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Posts posted by daz28

  1. 13 minutes ago, phypon said:

    Hopefully he was able to talk Bibi down from retaliating and escalating.  This could get really out of control.  For everyone here, stock up on supplies.  Prices are going to go skyrocket within days if this escalates.  

    John Bolton was exactly as you'd think.  He was all about massive retaliation.  Adam Kinzinger brought up the point, that eventually you'll have a nuclear Iran, and the tipping point is right now.  Lots of rockets coming in from Lebanon.  Is it even possible to maintain the current level of escalation, and is peace even possible long-term?  Biden has failed with lesser sanctions.  trump failed to maintain the nuclear deal.  Congress has failed with aid.  Would ANY of these policies have worked in an area bent on the destruction of Israel?  At BEST, the harshest sanctions maintain an uneasy peace ripe for expanding terrorism.  I'm not sure there's any solutions short of a massive inevitable showdown.    

    10 minutes ago, phypon said:

    Reported that Hezbollah popping off now.  Another wave of 80 drones incoming within the next 12 minutes.

    I've seen some missile strikes that almost certainly had to cause casualties.  Those missiles were REALLY humming, not like most of the ones I've seen so far.  Possibly hypersonic, because 3 of them got by the defenses in short order.  

  2. Just now, phypon said:

    Starting to look like Iran is not letting up.  Looking like they will launch less effective rockets in conjunction with Hezbollah in order to soften the Iron Dome before they throw larger ordinance into the fray.  Not good.  Iran should have just stopped with a few useless drones and it would have been a one and done situation.  wtf...



    Iran is claiming they aren't sending a second wave, so this may be it.  I turned on Newsmax, and heard WW3 10x in 5 minutes, so tuning that out.  Iran better know if we send 100 missiles, they'll likely be eating most of them.  Hopefully they learn that they aren't in ours or Israel's league.  Latest: explosions reported in Tel Aviv, Golan heights, Hebron and Beersheba.  Some strikes may have landed.  

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, phypon said:

    Dude, enough with the Trump stuff/bashing.  It's not the time for that right now.  Stop thread jacking with this garbage right now.


    On a different note, does anyone have a good livestream for factual info?  I only have NewsMax on and I can't stand mainstream media of any kind because they keep interjecting political BS.  I just want a good source that is fact based without any op eds.  

    I'm watching live.  Many more intercepts over Jerusalem just now.  Not sure if any got through, but it looks like the air defense is doing a great job.  Hezbollah is claiming to be firing Katyusha rockets as well, but no reports on what they have done.  

    • Like (+1) 1
  4. 1 minute ago, phypon said:

    It looks like they have launched missiles.  I only have NewsMax on via Rumble.  Anyone have a good up to date link or twitter feed? 

    Lots of intercepts over Jerusalem.  So far it appears none have impacted.  

    • Like (+1) 1
  5. Just now, yall said:

    Well this was clearly a false report.


    45 minutes ago? It would have been there already. 

    Yeah, 30 minutes should have been enough.  Maybe they were shot down?  If nothing happens in the near term, then this strike will have been very ineffective.  

  6. 5 minutes ago, aristocrat said:

    You mean like the 10 billion Biden gave Iran in November? Good policy 

    Not saying that was a good idea, but I'm sure you don't understand all the sanctions completely.  Biden threatened even harsher sanctions right after if they continued to supply Russia with drones.  Apparently, Iran isn't sending a second wave, and it looks like we're doing a great job of knocking these missiles down.

  7. Just now, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    No, this is absolutely the time.  Biden has been a fixture in American politics for nearly 5 decades, one of the true leaders of the democrat party.  

    Like him, idolize him or despise him, now is the time.  

    LOL, you must not know what conjecture is.  The GQP has been lobbing that at him incessantly.  


    If anyone supports the rhetoric from the Islamic terrorists, to harm our president, then they too are terrorists.  


    The attack is currently live.  Looks like some missiles being intercepted.  

  8. 2 minutes ago, aristocrat said:

    What if they blame Iran and Biden? No nausea?

    If they can show where the specific policy failures were, then no nausea.  If it's as simple as saying they didn't do it when trump was president, like is already happening here, then nausea for sure.  

