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Everything posted by 30dive

  1. I love the slug.....I have ordered my fitted blue hat with the slug and I'm looking for the slug license plate to put on the front of my truck.
  2. Bingo.....And what still amazes me is the lack of striaghtforwardness (is that a word) by the canidates themselves. If anyone saw the concession speach by Rick Santorum last night, they would have thought he was the kindest most dedicated person to ever walk the halls of congress. His speach was nothing but class.... It is to bad he did not run his campaign that way. I NEVER heard a positive thing out of him, from the day I moved to PA. That's to bad 'cause he got whomped by 18 % points.
  3. Cincy....your kinda right. While everyone has been saying, what you are saying (and this was being said long before last nights results) the sixth year as of late (Reagan and Clinton) actually was nothing like last night. If you remember Clinton was killed in his second year...1994 You remember the Tom Foley (not this years Foley) led House went super liberal, a little "we'll show this punk from Ark., how its done." Well they got their teeth kicked in by Newt and the boys. In fact during Clintons sixth year the Dems actually gained a couple seats, certainly not enough to make a difference. And yes during President Reagans sixth year he did lose a number of house reps, but I think the number was 8, which is nothing compared to what happened last night.
  4. I'm white....But that was my parents fault.
  5. Plez....Hmmmmm Henrico County and video voting machines! Next thing you know they'll be selling cheap lap tops to teh general public So Allen or Webb???? I like you you am not sure who I would have voted for on that one. Probably Webb, 'cause something about Allen, just bothers me?????? Even though he got my vote twice before.
  6. Voted this morning in my new state......Holy crap, where did they get these voting machines? Back in Virginia we used the punch card (you know the hanging chad thingy), but here in Blair County PA we used some high tech voting machine. First they give me a reciept with a code number on it, similar to the code number you get when pay for a car wash at the gas station. So here I am pressing the screen, but nooooo, you have to spin a wheel to enter the number and then spin the wheel to select who you are voting for. I swear, if I were a wee bit older I do not think I could have figured this out. It was like playing some video game. AAAARRRRGGGGGG! But I cast my vote, I hope all my opinionated friends here at TBD/TSW cast yours too!
  7. Back in Richmond the local "lite" station starts playing Christmas music after Thanksgiving. I had the office change the radio to another station because we all felt it was toooo early for non-stop Christmas music, unfortunatly for the "lite" station we never went back to it after the holidays. The only reason IMHO these stations play Chrsitmas music non-stop is so that the listeners will get into the spirit early and spend money at the advertisers businesses. Funny thing though, these stations all stop playing Chrsitmas (holiday) music on the 26th of December. I'd think they'd play it until at least January 1st.
  8. This question of whether the shootout should count as a win is ABSURD.........If I'm not mistaken, losing is a possibilty in the shootout.....isn't it? For what its worth I would love to see the Sabres 18 games (shootouts count) and break the Dolphins record. Thennnn we'll see what John Clayton has to say about Buffalo!!
  9. Right on! We have, by all accounts very good skill players but we either have no idea on how to draft quality at the o/d-line, or we refuse ( or can't seem to justify) to pay the money...I think its the later. And oh I have never said Ralph was cheap.....I just think that if he wants to play with the big boys in 2006 he has to ponyup the bucks. Players today play for one of two things: winning or money.....hopefully both. And until Buffalo stsarts winning the only way to bring qulity free agents to this team is with money.
  10. I think that is time that we are willing to spend more money on players, specifically non-skill players, than we have in the past number of years. The club needs to be willing to repair today and be willing to pay for it tomarow.
  11. No, they bring in big names....... And how do you propose that we "Build the O-line and the D-line? I'm thinking spend some money on those guys! This is fun....I need to stay home more often!
  12. WHERE IN ANYTHING I have written have I said that spending that money "wisley" was not part of the solution? I think the idea put forth about "winners" as opposed to just big names was my way of saying be SMART but the wallet needs to be opened a bit more too!
