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Posts posted by Live&DieBillsFootball

  1. I would go with CZ until your 5 year anniversary. Then if it looks like things will last, swap it out at a jewelry store for a real diamond. If she has it appraised or calls you on it, just get mad and say that the guy you bought it from must have ripped you off for the $5k that you paid for it. :lol:

  2. IMO, McCain earned a bit of respect for how he handled it. The question is, protest vote, McCain (the likely winner of MS, but becoming my preferred candidate), or Obama. Decisions, decisions.


    When McCain first solicited and received Hagee's endorsement, there was information available immediately about Hagee calling the Catholic Religion the Great Whore and being complicit in the Holocaust.


    McCain didn't buck up then. He simply said that he didn't agree with some of Hagee's words but that he still accepted his endorsement. They also rolled out McCain surrogate Kay Bailey Hutchinson who also called Hagee's anti-Catholic remarks no big deal.


    Fast forward a couple of months later and new video comes out with Hagee said that Hitler was sent from God to end up moving the Jews back to the Holy Lands.


    Now, McCain finally denounces the nut. I guess it's ok to piss off the Catholics, but he draws the line at pissing off the Jews.


    I'm not sure how that "earns McCain respect".

  3. Hillary reminds me of the Black Knight in "The Holy Grail"


    Black Knight: None shall pass.

    Arthur: What?

    Black Knight: None shall pass.

    Arthur: I have no quarrel with you, good Sir Knight, but I must cross this bridge.

    Black Knight: Then you shall die.

    Arthur: I command you as King of the Britons to stand aside!

    Black Knight: I move for no man.

    Arthur: So be it!



    Arthur cuts off the Black Knight's left arm.


    Arthur: Now stand aside, worthy adversary.

    Black Knight: 'Tis but a scratch.

    Arthur: A scratch? Your arm's off!

    Black Knight: No, it isn't.

    Arthur: Well, what's that then?

    Black Knight: I've had worse.

    Arthur: You liar!

    Black Knight: Come on you pansy!


    Arthur cuts off the Black Knight's right arm.



    Arthur: Victory is mine! We thank thee Lord, that in thy mercy...



    Black Knight: Come on then.

    Arthur: What?

    Black Knight: Have at you!

    Arthur: You are indeed brave, Sir Knight, but the fight is mine.

    Black Knight: Oh, had enough, eh?

    Arthur: Look, you stupid bastard, you've got no arms left.

    Black Knight: Yes I have.

    Arthur: Look!

    Black Knight: Just a flesh wound.

    Arthur: Look, stop that.

    Black Knight: Chicken! Chicken!

    Arthur: Look, I'll have your leg. Right!



    Arthur cuts off the Black Knight's leg.



    Black Knight: Right, I'll do you for that!

    Arthur: You'll what?

    Black Knight: Come 'ere!

    Arthur: What are you going to do, bleed on me?

    Black Knight: I'm invincible!

    Arthur: You're a loony.

    Black Knight: The Black Knight always triumphs! Have at you! Come on then.


    Arthur cuts off the Black Knight's other leg.



    Black Knight: All right; we'll call it a draw.

    Arthur: Come, Patsy.

    Black Knight: Oh, oh, I see, running away then. You yellow bastard! Come back here and take what's coming to you. I'll bite your legs off!


  4. While she has a huge lead in Kentucky and Puerto Rico. She isn't going anywhere until Obama has at least 2209 committed delegates.


    I love the new spin that now it takes 2209 delegates instead of 2026. If you can't win, try to keep moving the goal line.


    And as far as Clinton not talking race:


    "I have a much broader base to build a winning coalition on," she said in an interview with USA TODAY. As evidence, Clinton cited an Associated Press article "that found how Sen. Obama's support among working, hard-working Americans, white Americans, is weakening again, and how whites in both states who had not completed college were supporting me."


    I guess only hard-working Americans are white Americans. :blink:


    But you're right she does a great job in states where people are uneducated and states where there is a high level of inbreeding such as WV, KY and Arkansas.

  5. Why don't you go to the dealer and see what kind of price you get with or without the leased vehicle in the mix? Possibly, they will give you some incentive to end your lease now and buy the new car. Especially if you go in near the end of the month when the sales dept is trying to hit their monthly numbers.


    You can always just let the leased vehicle sit in your driveway and pay the last 8 months as they come due and then turn it in.


    Another idea is to see what the value of the leased truck is versus what your buy-out option is on it. Depending on what they calculated the residual value to be when you took out the lease, you may have some "equity" in it. Find out what the buy-out price is and then check kbb.com or edmunds.com for the private party value. If there is enough of a difference, put it on Craigslist and see if you can get more than your buy-out. Just don't buy it out until you find a sucker, I mean a buyer.

