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Sen. John Blutarsky

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Posts posted by Sen. John Blutarsky

  1. Ya know, Gary McCord is banned permanently from Augusta National because he said that the greens were so fast that they looked like they were bikini waxed and that undulations on the green looked suspiciously like body bags during the 1994 Masters.


    If Al owned the stadium they could pull that off because it's private property and they can ban whomever they want. Because Alamdea County owns it they'd have to do it and that's unlikely.


    It'll be interesting if an announcer pisses off Jerrah down in Dallas. He owns that barn and can ban whomever he wants from the premises.

  2. It's nice that Leodis initially didn't want to press charges but a message does need to be sent and I think he's doing the right thing.

    Had the chance to let it die a slow death. Enough people jumped up and down denouncing the little miscreants. Now it's going to get even MORE coverage because while the contents of family court are sealed the kids will certainly be asked for comment as they leave court, as will Leodis about 400 more times. Inevitably the sentence will be leaked and will be discussed for either excessive leniency or harshness. (The comparison to Pat Kane's wrist massage are already out). not to mention that it sends the wrong message about doing the right thing after you screw up. He says he's not gonna press charges, the two jerkweeds fess-up, then it's book 'em Dan-O? Guess what happens next time something happens? Everyone keeps their mouths shut. Unless there is video of those two kids buying spray paint right around that time of night or a neighbor saw them and can ID them...in the dark...they would have never been caught unless they stepped up. They stepped up, they admitted wrong-doing. There was no Marshawn-esque no comment invisibility BS until charges were filed. One would hope their parents levied some significant punishment. At this point, what is giving the kids a juvenile record going to prove? File a PFA to keep em away from you and move on.


    If you're not sure if you want to press charges say so. Don't say you won't then change your mind after people come forward. very very lame.

  3. I thought Trent did a great job with his audibles on Monday Night!! Any thoughts?

    Not only that, they did a much better job of running counters to previous plays. The broadcast did a good job of showing how the first TD play was a counter to a run by F-Jax earlier.


    Successful and frequent countering opens up holes for everyone and slows the defense down, as do screens which we ran in abundance to my great delight.

  4. I have seen some rumblings from poster here on chants etc.. during the home opener...


    lets try to make some sort of organized effort for us to unite and show Leodis our support for him.


    anyone have suggestions? anyone good at organizing? help?


    chat? banners? rally?

    How about he can never fumble again, run back kicks for TDs often and re-sign here. In return we can cheer for him.

  5. "False indignation"? Really? So it's okay to go mess with someone's property because they made a play you didn't like in a freaking FOOTBALL GAME?!?!? Good grief.

    It's not "Ok" but I think spray painting on grass is pretty low on the offensive totem pole. There's no permanent damage. It's costs zero dollars to fix, just let it grow out. When I hear "vandalism" I think spray paint on walls, broken windows, eggs, slashed tires, things on fire. Paint on your grass is about on par with TP in trees.


    I admit I don't know what was written so if it was a threat or used the n-word that steps it up on the uncool meter but if it's basically "You Suck" I think Wittle Weeodis should gwow up a wittle and Kawika "The Invisible Man" Mitchell should pipe down a bit about protecting his family from the scourge of spray painted lawns.


    Would it have been better or worse if the people lined up in the public road outside and booed him when he got back? That breaks no laws but I think it's a bit worse.


    Well placed lawn fertilizer is much more effective and subtle than spray paint anyway.

  6. This is coming from Kawika Mitchell:


    Ka_Mitchell55:A teammate of ours had his house vandalized last nite or this morn. Its def not a game to b playin. W/ all the safety issues n the NFL...its not funny at all. We have Fam at our homes to protect. If u show ur face on my prop Ill make sure I do everythin to keep my...Fam safe. So dont come around thinkin, oh we'll just leave a message on his lawn or wall, b/c Im goin to take it as a threat. Its my...job to protect my home as it is the job of all home owners. Dont push the limit.

    Don't worry Kawika, you don't come close enough to any plays to worry about screwing one up that badly.

  7. Sure, they will get beat. But damn it, lets see them, especially that young green OL, go out and knock some dicks in the dirt.


    No kitty football tonight. I want to see Butler going after guys after plays and Wood pancaking guys where he can. Solid blocking from the TE of choice will help...


    On DE, Mr. Maybin's time is here.





    I wanna see Hangartner and Wood introduce Vince Wilfork to Mr. Chop Block about 25 times tonight.

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