiosks are wildly popular. The problem with both however is that even with huge popularity they haven't generated a profit. That is because while Ofoto (now known as the Kodak EasyShare Gallery) is hugely popular, membership is free and the services you have to pay for (such as printing) go unused. The problem with the kiosks is that Kodak shouldered the expenses for installing the kiosks and all the necessary infrastructure in the retailers who use them. Both of these areas seem likely to improve as time passes, especially the kiosks.


    I am of the mind that Kodak will turn things around. They have generated more innovative ideas in the last three years than in the ten previous. Good, solid ideas that consumers want. Now they have to learn how to turn a profit with them. Part of the problem is that Kodak developed huge costs over the generations and didn't care, because the profit margin on film is huge., and a little bloat could be overlooked. That business model won't fly for them anymore.

  4. I think it is even stretching it calling it a "family city"

    Rochester is a run down version of Buffalo.



    Hahaha, Buffalo would kill to be Rochester at this point. When Rochester starts closing it's parks and running out of toilet paper, you can start with the snide comments again. Until then Buffalo has nothing on Rochester. This is coming from someone who has lived in (and enjoyed) both cities for years.

  5. Actually some of it isn't bad if you like the postmodern look.  There's a lot of Louis Kahn influence in the O'Brian building, for example, but the problem is it's only influence.  As far as I'm aware, none of the North Campus buildings were designed by, like, actual famous architects (UR's Wilson Commons came off the drawing board of I.M. Pei, for example).



    Ironically, quite possibly the ugliest building on campus, Governors Complex, was designed by I.M. Pei.

  6. Don't start throwing around the "seperation of church and state in our constiutution" -- just don't go there.  Whether or not you understand the original intent of that statement, it's foolish to go that direction.


    BTW, what part of the constitution contains the phrase "separation of church and state"? or anything of the like?



    Well, since you asked, the issue was first addressed in the First Amendment:


    "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."


    In 1947 the Supreme Court added the stipulation in Reynolds v. United States that:


    "The 'establishment of religion' clause of the First Amendment means at least this: Neither a state nor the Federal Government can set up a church. Neither can pass laws which aid one religion, aid all religions, or prefer one religion over another. Neither can force nor influence a person to go to or to remain away from church against his will or force him to profess a belief or disbelief in any religion. No person can be punished for entertaining or professing religious beliefs or disbeliefs, for church attendance or non-attendance. No tax in any amount, large or small, can be levied to support any religious activities or institutions, whatever they may be called, or whatever from they may adopt to teach or practice religion"


    The Supreme Court clarified that statement again in 1971 when it ruled that a law can only be constitutional if it is: 1) Secular in nature 2) Be neutral towards religion 3) Not result in entanglements between government and religion.


    These statements lay a solid groundwork for Separation of Church and State. The First Amendment is about as constitutional as it gets and the Supreme Court's sole purpose, contrary to the arguments of meddling congresses and grandstanding judges, is to interpret the constitution.


    If quoting historical figures is the only thing you listen to, it was Thomas Jefferson who first coined the term "a wall of separation between Church and State"

  7. Bulls were supposed to be a lock for the division title and were the favorites to win the MAC and get a tournament bid. 7-5 doesn't cut it. Actually, they blew a 17 point 2nd half lead earlier this week against division leader Miami. Typical underacheiving Buffalo sports team. Niagara is the team to watch. They are leading the Metro Atlantic and are the favorite to win that conference and people are saying they could even win a couple games in the Big Dance.




    Typical uninformed comments. Lock for the division title? You fail to mention the fact that three days after losing to Miami (in overtime, at Miami) they went into Western Michigan and gave them a beat down and became the first team to beat W.M. at home in two years. Buffalo has gone toe-to-toe with every team in the conference, beating favorites Miami (OH), Western Michigan, and Toledo. They also beat Niagara in one of the best game all year.

  8. That play was the backwards pass that McGahee scored on earlier in the season.  The play was never supposed to be a handoff it was a fake.  Drew gave a crappy pass onthe play. It was poor execution--not a blown play.... even the announcers were confused.



    No it wasn't.


    For starters, Drew would never have turned around had it been the backwards pass....he would've faked a QB sneak.


    Secondly, that was no pass. He kind of pushed it towards Williams after he went to hand off and hit only air.


    It is very evident from both Williams and Bledsoe that it was a broken play. The look on Bledsoe's face, and the way Williams bashed himself in the head after the play, both indicate that somebody screwed up (Again, most likely Williams judging by his reaction when the play was over with).

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