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Posts posted by PeterDude

  1. 38 minutes ago, Ice bowl 67 said:

    Im not excited at all now for this game after us getting trounced and the Bills blowing out the Vikes.


    Bills have more to prove here than the Pack IMO.  If played 10 times, Packers win 8 out of 10, but they only get to play once, we'll see...

  2. No, we are not bad fans for expecting the Bills to be a competent NFL franchise.  It's long overdue, and McBeane have made a lot of head scratching moves tbh.


    2 minutes ago, sleeby said:

    Most schizophrenic anyhow.  Each week this season so far has seen a 180 reversal in attitude.  Likely just the haters are quiet today.  


    Do you realize those are different posters?  schizophrenic does not apply...  After a win you hear primarily from one group, after a loss primarily from another.  I suspect this is the case on ALL NFL team message boards as well as social media.  

  3. 13 hours ago, Helpmenow said:

    Cold most of the year, lol


    It's actually a very subjective issue.  Yes, someone who lives in San Diego will say it is too cold most of the year, and too hot and humid in the summer.  I have first hand experience with this issue having relatives who live in San Diego.  You simply cannot compare the climate, Buffalo has no chance, really.  Also, the climate has a lot to do with what a given city can offer its inhabitants.

  4. 8 hours ago, CDogg20 said:

    I really would like to hear what the Vikings defense has to say about Allen. They have had to deal with some stud qb’s in their last 6-7 games and I would like to hear how Allen compares in their minds. 


    I think what they would say is they played flat.  "It's not what Buffalo did, it's what we didn't do" kind of synopsis.

  5. 8 minutes ago, K-9 said:

    You do realize that Kirk Cousins originated that saying by shouting it at the Tampa Bay Bucs after beating them a few years ago and  opposing players have been busting his balls about it ever since, right? Cousins himself said he hears it all the time. I don’t think he thinks it’s unsportsmanlike. 


    Yeah, I can recall the Cousins clip, that was bad on him as well.  Maybe this kind of crap is needed these days for clickbait purposes, never going to like it.  I never thought I'd be a get off my lawn person, but, here we are.

  6. Just now, PaattMaann said:


    you sound like a baby, grow a pair


    Tre was pumped up after the entire nation said we would get embarassed. Vegas put as one of the biggest underdogs in history. Kid had every right to mock it all. The entire locker room was yelling "YOU LIKE THAT" according to Bills beat reporters present 


    How is wanting sportsmanship to mean something not having a pair?  So "having a pair" means doing stupid childish things like Tre? 

  7. 1 minute ago, 4_kidd_4 said:

    So you’re not supposed to “stick” the guy, just let him get that first down?


    For cripes sake, that’s a legit football play, hard hit to prevent forward momentum close to the first down marker. 


    Somehow defenders have to find a way to "stick" a guy without helmet to helmet contact.  It is very difficult to do so, because at an instant the ball carrier can relocate his head changing the "hit box" for the defender in such a way that helmet to helmet in unavoidable.  They still have to figure it out or penalties...

  8. 7 hours ago, CDogg20 said:

    Most of the comments I read on here were said about Goodwin too. He turned out to be a pretty solid player, i’d take him back in a heartbeat. Give the guy time, he has the wheels to play in the NFL, his hands can get better with reps. No better way to learn than playing on Sundays. I wouldn’t have minded putting him on the PS but who knows, another team may have had an eye on him.


    It kinda sucks, when Goodwin was here he was doing that track & field thing on the side, now that he's concentrating solely on football his game seems to have improved. Though, I'm betting an improvement at the QB position helped him as well.  It would be so nice to have Goodwin & Woods right about now.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Teddy KGB said:


    Helps to have a clue.      Enjoy your day storyteller.      Google Mike Zimmer when you get a second 




    Ok, you have a good day as well.  (That was weird...)

    1 minute ago, Dablitzkrieg said:

    I'm pretty sure you are just trying to stir the **** and start arguments.  Enjoy the win and quit being so negative


    I'm wondering why Tre had to act like that?  It seems like a personal attack to me.  Why be that way?  Is that considered good sportsmanship these days?  Maybe it is. IMO it's not funny, it's embarrassing. He's a good player, doesn't need to do that ****.

  10. On 9/21/2018 at 8:02 PM, BillsFan17 said:

    Wood and Incognito's situations absolutely set us back. I dont fully put it on Beane that he didnt replace to main pieces of the line with the cap situation we have.


    I think Beane expected both of them to be here this season, and Richie was, signed a deal but then flipped out... I'm not the biggest Beane fan but those two guys leaving is not on him.

  11. 6 minutes ago, aristocrat said:


    Crazy part of the Rams is how much of a different team they are this year. Vikes may have gotten comfortable. 

    Ap ran for 120 yards against the pack. The guy was using a wheelchair. I hope shady is healthy cause we will need him with a big day.


    If someone would have wanted to bring in AP this offseason I probably would have thought, nah, just grab a young kid.  But damn, he's looking good so far...

  12. 28 minutes ago, Teddy KGB said:


    Dont have a problem.    Just think everything you posted makes no sense.  


    Rams look elite.   (Sorry their punt returner fumbled over and over in the playoffs)  


    Not sure why that’s relevant to the 3-0 2018 Rams who have outscored their opponents by 64 points in 3 games ??‍♂️??‍♂️??‍♂️



    Allen punished the Vikings defense.   The Bills defense punished Cousins.   


    Anthony Barr was thinking about the Rams when Allen hurdled him huh ? 



    Are you too young to recall some of the games the Bills lost in the 90's against crap teams that remained crappy for years?  I mean it happens. The Bills are not all of the sudden a playoff team...  Let's not go anointing anyone anything just yet plz.


    As far as the Rams go, before ppl start calling them the "class of the NFC", I want to see some playoff wins, but that's just me.


    IMO the Vikes definitely looked past the Bills yesterday, it's obvious.



  13. 2 minutes ago, Teddy KGB said:



    You’re not sold on the Rams but the Vikings are and decided to let the Bills win ??‍♂️??‍♂️??‍♂️


    What a load of ???


    Rams have to prove to me they can win in the playoff's, until then I'm not sold.


    Even the Kelly led Bills had stinker games like the Vikes had yesterday due to not being focused on the task at hand, not sure what your problem is tbh.  

  14. 7 minutes ago, ExWNYer said:

    And yet in their ¨praise¨ they have to get in a little dig with the ¨lowly Bills¨ comment. Ummm, you just admitted to being wrong about Allen. Perhaps the ¨lowly Bills¨ perception is unwarranted, as well, after a dismantling of the ¨mighty¨ Vikings. ?


    It will take more than one upset win in week three to change the national perception of the bills.

  15. Just now, PearlHowardman said:


    The Bills winning yesterday was no fluke.


    The Vikings aren't nearly as good as they thought they were.  They learned that last weekend.  The LA Rams are the class of the NFC - a status the Vikings thought they owned.  The Vikings may have already thrown in the towel, IMHO.  And the Vikings threw in the towel before yesterday's game with the Buffalo Bills.


    I'm not sold on the Rams just yet, we'll see.

  16. 1 minute ago, Teddy KGB said:



    These posts are as bad as Petermans play.  


    You should get a hdtv and watch what Josh Allen did to that elite defense.  


    I have a 60" TV, but I guess these days that's small...


    It was fun, but at the same time it was one game, a game where I think the Vikes were more concerned about the Rams than the Bills.

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