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Posts posted by Wraith

  1. You actually believe that Betts performed the best of any running back in the league over the first 3 weeks?  :blink:  :( 


    That has got to be the most ignorant thing I have ever heard. 


    Did you actually watch the skins play.  I did, beling the local market I watch them pretty much every week, as long as it doesn't interfere with the Bills game.  Sorry but Portis outplayed Betts in the 2 games he played by far, Betts was only playing the Davis role to Thurman.  That's like saying Davis was a better back than Thurman.    :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:



    You're just proving my point. You don't understand statistics so you are easily misled.


    I said nothing about what I believe. I said that system ranks Betts' performance as the best after three games. We may have to add reading comprehension to your list of improvement areas.


    Now, if you knew anything about statistics, you would know that basing any kind of decision on a small sample size such as this is foolish. A small sample size can be heavily influenced by outliers. In this case, Betts had one hell of a performance in week three, while having limited carries in the other two weeks. Over the course of a season, these outliers have less of an effect (if they really are outliers). Look at the top three running backs in 2005 using their system: Larry Johnson, Shaun Alexander, and Edgerin James. That doesn't seem to be too far fetched.


    I could not care any less that you watched some of those games or not. It's pretty apparent from this thread alone that two people can watch the same game and come away with totally opposing viewpoints. That's because human observations are SUBJECTIVE. Statistics, done properly, are OBJECTIVE. They take human's inherent bias out of the equation.


    The NFL has chosen to use overly simplistic statistics that do not properly describe reality. People who use those statistics without understanding the limitations of the data are just as ignorant as those that see the statistics, disagree with the supposed conclusions, and proclaim that "Statistics are for losers."


    The fact is, if you base an entire argument upon your gut feeling, proclaiming Losman has no "football insticts" or just doesn't have "IT" without being able to quantify what the hell those terms mean, you deserve all the crap you get.


    Just like in the real world, if you can't back up your claims with data, I have no use for you.

  2. I don't care what they are.  They are some guys interpretaion of the stats.  Stats can be changed to show anything you want.  I could probably come up with stats that proves Ed gives heads and really is a lesbian transvestite.  Is it true.  Probably, but that's not the point. 


    The point is there is an area of concern that others have expressed.  Has nothing to do with his "stats".  Sometimes actually watching a game and not going to a "fantasy" stat sheet can do some much more for you.



    This post makes you sound ignorant. Incredibly so. Statistics can only be used to lie to people who don't understand them. Sick of being misled? Educate yourself.


    And why the hell do you put stats in quotation marks?

  3. You would think in the long-run that another employer would take advantage of that work force.



    I think that has been happening slowly but surely and will improve.


    Just keep in mind that Kodak employed 65 K in Rochester not that long ago, from which a large percentage were chemical engineers (I'm talking thousands). They had (and still have, actually) chemical engineers coming out their ears. Reabsorbing those who were downsized is an incremental process.

  4. WTF?! How is this even an issue?!


    Losman completed 22 of 38 pass attempts for 328 yards, 1 interception, 1 passing touchdown, and 1 rushing touchdown.


    Losman's error's came on unblocked safety blitzes. What on earth does that have to do with locking on to receivers?


    This is like being critical of the paint job on the Titantic (IT AIN'T THE ISSUE).

  5. Please.  He should be better mentally.  Its his 3rd year mentally, and he should be better when we need him to be.


    Rob Johnson had a 90 QB rating.  Doug Flutie said to the media that Rob Johnson has a high QB rating because he plays safe.


    JP Losman is playing safe.  JP, we didnt draft you to be a care taker, we drafted you to be our future.  The future is now, let it rip.



    You are not qualified to know what his level of play is mentally.

  6. I think the OL gave JP lots of time, and JP got too comfortable and when the pressure came he wasn't ready to throw it away.


    The first fumble was 3-4 at the Jets 19, if he throws it away there is 3 points.


    The second one was first and 10 at the Bills 33, I think they were going deep on this one, if he throws it away, they still have the ball.



    You've been repeating this in multiple threads, so I feel justified in calling you on it.


    On both plays, the strong safety, Kerry Rhodes, blitzes untouched. That means the quarterback had however long it takes for a safety to run 15 yards in a straight line. Maybe 20 yards on the second play because the safety came from the outside. Either way, holding on too long was absolutely not the issue. In addition, attempting to throw the ball away, as you suggest, is the root cause of the first fumble.


    The only question I would have for Losman if I were the coaches would be to ask if he had done everything reasonable to protect the ball.


    You are making it seem like the offensive line all held their blocks for 5 seconds or that he got hit by an unblocked 400 lb. defensive tackle moving at a sloth's pace. That was clearly not the case here, and I think you are misrepresenting the facts.

  7. I didn't see anyone praising mcgahee after he saved losman's ass by blocking TWO blitzers at once last week.



    Just because you didn't see it doesn't mean it didn't happen. At the time, many of us were ecstatic at that block. Then on the VERY NEXT PLAY he wiffs and Losman gets blindsided.

