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Posts posted by Backintheday544

  1. Morning Consult before 44-42 Trump.



    After 45-44 Biden.



    other key takeaways:


    Over half of voters (54%) approve of the 12 jurors’ historic decision to convict the former president on 34 felony charges related to a 2016 hush-money scheme with adult actress Stormy Daniels. A similar share believes Trump committed a crime.

    Our Friday survey showed that just 15% of Republican voters nationwide want Trump to drop his White House bid, a bit higher than the 8% of Trump supporters who said the same. That figure among the larger GOP electorate is in line with the share of potential Republican primary voters who supported his last remaining challenger, Nikki Haley, at the end of her campaign.

    Roughly half of voters said they would oppose the former president’s imprisonment for his 34 class E felonies. The most popular option (at 69%) would be fining Trump, followed by another 49% who would put him on probation.

    • Like (+1) 2
    • Eyeroll 1
  2. 11 minutes ago, SCBills said:

    Those aren’t the same polls. 

    I thought the same thing, but HarrisX/Harris is a different poll from HarrisX/Forbes. 


    Yea here’s both polls.


    https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/642d10aa01f0e174bec6cc08/665a542129264ac3335fae85_Perceptions of Trump Guilty Verdict - HarrisX Overnight Poll - 31 May 2024.pdf


    Harris X does do both.


    The IPSOS poll is the only true 1 to 1 poll out so far then.

  3. 7 hours ago, SCBills said:

    I don’t read a ton into this, but it is one of the first data points post-conviction. 


    to add more context.


    the last Harris poll May 15/16 had Trump +8, +5, +6.


    iPsos released 5/30, 5/31, same dates as the new Ipsos has Biden +2. The prior IPSos had Trump +2 or them even.


    so on the 2 newest polls Trump has lost significant ground.



  4. 14 hours ago, aristocrat said:

    You asked why I thought he’d win the appeal. His team is taking the case apart piece by piece. Now they go after this piece. Lot of flaws in the case. Like it or not it’s what will happen. 
    Like the value of mar a lago. They valued it at 18 mil when it’s very clearly a near billion dollar piece of land. Does that make sense to you?

    Thats no what happened. If you followed it the judge on the first day of the trial said he didn’t do that “"I specifically said in the summary-judgment decision, I'm not valuating properties," Engoron said on October 2, the first day of the trial. "Please, press, stop saying I'm valuing it at $18 million. There was a tax assessment in that range."


    You can read all about it here:


    The $18 million was a tax assessment, not the judges assessment on the value.


    The judges main issue with the fraud was that the Trump Organization did conservation easements in perpetuity. These easements made it so that the club could only be used as a social club. However, knowing this, the Trump organization still valued the property as a private residence.


    In 2020, the Trump organization also appealed that a $26.6 million tax appraisal was too high. They later rescinded their appeal and agreed with this valuation.


    The court also points out that a billion dollar valuation on the property would be 400 percent higher than the next highest valued property in the country.


    In order to appeal the decision, Trump will have to pay the fine. It’s dubious that will happen. But you’re welcome to donate to his GoFundMe:



  5. 1 hour ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    I dunno. Some of these are pretty funny. Gotta love that the so-called "conservative website" sees fit to publish the jokes under the guise of rolling their eyes at the jokesters who wrote them. Seems to me he might have gotten a laugh or two himself--


    2) "Can't wait to see this go to penalty kicks tomorrow on the House floor."


    3) "Well GOP crazies actually did stop the transfer of power – to themselves."


    7) "It's outrageous that Antifa has delayed Kevin McCarthy's ascension to Speaker."



    9) "They should start the next Speaker vote with a runner on second base."


    11) "Straightforward from here – McCarthy needs to call Brad Raffensperger and ask him to find nine votes." (1:26 p.m.)


    I saw one that was Republicans finally found a way to re-do an election and they still can’t win. Cracked me up.

