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Posts posted by wnyguy

  1. For some reason I woke up extremely optimistic today. I think we will beat the Pats and it will propel us into a ( dare I say it? ) winning streak. Suddenly the offense clicks, Bledsoe becomes efficient, the stupid penaltys are kept to a minimum, the defense actually stops a drive to win a game. We find ourselves battling for the division lead and the playoffs. No 2-14 season here. We go on a roll and we win 11 games and are playoff bound.


    What brought on this optimism you ask? Drugs? Booze? Was he kicked in the head by a mule? Well, yes to all of the above, but hey, I gotta feeling.

  2. There are two hats that I wear when it comes to football: My "diehard Bills fan" hat and my "I love football" hat. This is a Buffalo Bills message board, thus I tend to have my first hat on when Im here. When I'm in that mode, the Bills friggin rule and your team - ANY other team - sucks. Same goes with the players - Bills players rule, and the players on your team suck!  If I'm talking just as a football fan, I can sit here and talk objectively about Brady, or any other player, team, coach, philosophy, etc you want. But when I'm in Bills fan mode, I don't feel ANY OBLIGATION WHATSOEVER to acknowledge the success of any other team or player other than the Bills. So as long as this is a Bills board, I could care less how great YOU think Tom Brady or the Patriots are. I just assume hack all over em instead.




    I also wear two-hats when watching football. One is the " I love the Bills " hat and the other is " I hate everyone else " hat. The trick to watching games my way is deciding which team you hate more then rooting for the team you hate the least.

  3. I agree.....btw......I still get sick to my stomach when Jerry Sullivan opens up his big yapper....that guy is such a tool....I am suprised his head can fit in that studio, that guy is sooooo full of himself  :lol: That guy should never be allowed on radio, at least when I read the paper I can just skip his articles!







    I can't stand that guy either. Someone should tell that moron to stick to basketball and baseball and let a real man cover hockey and football. Mike Schope has become a complete annoyance as well. I used to like him when he was at WNSA.

  4. So, did a classy veteran player deliver a cheap shot to a young QB wearing the red jersey?

    Or did a young, hyperagressive QB who has dropped his shoulder to take on defenders at every single opportunity try to make an extra unexpected move upfield in a 2minute drill?

    Hmmmmm, what could it possibly be?


    I guess I'll just go with the opinion of a "media" outlet which has long been known for its inaccuracy and blatant use of yellow journalism to form the thoughts of the weak-minded who lack the balls and brains to form their own opinions and conclusions.

    Life is so much easier when you don't have to think.....

    Thanx WGR!





    Aaah I see. I have formed my own opinion as you have. That mine differs from yours makes neither one invalid. They are just opinions after all. Forgive me for expressing mine though.

  5. Sports journalism has a totally different dynamic than most other professions.  Being controversial gets you much more publicity than being a responsible journalist in a market like Buffalo.  The Bills are not a national headline type NFL team.  We become a national headline team when you can report about QB controversies, RB controversies, and players deliberately hurting their teammates.




    No one stated that Vincent deliberately hurt anybody. Simply hit someone.

  6. It is safe to say that most sports reporters in Buffalo are 3rd rate journalists that couldn't get a job in a bigger market and are bitter that no one outside Western NY takes them serious.  I certainly do not put it past them to stretch the truth to print a juicy article.




    So by that same wisdom Buffalos doctors are third rate. our teachers are third rate and our chefs, cab drivers, lawyers, police, garbage collectors, musicians and bartenders are third rate as well.

  7. Beacause according to NUMEROUS OTHER reports from people I trust who were there, and people on this board who were there, Troy was basically standing still and symbolically protecting the out of bounds line as you would expect in a 2 minute drill simulation.





    Really? Vincent was standing still ? Who reported that ?

  8. Hamilton is a hockey reporter, and has not displayed anything IMO to lead one to believe we should trust his football opinions.





    Hamilton is the stations training camp reporter. I've listened to the jerks at GR fabricate and make much ado about nothing for a long time but not once do I ever remember Hamilton make up a story or exagerate on a story.


    What is so hard about believing that someone got hit in practice? What is so hard to believe that someone delivered a hard hit in practice? I'm sure Vincent did not mean to break the freakin' guys leg but I do believe he meant to hit the guy. If that makes me a moron then it's a moron I be.

  9. Ummmm.... yes you are a moron. WGR??  :D  They are morons too... Did you read any of their "McGahee demands to be a starter" stories?? Idiot... <_<






    I agree that GR has a bunch of morons as their on air personalitys. But Paul Hamilton was an eyewitness to the play and reported what he saw. Now are you telling me that Hamilton made up what he saw?

  10. You want me to read what? The Vincent quotes? The Mularkey quotes? The Bills official statement? I've read them all and got the quotes I expected. WGR beat reporter Paul Hamilton was on the scene and reported that Vincent delivered a hard hit to Losman and Losman stayed down for 5 minutes before being carted off.


    Let's just say it was an accidental collision. If you bumped the guy in the red shirt and knocked him down wouldn't you help the guy up? Or would you run back to the huddle and ignore the yells of pain that the guy you accidently hit was vocalizing?


    I am a lot of things, but moron isn't one of them.

  11. Link?


    Why do you think Troy Vincent, the NFL Players Association president took a cheap shot at his teammate?





    I don't do links, I just give my opinion. Losman was quoted as saying he would take on a DB but would avoid LBs. I believe Vincent was attempting to prove to Losman that he was just as tough and mean as a linebacker. I'm sure Vincent didn't intend to injure him but he did intend to hit him, very hard.

  12. Oh yeah, he finished the play alright. He showed that uppity rookie who the man was. Run out of bounds for a linebacker but take on a DB, will ya ? Well let's see how JP changes his song and dance now.



    Give me a break. You can excuse it all you want but the fact remains that a first round draft pick has now been severely set back in his growth and progress because of an over zealous cheap shot.

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