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Sen. John Blutarsky

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Posts posted by Sen. John Blutarsky

  1. I work at Dick's Sporting Goods in Rochester, NY and our boss just told us that they got a memo the other day that said that Dick's will not be selling Michael Vick jerseys....

    The actual statement from Dick's said they won't be selling Vick jerseys until they can measure consumer response. The CEO was quoted as saying "if there's demand for it, we'll sell it."


    Article from Philly Inquirer re: Vick jersey sales


    In other words, we're not going to eat a PR hit unless we're sure we'll make money off it.

  2. all the talk of sponsors pulling out when the vick guessing game was going on now seems to be smoke:



    Well the sponsors weren't saying it. Other people were.


    My wife works in the marketing dept. for an Eagles sponsor. They got some angry calls (like 3), and they really haven't gotten any grief from people. They and a couple other sponsors got together and made a joint statement so they were all on the same page. They were more pissed that the Eagles didn't warn them the day before so they could have the PR people work out a statement ahead of time.


    The Eagles have had some people turn in their tickets, but who cares? They have 20k people on a wait list.

  3. The article you posted had the police saying "unless we are recontacted by the victim, and the victim changes their mind that they want us to follow through and pursue an investigation. At this point we're not doing anything else with it."

    Sounds like a real good way to not get fired for a while. What the statute of limitations on assault? How about civilly if the DC then sued Davis for failure to provide a safe work environment for not disciplining Cable? Mr. DC just got himself some nice security out there in oaktown...

  4. Lane Kiffen had problem with that exact same assistant coach and wanted him fired,Al Davis said no because from what I've read he is Al's inside man on the coaching staff. In other words, the guy is a RAT. Anyway, dunno about you but I'd be pretty pissed if I found out someone was talking crap to my boss about me, behind my back.


    Mike Ditka punched a concrete wall so hard he broke his hand during a team meeting...


    Mike Singletary drops his trousers during a half time talk...


    WR Steve Smith punched another players and hurt him badly,Bill Romanowski spit on players and punched a player and hurt him,both players were sued and lost.


    Even the Bills best head coach in their history used to be fiery on the sidelines, You "over officious jerk! " made me laugh.


    Like I said, lets see where this takes him.

    Buddy Ryan punched Kevin Gilbride for not running the ball...but really who hasn't wanted to do that?

  5. I'm interested to see what some teams do at QB. If Minnesota releases Rosenfels or Jackson we should be on that, ditto if the Eagles bag AJ Feeley or Kevin Kolb to make room for Vick.


    Any of those guys is a better #3 than The Chroisen One.

  6. The tarped seats are NFL approved, from what I understand, and don't count toward the sellout. There are about 10,000 tarped seats. The Jags can't sell out the remaining seats.

    You are correct that they don't count towards the sellout. However there are more than 10,000 covered seats. The NFL "capacity" is 67,164. The capacity for the annual Florida UGA game better known as the World's Largest Cocktail party is north of 84,000. So there are at least 17,000 fewer NFL seats.


    Also, tickets in premium "club" areas do not count against the blackout. In Jacksonville, every lower bowl seat between the 20's is a "club" seat. (Link to the Jags seating chart, see the gray areas)That's, conservatively, 25% of the remaining uncovered capacity of the entire stadium. So really Jacksonville only needs to sell about 50,000 seats to be allowed to call it a sellout.


    So let's say it plainly, Jacksonville's stadium can accomodate about 5 to 10 thousand more people than ours (Super Bowl attendance was 78k+). They have to sell fewer tickets than we have season ticket holders to avoid blackouts, have 300k more people in the metro area to sell them to, have a consistently good playoff team, and can't do it to the point that they are announcing season long blackouts in August. They can't even get close enough for it to be worth anyone's while to buy up the rest to get them on TV.


    BTW - The city of Jacksonville covers almost all of Duval County which is why it's population is so high. The city covers 875 square miles. All of Erie County covers about 1,050. Buffalo would jump dramatically in size if it encompassed the whole metro area. (which is a good idea because it gets you more federal money, but that's a different discussion).


    Jacksonville is a pathetic excuse of an NFL franchise and if they ever move the Bills before a team with tarps the NFL should be ashamed of itself.

  7. Actually he's only given up one sack, but whatever.

    I dunno if you saw it but I did. He definetly gave up 2. They may have credited one to the guard but it was Peters'. The first time it looked like Peters thought he had help outside, gave the guy a shove and let him go. The guy then chased down McNabb. Pretty poor effort by Peters IMO, he's lucky McNabb stepped up into traffic or Banta-Cain would have buried him with a clean shot. As it was Banta-Cain had to go around another guy and it slowed him down.. The second one Peters and the guard screwed up a stunt. Peters committed too early to the far outside man who then stopped rushing and a guy looped in between them. They may have given that to the guard, but it was Peters' error.

