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Real News

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Posts posted by Real News

  1. 1 hour ago, jmc12290 said:


    See again, you misunderstand how it works. 


    EVERY medication has a benefit and a risk.  Doing nothing has a benefit and a risk.  I have that conversation with EVERY patient.  The potential harms from opiates are known.  The potential harms from cannabis are not well-studied.   The dosing, phamarcokinetics, tolerance, therapeutic index, we have NONE of it for marijuana compared to opioids.   It is not my call to make a judgment on which potential harm is worse.  That's the patient's job.  I just give them the facts. And the facts are, I am not licensed to prescribe cannabis, and I would not be comfortable doing so without more rigorous data.  They are more than welcome to seek out medical marijuana if they want, but I believe its important to educate them on the lack of data.  Most folks get their marijuana info from charlatans, not medical personnel.


    Were those patients studied?  I think you overestimate how many chronic marijuana users there are.  Also, marijuana is MUCH more potent today than the 60s-70s.


    Those studies should not be forbidden.


    You are advocating a return to Wild West medicine.  Prescribing based on anecdotal evidence is BAD medicine.  I have seen hundreds of people say they feel better on BS supplements that haven't been proved to do anything.  The potential harm with that stuff is most likely negligible.   But if you think I'm gonna prescribe that crap every day, stuff that has no proven benefit, unknown risk, and a cost attached to it, you're wrong. That's not how it works. Prescribing stuff without rigorous study is how we get thalidomide.   You just really believe in thalidomide because a bunch of people have told you it works. That's your argument.


    Indeed - much of what your saying makes sense.


    Just curious, what is your specialty? As a physician of said specialty, what is your opinion of prescribing off label, and if you've ever had the opportunity, your opinion on compassionate use?

  2. 1 minute ago, LABillzFan said:


    It becomes more obvious when you suddenly see how the political left never stops first to find out the details. They go straight to "ban the guns." Every time. Now throw in a big megaphone to scream this message like, oh, say, CNN, and, well...here we are.




    Bump stocks illegal yet? That's where I go straight to. It's a compromised way to start. "Ban the bump stocks." Those in power said they would.

  3. 7 hours ago, Boyst62 said:



    @Hapless Bills Fan

    You asked why I made this thread.  It's so I could take posts like these 3 above that continue to delve further and further in to a poor argument of political crap under the guise of autistic freedom


    Between EII who can't help himself, 4kidd jumping in with a moral compass and all to enlighten us,  and warcoded saying whatever he said... Countless others.


    It gets old and they cannot honestly discuss these topics because ... Well they suck 


    1 AM on Friday night and this loser is still at it. He needs to quote these posters in his safe space away from moderators. What a baby. 

  4. 54 minutes ago, LeviF91 said:


    They get the notification that they've been quoted.  They are more than welcome to attempt to defend their viewpoint here.


    It's a moderator's job to decide when a post is too political for the regular forum - not the job of the poster who started this thread. His intent is to belittle those he quotes. In my opinion, it's disgusting behavior.

  5. Just now, Deranged Rhino said:


    Pretzel logic is the one you're employing. You're saying these reports contradict one another but they don't. Carter just is not clear in her report because she has limitations (as noted earlier) in this investigation.


    The OIG cannot prosecute or indict. That's not his job. The report does not make recommendations, just reports facts. Carter does not understand that fully (or bungled the clarity of it in her report) - PS does though, hence the "difference" in their words. But the effect is the same. Both are saying the OIG found criminal activity in his investigation and has engaged Huber for indictment and prosecution. That's what Huber is there for. That's why he was hidden for 6+ months. He's been working in secret on this for awhile. 




    We'll see.


    Thanks for the discussion.

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. Just now, westside said:

    Why are progressives so dishonest? 


    Are Carter and Sperry saying the same thing?

    5 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    No, she doesn't - as noted by the paragraph you omitted. You're just misreading what both are saying and are unclear as to how the OIG report works, as is Carter. 





    Since we're both unclear she is obviously saying something different than Sperry.

  7. Just now, Deranged Rhino said:





    PS said the IG has referred his findings for criminal prosecution to Huber. That's how the process works. 


    The report itself is a statement of fact, not opinion. Re-read the McCabe IG report, this will be the same. It's not the IG's job to indict, prosecute, or opine. All that is included in the report are the facts - which then can/must be handed over to a prosecutor before indictments. PS's tweet said that's happened. 


    Carter's article does not dispute this. 


    Agreed - Carter doesn't dispute it. She says something different. 

  8. 17 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    It's not though. 


    Paul said IG Horowitz has found "reasonable grounds" for believing there has been a violation of federal criminal law in the FBI/DOJ's handling of the Clinton investigation/s and has referred his findings of potential criminal misconduct to Huber for possible criminal prosecution.


    Sara said the draft does not include recommendations for criminal prosecution and if there was evidence, it would be referred to the DOJ to submit a criminal referral to prosecutors.

  9. From everyone's favorite news lady...




    The Department of Justice Inspector General has sent what is described as an “extremely long and thorough draft” of the much anticipated report on the FBI and DOJ’s investigation and handling of the Hillary Clinton email probe, this reporter has learned. The detailed report on the FBI’s decision making process into the Clinton investigation could lead to possible criminal referrals for some of the officials involved in the case.


    Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report, which is expected to be released within the next three to four weeks to the public, has been turned over to current and former officials for review, as first reported in The Wall Street Journal and Washington Post.


    The draft, however, does not include any recommendations for criminal prosecution. If there was any evidence collected by the Inspector General’s office of criminality, Horowitz would then refer the matter to the Department of Justice and submit a criminal referral to prosecutors.


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