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Posts posted by Q-baby!

  1. 7 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

    It is amazing to me that a Canadian could criticize our head of state when his own girly-man prime minister, who's mother was best known for her beaver shots and he for his fake eyelashes, exists. I'm sure glad we turned down Canada for statehood.

    Trump, Trudeau and you are all douchebags! Better? 


    You are the only on of the 3 who has no experience with beaver shots.....and it’s eyebrows loser! 

  2. 3 minutes ago, B-Man said:



    “A left-wing billionaire gave $100,000 towards an online misinformation campaign that mimicked Russian interference operations — but if you only get your news from CNN, then you have no idea that happened. Linkedin co-founder Reid Hoffman, an early investor in Facebook, was behind a six-figure misinformation campaign that involved falsely linking Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore to Russian influence operations during Alabama’s December 2017 special election.”



    Lol. The Daily Caller!!! ???

  3. 11 minutes ago, Tiberius said:




    While the Trumptards try and deflect by nitpicking any statement made by any media source that isn't part of the Trump propaganda machine, we should try and keep a record (if we can keep up!) of the constant flood of lies, dishonestly and malicious statements by our worst President ever.


    Here is is lying to our troops. Politicizing our military with dishonestly. Sickening

    You are about 4500 lies behind! 

    • Thank you (+1) 2
  4. 32 minutes ago, LABillzFan said:


    Is there a reason you always pop over here, write something stupid, and then disappear for a month or two? Are you bored? Are you scared? Are you worried? 


    What value do you think you bring to the discussion?


    Please elaborate.


    We'll wait.


    Oh look! Another pretentious dick. 


    You forgot “in your own words.” And maybe even a word count?


    You clowns are ***** hilarious! 

  5. 5 minutes ago, B-Man said:

    "Such gratuitously negative reporting undermines the credibility of the press without Mr. Trump having to say a word."

    Writes the Editorial Board of The Wall Street Journal.

    They are talking about the first 2 paragraphs of the Washington Post's report on Trump's trip to Iraq:
    President Trump touched down Wednesday in Iraq in his first visit to a conflict zone as commander in chief, a week after announcing a victory over the Islamic State that his own Pentagon and State Department days earlier said remained incomplete.

    The president’s visit to Al Asad Air Base west of Baghdad, which was shrouded in secrecy, follows months of public pressure for him to spend time with troops deployed to conflicts in the Middle East and punctuates the biggest week of turmoil the Pentagon has faced during his presidency.

    In the words of the WSJ: "[C]an anyone reading those opening two sentences wonder why millions of Americans believe Donald Trump when he tells them that he can’t get a fair shake from the press?"

    I'll just add that I can barely read the news these days (and I absolutely cannot watch it on TV). The negativity toward Trump is so relentless, cluttering up everything. It's crying wolf times a thousand. If anything is worth taking seriously, I'm afraid I won't be able to notice.





    Self inflicted! 

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