  13. So as I am reading it from the above....We have to be patient and wait for that winner? Or is that we just have to accept that we can't afford a winner? That Ralph Wilson can't play with the likes of.........fill in the bank? Look I'll continue to buy the DTV Ticket and drive up for two games a year, but if the feelings about the Bills financial capabilities are correctly represented by my friends posting above, I fear that my trips to the Nickle city are short lived
  14. I understood the question, dripping with sarcasm, but I think the NFL has many players to offer every year that can be signed to make us a better team, we have avoided those players to maintain finacial stability, which I have aplauded, but at some point, and I think very soon the seats will become empty and it won't matter how well the cap has been managed, because there wont be any money coming through the front gate. Regarding players.....Honestly I do not keep those list on hand, my comments are based on my feelings that the city of Buffalo has proven that it will support a losing product over the course of a half dozen plus years, but IMHO time is running short, and a winner is needed now. We have lived through multiple years of losing and we are willing to live through it again, but a couple winning/chamionship seasons laced in between those losing years makes it a whole bunch easier.
  15. The implied on my part is that I am not looking for only big name players like, lets say TO, but solid players, big name or not and attrack them, yes, with MONEY!
  16. A few years ago, I wondered outloud here at the stadium wall, in defense of the "new" mgmnt's house cleaning. "Could the Bills afford to blow the salary cap out of the water and backload huge signing bonuses for "great" players in order to win now?" The obvious result would be that eventually the salary cap invoice would come due and we (the fans) would have to endure 4 or 5 years of losing seasons to pay those invoices for earlier success. I really felt that teams in large market cities could absorb that kind of approach but small market cities like Buffalo could not. Boy was I wrong!!! Consider this if the Bills today just spend a ton of money and bring in "winners" (not big names) but winners, and as I say now "blow up the salary cap" what would the price be? As I see it now......A contender, and possible Champion for a couple years! Of course payback would be the B word, but how painful would the payback be? As I see it no more painful than the pain we have had to endure for the past what 7 seasons?!!? Seriously, the fans in Buffalo have proven that the team will be supported win or lose. Does any other city fill their stadium for a losing product like the fans from Buffalo, in any sport? NO! So blow the cap up, max out the "NFL cedit card", build a winner and in a few uears we will brace ourselves for the payback and endure what 5 or 6 yeas of losing....What like we haven't done that before?!
  17. woooohoooooo I can fly a jet!!!!!!!!!! 53.2 on try number five! First try was 1.20 somehing.....practice makes perfect
  18. makes me want to break out in that old Monty Python hit.......beans, beans, beans, beans, beans....and so on........or was that Spam, spam spam spam......... Was it even Monty python? aww....NUTS!
  19. Hey there.......Peanuts are NOT nuts! They are beans.
  20. I'm thinking the next time I head to Pitt, maybe I'll stop at the "walk-in" club and ask some questions.
  21. My wife and I just busted out in laughter when we passed by the "Climax Gentlemans Club, Drive Thru" here in western PA! Saturday we packed the kids in the truck for a shopping trip in Pittsburgh. Traveling west on SR 22 we had just past one of the many adult stores found along the highways and byways of the Keystone state and we're wondering aloud, if the folks in PA (we are now folks from PA) are really horny, just honest about their sexual lit wants or havent discovered the internet. So as we are discussing this PA social thingy we come up on the Climax Gentlemans club, funny, considering what we were just talking about, but nothing could have prepared us for the the next sign.........DRIVE THRU......The Climax has a drive through!!! We were laughing so hard I nearly had to pull off the road, the kids wanted to know what was so funny, it was just plain brutal. Question??? What exactly happens at a gentlemans club drive thru? Does she dance in a window? Do you put dollar bills in a little tube and send it into the building via a vacuum? (I know too easy) Does she hop in the front seat with you? I really don't have a clue, ideas welcomed. For those looking.......PA State Route 22 about 30 miles east of Pitt.
  22. LMAO Yes it does feel like home again!
  23. While I thought this move might take a few days it really took nearly two weeks. The moving van was loaded before the tropical depression hit Richmond (the name escapes me...there have been so many these last few years) But I got out of Richmond in my POV while racing ahead of it. So now the family is in wonderful Hollidaysburg, PA a short trip south of State College and only a few hours from the Ralph....Working on the wife for 2007 season tickets. Glad to be back on line! GO BILLS!
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