    • Haha (+1) 3
  6. 14 hours ago, KDIGGZ said:

    Not my guy, would rather he not run. They have been trying to "get him" for like 7 years now and so far they got a $1 million fine. Wow, I guess they got him. Now do all of the other politicians who do the same kind of stuff

    Plus for his illegal use of charitable funds, had to pay $2,000,000, admit to stealing the charitable funds for personal use (including that he used it to buy Tebow stuff), and is no longer allowed to run a NY charity.




    Plus all the other people in Trump orbit like Cohen who are in jail.

  7. 8 minutes ago, KDIGGZ said:

    "The Trump Organization could face a maximum of $1.61 million in fines."


    Oh noooo what are they going to do now? They have probably saved 50x that amount by cooking their books. Name a rich person that pays their fair share. None of them do including Bernie, Biden, AOC, Pelosi. Tons of loopholes built in and sketchy things you can do when filing. But they are concerned if us Regular Joe's pay someone $600 with Venmo. It's all smoke and mirrors


    You realize the only people who need to worry about Venmo reporting are people who are receiving taxable income via Venmo and not reporting it as income right?

    The Trump case here deals with fringe benefits and it’s pretty egregious. The fine was what was allowed under NY law. However, the bigger impact is 1) US banks are less likely to loan Trump Org money, which isn’t a good thing in real estate and 2) the guilty verdict brings a lot of facts on things like Trump signing documents, which starts to lay the evidence for the NY civil suit, which would lead to the Trump posse now being able to be officers of companies in NY anymore and other large fines.

  8. Complaint filed against Republican senate candidate Walker:




    The gist, he is claiming a homestead exemption on his TX property. To do so, he needs to be a TX resident. However, he used his wife’s GA address to vote.


    Either he committed tax fraud in TX or he illegally voted in GA.

    • Eyeroll 1
  9. Complaint filed against Republican senate candidate Walker:




    The gist, he is claiming a homestead exemption on his TX property. To do so, he needs to be a TX resident. However, he used his wife’s GA address to vote.


    Either he committed tax fraud in TX or he illegally voted in GA.

  10. 1 hour ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    For those of us that have been paying attention to the obvious, sustained and age-related decline of Joe Biden, it’s actually impressive he hasn’t already made this type of comment.  

    On top of everything else…gibberish…wandering aimlessly..even with him being a political dbag he can’t recall where his son died, and that’s just sad. 

    Given time, vampires probably make an appearance in JoeSpeak, 

    So Walker is worse off than Joe?

    2 hours ago, B-Man said:



    Imagine if there was some context to your post.


    Walker rambling on about a movie he saw.  Silly ? of course.


    He is NOT a professional politician and that is a reason that many support him.



    and the comparison to Joe's frequent flubs and wandering around til his handlers get him.



    Yeah, same thing.  😂

    They continue to try to fool you that they are helping you out. But they’re not. Because a lot of money it’s going to trees. Don’t we have enough trees around here?” - Walker on climate change


    Weren’t you one of the people saying Fetterman shouldn’t win due to his medical issues? 

  11. Imagine if Biden said in a speech:


    “I don’t know if you know, but vampires are some cool people, are they not? But let me tell you something that I found out: a werewolf can kill a vampire. Did you know that? I never knew that.

    “So, I don’t want to be a vampire any more. I want to be a werewolf.”


    With all our right wing friends thinking Biden has dementia and wouldn’t vote for him, I’m sure they wouldn’t vote for Walker with his CTE issues.



  12. 5 hours ago, Chef Jim said:


    I thought I read somewhere they did.  I must have been thinking about IDR's.  I was wrong.  

    It accrued in Income based repayment plans and in the past could get negative amortization, but once repayment does start, the new Biden admin rule will do away with negative amortization.

  13. 4 hours ago, GaryPinC said:

    How is this any different than Trump getting his name put on the spring 2020 stimulus checks? 

    In either instance no one directly asked for votes, just different tactics to make it clear who was responsible for the "free" money.


    Did any of you right wingers get outraged back then?  However tasteless both times, I don't remember any legal repercussions for Trump, should there be some now for Biden?


    Didn't Trump also promise a 10 percent tax cut for the middle class right before the 2018 mid-term elections to try buying votes?

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