  8. Ba-Zing!


    Hey though...come on...Peters is...doing...he's doing gooooooooood.


    (more nerd points to anyone who gets that reference)

    Yup, gave up two sacks, bitched out the left guard and "reinjured" his quad. All in less than 2 quarters of work! The Jason peters experience is well underway...

  9. And the revenue to pay the players and coaches is going to come from ...... ???

    They have a TV deal and that's a start. Don't be mistaken. Expenses and salaries are gonna be low. It's disappointing that they dropped the ball on the unis and swag though, that's a rich market for a league and the look is horrid.


    I wouldn't be surprised, if they hang around for a year or two and do the D-League thing well that the NFL partnered with them as a D-League.


    75% chance they're done in a year. 90% chance they are done in two, but they've got a shot.

  10. it had been scheduled for almost 2 weeks.....i stick by my stance that it is unprofessional. Her time is no more valuable than mine or yours. Of course things come up....thats when you call or send a note....un-provoked...to excuse your lateness or to re-schedule....

    You're right that it's unprofessional but I'm finding that unprofessionalism is running amok in the world right now. Particularly in HR.

  11. Thanks John.

    I dunno. We'll see how it plays out but it seems like Brandon's tone has softened up about this recently too. Saying we're not interested at this time isn't saying we're not interested. From a logitics standpoint it makes sense to sign him on Sunday. You let Baker get reps on Saturday then cut him Sunday for the roster spot. You may even be able to PUP Vick at which point he wouldn't even cost you a spot (but he couldn't play in PS - but would he really anyway?) He's eligible to come off that in week 6 which is about when he'll be reinstated anyway so unless you want him on the field for the last 2 PS games it doesn't hurt you from a roster standpoint. Hamdan stays around til Week 6 then Vick becomes the #2 or 3 QB.


    If I were a GM I'd want to be fairly cagey about interest in Vick as well. Once confirmed interest becomes public the price goes up. The longer teams can perpetuate the myth that nobody is really that interested the lower the price gets.


    Plus, why start the inevitable firestorm early? Deal with the backlash if you sign him, why take heat now just for confirming you're interested? it's in the team's best interest to keep any dealing with Vick as low key as possible.


    Since the Bills signed TO I won't beleive that they aren't interested until he signs somewhere else. Last year I'd have said no chance in hell. now? I'm not so sure.

  12. I think they have a shot to succeed. They don't fancy themselves as a challenger to the NFL and they ar epositioning themselves to be like the CBA or D-NBA or whatever they call it now. The NFL actually needs a developmental league now that NFLE and Arena Football are gone. This is an excellent place for players to go as an alternative to the P-Squad. There are legit coaches there who can help them get better. plus it's way way to get seen by more teams actually playing. Don't be surprised if some guys turn down P-Squad to go play in the UFL.


    That said, the uniforms are atrocious.

  13. Exactly what would that assumption be based on? Do you think Jon Runyan formulates his opinions after watching sportscenter?

    No but I'm pretty confident that he wasn't amused by the McNabb/To feud in Philly. Runyan's not the kind of guy to have a public quote to post a link to about it but from his demeanor in other matters I'm making an educated guess that he was less than amused by the situation.

  14. Is any team in the NFL not committed to winning? Isn't that kinda the whole point of pro sports? There is no "they tried their best"....

    Exhibit A, the LA Clippers.


    "Hi, we show up. Thanks for coming out. Can we get our checks now?"


    ...and they make money.


    IIRC the Raiders have been "Committed to Excellence" for quite some time now. Unless Al Davis' asylum is actually called "Excellence" I'd say that's really just for marketing purposes wouldn't you?

  15. i find it comical how many people actually want the Bills to sign Vick...did any of you guys even watch the guy play or did you just use him on Madden?

    From 1957 to 2003 how many opposing quarterbacks had won playoff games in Lambeau Field? One. Mike Vick.


    Yeah I've seen him play and I've talked about his flaws as a QB tons. He would simply be the best, most dangerous, back-up QB a team could possibly have. Do you want him as your week in week out guy who you need to make reads and beat schemes? No. What you want him for is his ability to come in off the bench in an emergency, with few weekly reps, and be able to make an impact on the game for you.


    Being a good back-up QB is sort of like being a good pinch hitter. Good hitters are not always good pinch hitters and vice versa. Good everyday hitters have routines and get into the flow of the game and have game plans for the starting pitcher, are used to getting a lot of ABs, etc. Conversely most good pinch hitters are too flawed to be everyday players which is partly why they are pinch hitting. For example, you don't want Matt Stairs as an everyday OF or DH for your ballclub. He's too slow, he strikes out too much, and he plays no defense at all. But for pinch hitting he's a scary guy to face simply because of the raw power. If he comes in late in a game with people on base there's a decent chance he's going to hit a ball hard somewhere and there's a possibility that he'll put a ball in orbit like he did in the NLCS vs. LA. He's able to hit well without lots of reps. Some guys can't.


