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Posts posted by MacGyver

  1. 11 hours ago, Augie said:


    How does getting married change your spending pattern? On the wedding? The wife is the spender? Not being critical, just not clear about the point. 


    My son will be engaged before too long, I think, and it’s an interesting story. 


    For a man, marriage is generally a huge financial burden. And if you want to get out of it, it's financially fatal to most.


    NYS isn't a common law state, so it's best to have a live-in GF vs. a wife. You can get out of a bad situation with a lot less financial loss. It's just common sense economics. Just don't introduce any children into the dynamic.


    Now, if your goal is to raise a family, you really should get married, but you have to really think about giving your life away, because that's essentially what you're doing. Your wife and kids' lives and finances will ALWAYS come before your own, that's what's expected of you as a married man in today's culture. You are perpetually in last place when married with children. Some men can live like this, many cannot.


    It's much easier for women. They just need to find a man who brings in a decent salary, get pregnant, and they own his finances for 26 years, don't have to hold a job, don't have to get married, and can use the legal system to keep the father of their child away from them, AND get money from him.  That's like the best deal you can get in modern western culture when it comes to free money.

    • Sad 1
  2. He needs to win, then I'll take this latest QB seriously. Until then, to me, he's a 50% passer.


    I'm at the point in my Bills fandom career where I don't want to hear all the off season upbeat BS.


    Mid season, I don't want to hear excuses on why something isn't working.


    I am only going to accept that the franchise has truly changed when I see important playoff implicating wins.


    Allen and the franchise have a lot to prove to a lot of fans.

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  3. 14 hours ago, KD in CA said:


    Are they serious?!?   More than Montana for a guy that has proven NOTHING!!  He was hurt constantly at Miami then played minor league pinball for a couple years because he knew he couldn't handle the big leagues.


    Wilson is senile.  They will rue the day they threw all this money at Kelly in desperation.  Mark my words!


    Yeah, I bet he never wins a superbowl!


    Same old Bills!

  4. 2 hours ago, shane nelson said:

    If you want the Bills to be here for the next 50 years then "Our House" must be up to NFL standards.  While I love Rich, The Ralph and The Cap as much as anyone else; I love the Bills more.  Our House needs a MAJOR Renovation (okay KC or GB) or we need to move to a new home.  That new home is either OP or DT.  If not, we will be at risk of that location being somewhere else.  Time to deal with reality and not our own wants and wishes!!   


    I agree, it's absurd people are wanting a renovation to the current concrete crumbling dump.

  5. 13 hours ago, Paulus said:

    Nope, they are not normal. But, they are normal. 


    This country is full of so much ****, it sickens me every day I walk outside and look at it. Seriously, believe in something. So many cowards out there.


    Men are turning into women in western cultures, bottom line.  Having said that, Incognito does seem to have some "issues" IMO.

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