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Sen. John Blutarsky

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Posts posted by Sen. John Blutarsky

  1. A. Have a comprehensive plan of how to exploit the defense from week to week. Don't just call a bunch of crap cuz it sounds fun.


    B. Run counters to plays...often. For example, Schonert has a play where there are 2 WRs, and a combination of backs and TEs (Usually 1 back 2 TE). Josh Reed comes in motion but stops or starts to slide step before he passes by the tight end. When he did that they ran the ball 100% of the time. When he passed the TE they passed 100% of the time. I swear to God I'm not making it up, go back and watch games fromt he last 2 years. The way Schonert would counter that would be to have a TE or RB split wide then do what Reed did except pass. The problem was it was different personnel so the D could key on that and ignore the run. If he one time ran a play action pass with Reed on the field showing that motion the TE would have been wide open up the middle of the field because the LBs and Ss were jumping up like wild dogs. it was absolutely ridiculous that I could sit in my living room and call plays by formation down and distance. There are people employed to spend 18 hours a day looking at tape to find that stuff and TS's offense was so telegraphed that you could pick it up at home. How is that Jauron's fault for "limiting his formations" or wanting a "Pop Warner" offense. Learn how to call a sequence of plays that doesn't tip off the universe as to what you are doing. How many formations do you need, really? how many ways are they to line-up?


    Schonert fancies himself as the mad scientist sitting in his lab concocting schemes...except once he has an idea rather than building off that idea and formation he scraps it and gets a new one so you have 40 plays with 40 formations so the D knows what's coming just by looking at how you're disposed on the field. Turk obviously didn't play Tecmo Bowl because that doesn't even work in VIDEO GAMES.


    Offenses that are effective are basic in design but complex in execution. Indy's offense isn't crazy complex and they only have a couple formations, but Manning and his receivers are able to know what each other are thinking and run variations of the same play based on sight reads becuase they have so many reps in the same positions on the field there are only so many ways to defend it. That repetition leads to comfort and true understanding what what is going on on both sides. not just run here cuz the book says so, run here cuz player A is going here, B is going here and there's going to be an open area over there which the QB sees too and knows where i'm going. For example, in any given formation Marvin Harrison could have 6 different routes he could run from his given position, while the WR on the other side would also have 6, the TE would have 6 and the 3rd WR would have 6. They could line up exactly the same way and run a different play each time for the whole game. The way your defense is deployed dictates the route choice, the d changes the route changes. The D gets no cues from your disposition. Very simple in design, complex in execution, and of course you could also run the ball.


    Even things that sound complex usually aren't. last year Miami busted out the "Wildact". High School kids run that offense and Miami really only ran 10 or so different plays (if that) out of that formation, but each play countered another and took advantage of an adjustment you'd make. You chase Brown he hands to RW going out the backside, you bring up 9 guys and key both RBs Brown throws a pass, etc, etc, etc. It's a very simple offense to run and high school and college kids all over the country run variations of it. The key is in the countering because if all you do is run the QB/Rb off tackle out of that formation it's easy to stop, you see Ronnie Brown behind center you crash the LOS, game over.


    C. When the run is working feed the backs until they drop over dead. Watch the SF tape of last year and never ever repeat it.


    That is all.

  2. this is one of the more ridiculous posts Ive read on here and thats saying something

    I'm not sure which part is ridiculous. McNabb got benched last year for Kevin Kolb. If he either stinks or gets hurt again and Vick comes in and plays well I'd give it even money that McNabb is gone next year. He is about out of leash down here and either he or Vick will not be on the Eagles next year. Vick's salary is pretty big next year as is McNabb's. I can't see them keeping both. plus, there's already talk that McNabb's ego is bruised just having Vick in the game the other night. If McNabb falters that has all the making of getting ugly.


    I can see us giving up a pick for him, hell we gave up a #1 for Bledsoe

  3. Ataefiok Etukeren..completely freaking useless. of course he was 2nd team all conference...in the Patriot League. But hey how often is it that you can sign the 3rd best DE in the Patriot League to a contract right?


    After all Tyson Jackson was 2nd team all SEC last year and he went 3rd overall, Robert Ayres was also 2nd team all conference and he went 18th.


    I'm sure Etukeren is comparable.

  4. Pick him up, pay his salary, get inside the Pats defensive playbook through his knowledge and give our offense a fighting chance against those cheating bastards?

    Step A: HGH

    Step B: Lots of illegal painkillers from an offensive lineman

    Step C: Video tape opposing coaches in violation of league rules

    Step D: Procure an unneccesarily high number of radio frequencies for helmet radios causing the need for more precise rules governing the matter.

    Step E: sign your broadcaster as a major sponsor

    Step F: Gain league complicity

  5. Having worked in television for many years, I think it's crazy to let a sponsor know of an impending signing, unless you wanted that signing announced to the world. There are ways to "take the temperature" of your advertisers, and you certainly let them know, in advance, of anything that isn't secret. But nobody in their right mind would trust a sponsor to keep something like that under wraps.


    And remember, it is usually better to ask forgiveness than it is to ask permission.

    I'm not saying it's reasonable for the sponsors to expect that. I'm just saying they were mildly pissed that they chose to announce it at 8:30 at night during a game on a Thursday. It made everyone have a discussion at 8am on a summer Friday when a lot of people are OOTO.


    I think it took a lot of folks off guard here, particularly given that the owner's wife is apparently very involved in animal rights issues. He really had been dismissed as a viable option for the Eagles and wasn't a big topic of conversation like he was say, here for example.


    Also, FWIW, Jeff Lurie cut a $1,500 check to Main Line Animal Rescue the week before Vick was signed and the director ripped him a new one and made noise about returning the money after he was signed. Link

  6. second point, i read somewhere that the iggles had sent a letters out to all sponsors as it relates to vick

    They did but it was after the fact. A couple places we're pissed because it left them scrambling to put together responses quickly. I know some sponsors had a conference call with Joe Banner to "see what the Eagles thinking was".


    I can picture how that call went..."What the hell are you THINKING!?!"


    Sponsors reaction as per Philadelphia Daily News

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