    If TE were to go down mid-game what other back-up QB would you rather have coming in than a guy who can throw a little, make plays with his feet, and improvise on the fly? If the back-up were a good pocket passer he'd be starting. Back-up QBs are all flawed in some way. Which flaw do you want. Do you want Fitzpatrick who is not super mobile and has an arm that makes Kelly Holcomb look like John Elway? Or a guy like Vick who has a big arm but is inaccurate but can run like hell? I'd argue that a guy like Fitzpatrick is far more reliant on timing to be successful. He doesn't throw hard enough to be late. It's hard to have that kind of timing coming in cold. Vick doesn't have that problem. You find a way to force the defense to play man coverage by formation/personnel and let him do his thing.


    Wildcat and all the rest of that stuff is gravy. It's January 3rd, Bills are down 4, 4th Quarter. Dwight Freeney just knocked TE cold. The Bills need to win the game to make the playoffs. Who do you want coming in to lead that drive? Vick or Fitzpatrick?

  16. 1. The Bills make the playoffs.

    2. Bills don't make the playoffs, and DJ gets fired.


    Those are both excellent outcomes, so how can anyone be upset?

    There are other, scarier, options.

    #3, the Bills miraculously go 9-7, miss the playoffs again and keep Jauron.

    #4, the Bills go 7-9 again but are seen as "better" since it's a tougher schedule and keep Jauron


    of course, there's always the nuclear option...

    #5, the Bills implode, Ralph dies, the team is sold to an out of town interest, and your enduring memory is of a 3 win debacle complete with TO in full on diva meltdown mode.


    Just trying to keep it sunny fellas...

  17. I don't have a problem with it per se but it's right on the edge of poor form. I tend to think that April is happy it happened, particularly this early in a game that doesn't count. It gives him something to refocus his players and beat them over the head with. Suffice it to say that I don't think we'll lose backside contain on a kick again this year though that one play did kind of show why Wendling doesn't play even though he's a great athlete. He had contain as evidenced that he stayed at the line when others rushed. He missed the fake and you could see him look befuddled and then just followed the rest of the pursuit. If he had literally stood still he would have stopped the play. That "blue screen" moment showed me a lot, in a bad way, give that he's not a rookie.


    I have a question for the group, given the design of that play the punter takes an awful risk of getting killed. If he WERE to hand that ball off and then got blasted how would that be ruled? It's not roughing the kicker because he didn't kick, or did he make a kicking action when he swung his leg? Generic unnecessary roughness perhaps but even that it dodgy in that the punter put the ball behind his back during the play. How is the rusher supposed to see that? This sort of thing wouldn't have been a problem before but now with the 15 different hitting violatons it's actually a bit of a problem. How would you instruct the defense to defend that play in the future? Do you tell the unblocked men not to hit the guy no matter what just tackle him if it's necessary? Then they stop and do nothing and there's no backside pursuit if he did hand it off. Do you tell them to hit him and take their chances? Obviously the contain guys need to stay put but the unblocked guys have to see all of that and make that decision to hit or not in about 10 yards of space. The fake kicking motion screws it up, otherwise I'd just have the guys go Levar Arringtron on the punter. The problem is if they fake the handoff and actually punt. Then you give away a free first down on the personal foul.


    Mark my words, that's not a throwaway play. They'll use a variation of that at least once this year and I bet they get at least a first down by penalty out of it. They'll either hand it off for real, hand it off for real then pass to a gunner or a TE who leaks out (my favorite option), hand it off and then have a reverse, or do all that crazy motion and actually punt basically just trick you into hitting the kicker to get a cheap first down. I say it's not a throw away because you have to practice that play more than once to pull it off that cleanly. They wouldn't spend time on it unless there were counters to it. Getting it on film now makes ST coaches spend time on it and opens up the counters to it and also slows down your punt rush/return by default since your rushers/blockers now have to look for it.


    Kudos to Jeff. That's why you're a good coach. You made the whole league waste time thinking about a punt in a pre-season game.

  18. He didn't exactly say that Levitre graded out well. He just said that the had one of the highest grades of all offensive linemen. It's not a big stretch to say the line struggled so I'd imagine a lot of scores were poor during the game.


    It's like saying you had one of the highest grades in the class when you and another kid got a D and everyone else failed. Not exactly achievement but not technically lying either.

  19. You sound like you begrudge RW his moment in the sun. I'm surprised you didn't sit outside the stadium last night to protest his induction.

    I thought about it but decided that he's not worth my time. The reason that the Bills have stunk more often than not is the same reason he won't sell them now. They are his favorite toy and he'll play with them how he wants to. That's his perogative but I don't have to honor him for it.

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