  9. 1 minute ago, ChiGoose said:

    Israel had to have expected this after destroying Iran’s embassy in Syria. 

    Hopefully they prepared. 

    The Iranian response is wholly excessive.  The US is already taking some drones down.  In a way, Iran finally sticking their necks out may be a good thing.  

    • Disagree 1
  10. 1 minute ago, SCBills said:

    We can talk about who’s to blame, this or that, but the bottom line is the world has become 100x more chaotic under Joe Biden. 

    Maybe just dumb luck for Trump, but considering he’s the only President in recent memory to have relative calmness.

    Even when he took out Soleimani & then talked ish about it live on tv - we still had calmness. 

    I’m not his biggest fan, but I can’t act like it’s more than a coincidence. 

    Not really the time for conjecture.  This is a result of a very long series of failed policies.  Make no mistake, Iran funded the terrorism that started this current flare up.  They're a clear enemy, and we have to unite against them.  I will be nauseous if the GQP supports Iran and blames Biden.  

    • Haha (+1) 1
  11. 2 hours ago, Tommy Callahan said:

    And the ones wearing mask everywhere without following any of those processes were????  infecting them?  


    South Korea has an entire system of Biohazard garbage cans with designated removal at building entrances and on the streets.


    https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0734242X20933343  for example.  South Korea has experience in masking.


     However, it is important to recognize how to wear and to remove a face mask. It is more important to recognize how to dispose of a used mask than wearing a mask. Specifically, used masks must be controlled safely and sanitarily because used masks may be infectious through the exposure to potentially infective respiratory droplets. The World Health Organization (WHO) advised on the use of masks in communities, during home care, and in health care settings in areas that have reported cases of COVID-19 (World Health Organization, 2020b).

    In SK, personal protective equipment (PPE) including used masks to protect from the infection of COVID-19 should be treated the same as infectious wastes at the suggestion of the WHO guidelines (World Health Organization, 2020c). In order to develop best practices for managing the used PPE, including masks and protective clothes, the principles of managing the used masks in SK were introduced based on the previous lessons of several virus infections such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) and Ebola virus. It may be useful to describe briefly the safe management process of the used PPE based on these principles as well as the generation trend of wastes due to COVID-19 in SK.


    World map of total confirmed COVID-19 deaths per million people by country - COVID-19 pandemic death rates by country - Wikipedia


    full  circle.


    have a good day.



    I'm forced to agree with you here.  If infection control protocols aren't followed properly, then it can do more damage than good.  I do not recall much training or insistence from the government on this.  

    • Like (+1) 1
  12. 2 hours ago, BillsFanNC said:


    None of the stuff you cite is forcing christian beliefs on anyone.  Politicians can bring up God.  You can ignore them. Your neighbor can try to preach to you.  You can ignore them. 

    Trans people can commit the same crimes that thousands of other people are also doing every single day, and you COULD ignore it, but you choose to cherry pick every single one you spot, and post it here.  It's hate spreading, and you know it, but luckily, the First Amendment gives you that right.  

  13. 9 minutes ago, Gregg said:


    This will stop criminals how? You know they don't follow the rules or give a crap about the law.

    Stiff penalties for those carrying stolen guns, and those who are careless with securing their weapons.  The only problem with this is that we incarcerate tons of people already, and I'm not sure it's making a difference.  Some kind of culture change may be necessary.  How to accomplish that is anyone's guess.  

  14. 5 hours ago, Doc said:

    He's just the stooge tasked with carrying out this incompetent and corrupt Admin's policies.

    Who will be replaced by a stooge with the same marching orders.  Welcome to the new Congress, where it's show trials, and no bi-partisan legislation.  If they were a corporation, they'd be terminated.  

    • Agree 1
  15. 2 hours ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    Data varies, but suggests 1 - 1.3%, which equates to between 10,000 - 13,000 late term abortions each year, assuming the stats are accurate and that the books aren't somewhat cooked here.  


    By contrast, 18,500 +/- murders during the same time, so relying on % may make it seem less awful, but the numbers are not insignificant.   


