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Posts posted by Q-baby!

  1. 35 minutes ago, Wacka said:

    Next time you go to  a Sabres-Leafs game and open up you fat yap , like all  Leaf fans do, I hope Eichel  raps one off your stupid puss.


    Sure! After Matthews goes bar down for the win? 


    It’s possible though because I usually sit near the blueline and he does miss the net a lot! 

  2. 52 minutes ago, Wacka said:

    Don't we just meed him as a cop and as  a construction worker and we have the village people!

    Ah, you ***** retards are too stupid to know that the internet is full of less than flattering pictures of the orange loser. You limp ***** are not even worth my time linking to them as you very well know that the pics of the fat orange piece of ***** are out there and you guys already spank your monkeys to them on a nightly basis! 


    Cheers dicklickers! 



  3. 1 hour ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    Who has he treated like scum? 


    Trump is who he always has been. He's always been a loudmouth with a quick punchline or jab. He's always been a salesman who talks bigger than reality, often getting in his own way. This was known before he announced in 2015 and has not changed. 


    What's changed is how he's covered by the media. The media used to be able to discern between his jabs, jokes, and actual statements with ease - especially when he was the darling of NBC Universal. They used to laugh off the obvious jokes, jokes and personality which made him a cultural icon for better or worse over many decades prior to getting involved in politics. And if the media were still applying that same standard to him today, I'd have no complaints as he does get in his own way when he goes off the cuff. 


    But because Trump was a threat to the establishment on both sides of the aisle, the coverage of him changed. Now, everything he says is an outrage. The ability to discern joke from real talk has all but vanished. Even THAT would be fine (you could argue as POTUS he should change his tone) - but it wasn't enough for the media. They took it further by parsing his already stilted language, editing specific sound-bytes which completely mischaracterize what he's said to paint the worst possible picture. 


    That's not honest coverage. It's dishonest. And unlike other presidential administrations, it's done by both sides of the establishment MSM because he is a threat to their power structure. 


    Trump tried to play along when after he won, expecting the campaign heat to cool. But it got worse, with some in the establishment media contributing directly to the palace coup attempt with the Russia Collusion nonsense. So he said, ***** playing nice and went back to being the counter puncher he always has been - for better or worse. 


    The good news is that most Americans, unlike the establishment media, still can discern the difference between his jokes and jabs and real talk when given the chance. That's why watching his speeches in full (even campaign ones), or press conferences in full - rather than just the media curated bits of those, often paints a completely different picture of the man than the media wants us to see. 


    Is he eloquent? Nope. Does he misspeak and toot his own horn whenever he can? Yup. Does he spew racist, vile insults at everyone? Nope. Is he Hitler? Nope. 


    The "media" is the front line defenses for the establishment. Protecting their interests at the expense of the people's. That's the exact opposite of what their mission should be. THAT should outrage people much more than Trump's jokes or rambles. And it does... for those who are willing to step back and honestly assess the coverage. 


    Man, you used “jokes” a lot. Is that your word for lies? Or is he a stand up comic? 

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