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Posts posted by Chill

  1. 1 minute ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


    Back in August I stayed in RI with a guy who I used to work with.  He and his wife became pretty good family friends.  We (me and family) stayed with them 3 nights.  He's a rare breed - really has been a Pats fan for 40 odd years.  Remembers when they were the "Patsies" and beaten up by the Bills on a regular basis in the late '80s/early '90s.


    Every morning, I came down and picked a mug for my coffee out of a cabinet full of Patriots-themed mugs.  Naturally I would never drink a drop of coffee out of a Patriots mug even if the alternative were my cupped hands or (gasp!) no coffee.  Yet I failed to drop/damage a single mug; neither did  I pull out the stepladder and seclude all the Patriots mugs on the highest shelf of the cabinet over the fridge where they truly belonged.


    I'm wondering if I'm a true Bills fan?*****  Go Bills!!!


    *****just kidding.  I know I'm a true Bills fan, just not a jerkwad of a guest.

    Jerkwad of a guest. ? 


    Won’t drink coffee out of a Patsies mug.        Double ? 


  2. Just now, Logic said:

    To be honest, I think you're right: It would absolutely foolish to have a quarterback who is still feeling the effects of a concussion try to jump over giant exercise balls. As you say, he could easily land awkwardly or slip on the ball and hit his head on the turf. I hadn't given it much thought, but this drill would be a terrible idea for a player with head injury concerns. Hmm...

    Yeah. He’s definitely playing, Imo. They wouldn’t have him sprinting and jumping with a brain injury. 

  3. 11 hours ago, MR8 said:


    Well as a conservative I find this highly offensive ... Funny how you are criticizing "conservatives" for having a "refusal to empathize with those who are different" and yet you yourself go on to take shots at "conservatives" with blanket statements like they're over privileged or that they're superior... While sounding arrogant and "superior" yourself.


    This isn't a "Liberal vs Conservative" debate man, but FTR, liberals have no problem judging, demeaning, and belittling conservatives either... 




    But back to the topic at hand....


    Depression, anxiety, stress, mental illness, all sorts of issues are helped by medical usage of numerous drugs.  Those drugs are NOT a "Crutch" they are aids to help people be able to function. 


    The hard part about pot being argued as medicinal when these guys are doing it on their own is that there is no discussion with a Doctor to figure out dosage and regiment.  There is such a thing as too much, and there is dependency that can come from over medicating, so it's a slippery slope.  But the statement that people who need drugs to be even keel is flat out wrong and ignorant.


    I sincerely hope people who think that don't need to face situations where they themselves or their loved ones need medication, because watching people deal with anxiety, depression, and mental illness is very difficult.  And if your stance on it is "they're just weak"... well then It's safe to say your loved one won't have the support system they need to get better. 

    How would you define a “crutch”?


    An aid to help people function as they normally would, is pretty close to the exact definition. 

  4. 4 hours ago, MR8 said:


    Immensely critical thing to say people who take prescription drugs are using it as a crutch.  Not a subscriber to psychopharmacology? 



    Xanax is a terrible drug and should only be prescribed in extreme circumstances. The kick back these drs. get for rxing mind erasing drugs is alarming. Abusing Xanax is almost as bad as opioids, which is another prescription drug overly rxed and abused. 


    Just because a doctor says to use it doesn’t make it healthy or morally right...always obtain a second and third opinion. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, Dablitzkrieg said:

    Has nothing to do with Harvin.  It is sad that you are too ignorant to see it.


    People use substances as excuses for why they do not meet their full potential. Xanax, cannabis, alcohol, whatever the crutch is is no excuse. 


    Percy has a mental problem, and he is attempting to self medicate. It’s the user, not the substance. Everything is bad if abused, yes, everything.


    Moderation is the key to a successful life. 


    Once again, shallow insults are not necessary. 

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