    I'd agree that most sensible, sane people are against late term abortions, which simply means that reasonable people transition from "pro-choice" to "pro life" somewhere during a pregnancy.  Yet, there are clearly people pushing abortion until birth, and laws that reflect that.  


    In a normal, healthy pregnancy, at what point do you personally transition from "it's a person's right to choose" to "you have to think of the child"?  

    The 1% is for ALL abortion at week 21 and past, so using the data, you'd assume as you get to 22, 23 and so on, there's likely a significant dip.  I have no idea where that transition point is.  I think abortion is not a good thing, but I also don't believe the state should be meddling into bodily autonomy very much if at all.  I think the last time this was a big issue was assisted suicide, and I think they came up with reasonable regulations to allow people to pass on peacefully and with dignity.  Of course the amount of nutters was lower then.  

  16. 4 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    I know what you said, it’s why I shared the article.  This particular group of doctors, not the evil Death Star GQP nutjobs that lurk behind every door, cautions that policy based on your nebulous concept of “viability” is a very bad idea.   Don’t shoot the messenger.



    The viability number should be carefully and very deeply researched from a large swath of doctors.  The non-secular GQP nutjobs shouldn't be involved, whether they are lurking behind the door or not.  This is only a discussion about viability, and if you have, what you believe to be a better determinative factor, I'm all ears, even if it's nebulous.  I have no fear of messengers, just the people that are enveloped in a cult mentality, that only believe their messengers, despite the facts/truth before them.   

  17. 1 minute ago, Pokebball said:

    Thank you. To restate then, you think scientifically human life begins at birth.


    You and I are so very far apart on this, it's probably not worth your time to continue. Thanks for the time you've given me on this.

    It seems your definition might be after the first time the fertilized egg divides.  If you're walking down the bike path, and see some tiny unidentifiable biological material on the ground, and I told you it was a human embryo, would you call it human life?  This whole issue is made stupid by the religious right.  Most normal, sane people would be just fine with just agreeing on a cut-off time, defined by doctors.  

  18. Just now, Pokebball said:

    A fetus is nothing but a stage in human life, just like an infant, a child, a teenager, and adult, etc. 


    Earlier you said viability. Now you're saying birth. All while acknowledging a human life begins before both of those. Don't be afraid to answer this question. We all see your reluctance. When do you think human life begins?

    No, I said viability was the term that legal minds were using to discuss at what point abortions should be allowed to be performed.  Before viability is when the fetus is still considered to be a part of the woman's body, and protected by her right to bodily autonomy.  There's 2 different term uses for viability in pregnancies.  Lehnerd skynerds link discusses them both.  

  19. 1 minute ago, Pokebball said:

    The link I posted is policy in each state. The current abortion laws in each state. Many of the most populous states allow abortions up until birth. Those policies/laws do not align with not wanting a late term abortion. They support the right to a late term abortion.


    Last time, when do you think, scientifically, a human life begins?


    If you refuse to answer, I won't be continuing this conversation with you. I'm not going to let you blow past my questions and carry on with your agenda.

    I've answered your question numerous times.  If you're trying to get me to waffle it's not working.  WHEN YOU'RE BORN.


    The debate was that most people are likely against late-term abortions.  The fact that only 1% are performed at over 21 weeks strongly supports that.  

  20. 2 minutes ago, Pokebball said:

    Again, you skipped my question. When, scientifically, do you think human life begins? Then we'll proceed to your questions.

    When you're born is when the government begins considering you a person.  That's when your "life" begins.  Before that, you are a fetus, albeit a human one.  You don't have to answer any questions you're afraid to answer, and you're not controlling the discussion.  

  21. 3 minutes ago, Pokebball said:

    Many states allow abortion up until birth. These states are most of the highest populated states in the country. I think it's rather disingenuous to say most most people don't support late-term abortions. Their laws don't align with that statement.


    US map of abortion rights

    That link doesn't say anything about late term abortions.  The trump nonsense about abortions "after birth" is the classic fear mongering.


    About 93% of reported abortions in 2019 were performed at or before 13 weeks of pregnancy, 6% were conducted between 14 and 20 weeks and 1% were performed at or after 21 weeks, according to the most recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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