  8. Dont try and tell me that you thought the Bills had a chance to win the game after we recovered that onside kick.  I want to have that feeling that we're never out of a game with the QB we have.  Unfortunately, I dont feel that way w/ JP



    Don't try and tell you what I thought? Who the hell are you? Ya know what, I didn't think the Bills had a chance to win, I KNEW they were going to win until that downpour.


    How are you going to argue against that? You're entire argument is setting ludicrously high standards based on what you "know" in your odd little mind, and then sitting back thinking you've proved your point when when he meets almost everyone one of your standards and falls just shy of the last one.


    Fault Losman for some of the fumbles, or for the interception, or whatever, but trying to prove anything off the last drive is idiotic.

  9. They lost.  Nice try idiot.



    So what you're really saying is you won't be sold on Losman until he leads the Bills on not one but TWO touchdown scoring drives with under 3:00 minutes to go in the 4th Quarter in the pouring rain and into 30 mph winds.


    You can't disparage his passing attempts on the last drive without also acknowledging that they would not have been in that position had he not done what he did on the previous drive.


    What you SHOULD be saying is that the jury is still out. Only an idiot would say otherwise and think they've made their point.

  10. Are you serious?


    The guy runs HARD all day long for over 150 yards. Not to mention, he saves an interception early on by basically jumping on the back of a defender after a deflected J.P. pass.


    He makes one mistake and you have the gaul to come on here with this?!



    Dude, take a look around, there are at least two lengthy threads with this debate going on.


    The point is people are getting all over Losman for that fumble but McGahee is at least as equally to blame. Get a clue.

  11. Two of the three turnovers were because Losman's blind side was completely unprotected.  As for the Jets, it's really easy to NOT make mistakes when there's no pass rush. 



    How much time do you think he had on those plays to get rid of the ball? I could not see what was happening down field (i.e., whether the receivers were not open), but it did seem that he had plenty of time to get rid the of the ball to avoid a mistake. On at least one of those plays, the play clock counted down four seconds.


    JP did not have one of his better outings. His mistakes were determinative. Nevertheless, I still think that he needs more time -- both to gain experience and for the coaching staff (and the rest of us) to see whether he will learn from his mistakes.



    On the first fumble, he had no time. The safety came untouched up the middle. The second fumble, the safety went around the outside and took longer to get there, but got there just as Losman's was unloading deep. Neither one was really a matter of taking too much time with the ball. It's hard to tell whether Losman was aware of the blitzer on the first fumble, but if he was, his only mistake was trying to throw the ball away instead of taking the sack.

  12. The tackling (or lack thereof) was disastrous in general today.  Everything the D did great last week they did terribly this week.  No pressure to speak of, Clements was generally AWOL, and we got picked apart by a smart, weak-armed QB and some well-timed runs.



    Don't get me started on Clements. On the 3rd and 6 pass to Coles that led to the 4th and 1 on the Jet's last drive, he gave Coles a 10 yard cushion. Why on earth are we giving a guy with a bum hamstring a ten yard cushion on 3rd and 6 with Chad Pennington at QB who can't complete a thing down field but is the king of the 5 yard pass route? Did we not think they'd go for it on 4th and 1?

  13. Right on. JP played a great game.


    Those 90 mph passes to MaGahee in the flat were as good as it gets. Touch on passes means zero. As a matter of fact, JP will be better if he throws his short passes in the flat just a little harder.


    This is what football is all about.





    Too hard? Too high? Yes. But too hard? As my sister's boyfriend the Giants fan put it, "That was an incredibly poorly timed jump by McGahee," so much so that he was already on his way down when the ball got there. That doesn't sound like it was thrown too hard to me. They were all too high though.

  14. Our playcalling is so much better than it has been in the last 4 years, but again, the one play that turned the momentum was that unnecessary fake FG that was busted up by moorman's bad shuffle pass. I don't like it when you have the lead, you have the momentum, and you're in position to make it a two possession game...and you do something quirky. It doesn't seem like Jauron ball, either...but I'm sure we'd say it was brilliant if Moorman had passed it properly and it went for a first that resulted in a TD.


    But I will always be against high risk tricks that can turn momentum against you...particularly against a team that had generated zero momentum of their own to that point.


    Hopefullly they'll get wiser. TAKE THE POINTS AND QUIT FUGGIN AROUND



    Well said. The other head scratching play call was the naked bootleg on 3rd and 1 on the 1. WTF was that?!

  15. I liked JP in there, and the types of things he did are expected.  Having said that, we win this game with KH and A-train starting at QB and RB.



    You are insane. McGahee ran for 150 freakin' yards and we don' t give him the ball on 3rd and 1 on the 1?!?!? Blame the play calling.


    Do we also forget that Holcomb through 4 Interceptions against this defense at the end of last year?

  16. He had his chance today.  Nice pass on 4th down JP.  Why didnt he scramble for the first.  Im selling.  I think I made my point.



    Except you ignore the drive right before it in which he went 70 through the air and rain in the crucial touchdown on 4th and long to give the Bills a chance.

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