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Real News

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Posts posted by Real News

  1. 1 minute ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    Motive: The "whistleblower" knows the Treasury IG is about to out him and charge him, this is an attempt to get in front of the story and mitigate the damage. He's trying to justify a criminal act with "my conscious compelled me". 


    He's so worried about preservation of records... that he turned them over to Avenatti. :lol: gimme a break. 


    Interesting theory. We'll find out very soon.

  2. 1 minute ago, LABillzFan said:


    You would think after Hillary got her ass beat by Trump, the left would do some self-evaluation. "What did we do wrong? What can we improve? Where can we get better?"


    But that's not really possible with their party leaders, because everyone knows that the left is never to blame for their failures. It always comes down to something like "We just didn't get our message out properly" or "The Russians ate my homework" or "We did everything right, but the white women in this country don't know how to stand up to the men in their lives."


    So here's free advice: keeping this Stormy Daniels story front-and-center is probably the single biggest thing the left can do to ensure Trump get's re-elected.


    So you keep pushing the story wherever you go.


    I've noticed there are a lot of questions and comments from you in this thread for a topic you claim only myself and Anna Massoglia care about.

    Here's some free advice: Shut the hell up if you don't have anything constructive to bring to the table.

  3. 35 minutes ago, LABillzFan said:


    Just for shitzngiggles...what do you think the end game is with this story?


    What do you think the left wants to see happen as a full win when this is done?


    I think the end game with this story will be minutiae in the final context of Trump's presidency. He'll either go down in the Mueller investigation, or ride it out with his base claiming none of this is a big deal.


    I think the left wants to see him impeached and will want to use the OGE statement on this as a piece of evidence if there is ever  impeachment.

  4. Just now, Deranged Rhino said:

    As was rightly stated at the time of Rudy's interview, it was a legal strategy. Take a political hit now (which is what you're seeing) for legal protection later. That protection being it removes any campaign finance violations from the table... which is all they have regarding Stromy/Trump. Everything else being discussed is character/political hit points rather than real legal jeopardy. 


    Dems think people care Trump slept around. 


    They're wrong. 


    For Trump's sake hopefully that legal strategy pays off.



  5. 5 minutes ago, Boyst62 said:

    We are going in circles and you present a full stop because you won't concede that the coverage of this is highly bias and generally misleading with a heavy emphasis on political spin to be against the Trump


    For the record, I'm specifically talking about the 3 articles released this morning on the topic from NYT, WAPO, & USA Today. The article at the top of news.google is the USA Today article. These three articles covered the statements made by Kim Kye Gwan and were not misleading against Trump.


    Certainly other coverage (even within the 3 papers mentioned) will be biased. It will be found under Editorial. 


    I do not present a full stop. I welcome you or someone else to quote from those 3 articles any biases or misleading statements. Until you or someone else does so, I'm done in this thread.

  6. 3 minutes ago, row_33 said:

    Negotiations are always difficult with the region, any progress is great news, any setback is fully expected





    5 minutes ago, Boyst62 said:



    It's fake news because there has not been official output from State.  



    Let me get this straight - the only news that isn't fake is official output from State?

  7. 6 minutes ago, Boyst62 said:

    1) burden of proof is on you since you're disagreeing. Learn how to argue real austistic.


    2) well, by that standard, you're correct. It's not official. That's called #fakenews. Something WaPo created when talking about Trump. It is sensationalizing an unfound even and gossip no different than tabloid trash.  Of course, as an austistic, you canmot disseminate trash from reality.  Don't forget, Wapner 4, you retard.


    1) The proof is in reading the 4 articles mentioned. None of them have sensationalized. If they have, I'd welcome someone to point out exactly where.


    2) It's not fake news. It's real - straight from the mouth of the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of DPRK. 

  8. 5 minutes ago, B-Man said:





    This is not true.




    Please post proof. 


    4 minutes ago, Boyst62 said:

    Uh, it's not news until it's official you moron.  They most clearly are.


    And that they're gloating is disgusting.  You really should learn to not post stupidity. You'd do better.  Try harder or give up.


    The news is North Korea threatened to cancel the summit. Their state run media literally said that. It's news. Below is a translation of a statement they released yesterday. In your opinion, should nobody in the world cover this statement because nothing is official?



  9. 1 minute ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    Two birds. 


    Its a repeating pattern. A call for "action" echoed by various others in the entertainment industry as well. 


    Conditioning. Mockingbird. MKU. Take your pick. 


    Meh - agree to disagree. 


    I'd prefer stronger evidence.


    Thank you, though, for having an honest conversation without interjecting with vulgarities and FAKE NEWS!!!!!!

  10. Just now, Boyst62 said:

    Would it matter to you?  It wouldn't. You've already deflected and shown intellectual dishonesty.




    Please shut up. I'm trying to have an honest discussion.

    Just now, Deranged Rhino said:



    Remember the 60's series run by CNN a few months ago? Look back into how they covered Kennedy's assassination in relation to Trump.


    Missed it completely. If you can show there's a real pattern, you should document it and send it to law enforcement.

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