  6. The thing is, come November, it doesn't matter whose names are on the ballot. We're already screwed.


    You've got 3 people that are all the same running for the same position claiming that they are all different.


    Vote for Hillary, she's got experience, and isn't Bush


    Best quote that I've seen about Hillary's so-called experience from the "Zbig Guy":


    “[senator Clinton] says she’s been to 80 countries. My travel agent has been to 150 countries, that doesn’t make her qualified to be president. . Would someone say that Mamie Eisenhower is better prepared to be president than John Kennedy? Being the wife of a president doesn’t make you ready to be president.”

    -- Zbigniew Brzezinski,

    former adviser to JFK & Carter



  7. Did you read the part where the oil companies could make "hundreds of billions of dollars" off this? I thought oil company profits were a bad thing. ;)


    Well it would be nice if they put their obscene profits into developing this. The bad point is that 72% of the land is owned by the government. I'm sure that they can find a way to phuck it up.


    Just makes so much more sense to get our fuel from shale rather than our food supply. :thumbsup:

  8. I used to drink at Cassidy's when they had the 10 cent shots AND worked at Gabel's. :unsure: Sounds like a blast.


    Boy, I remember getting hammered in both of those places! Spinning the wheel at Cassidy's. A lot of times, the bartender would nudge it to Freddie's Special! Everyone drinking a pitcher of mixed drinks. Good times!


    As far as 10 cent shots, I remember the Masthead near Buff State. They had 10 shots for a buck of schnapps, amoretto, etc. A couple of bucks went a long way back then! :D

  9. What disturbs me is the inability to deduct the interest after a certain income level. That is just b.s.


    It is the same as the tuition deduction for dependants. You are allowed to deduct 4K per kid. I had 2 in college at the same time, and spent a whole lot more than this. My total deduction? 2 K for both kids combined. Why? Because I am "rich." :unsure::angry: After a combined income of 60 K, the deduction decreases. Now, do our lawmakers really care about education? Huckabee did. He wanted to give free tuition to illegal aliens. :D


    It is the same thing wrt energy. I spent $3,200 on a new, energy efficient heating system. Tax deductible, right? Sure....but I only saved a whopping 168 dollars. Why? You guessed it....I am "rich." :doh: Now, do our lawmakers really care about saving energy?


    Edit: Yes, this is a whining post and I am sorry for this. Things were more fun when I was fooled by the political b.s., ya know? Molsen and Pasta Man must be some happy m.f.s.


    The vast majority of Government provided college financial aid is "need-based". If the parents earn above a certain level, they do not qualify for grants, subsidized loans, etc. It's very frustrating when you complete your FAFSA forms only to find out that the government considers you wealthy enough to pay for your kids college education.


    The same is true for deducting college tuition and college loan interest. If you make above a certain level, don't expect the government to subsidize your children's college costs.


    It sucks that the aid doesn't go to everyone regardless of income, but then the cost of the government programs would be that much higher.


    Higher income families can take advantage of tax advantaged college savings such as 529 accounts.


    Also, public colleges are a great alternative to a lifetime of educational debt. Thankfully, my oldest is going to UB this fall and will be living at home. If all goes well, I can get him through college debt-free.

  10. From the Sept 14, 2007 NY Times:


    The National Football League fined New England Patriots Coach Bill Belichick $500,000 yesterday, and the team will forfeit its first-round draft pick in 2008 if it makes the playoffs, for violating league rules Sunday when a Patriots staff member was discovered videotaping signals by Jets coaches during the season opener at the Meadowlands.


    ESPN article on Apr 24, 2008:


    Goodell said Thursday he has no idea what Walsh, who spent six years as a New England employee, has to offer than what the league already knows: Belichick had been taping defensive signals since first becoming Patriots coach in 2000. He noted, however, that the league, which destroyed the tapes from the Jets game after reviewing them, had spoken to 50 people in connection with the case and that Walsh was the only one who asked for legal protection.


    So, the penalties were imposed for getting caught videotaping the Jets game. The Pats* surrendered tapes from the Jets game and I thought a couple of others which were subsequently destroyed.


    Yesterday, Goodell stated that the league already knows that Belicheat has been taping defensive signals since becoming the Pats* coach since 2000. Has the league previously admitted that the cheating has been going on from 2000? If the league was aware that Bellicheat has been taping signals since 2000, why did they only penalize them for the one time that they were caught?

  11. So Obama only wants to have primaries in states that he has a chance to win? That's a new spin on democracy. I'm sure the voters in Florida and Michigan will flock towards that type of "change" in the general election. The delegates may be disregarded, but the superdelegates will look at the popular vote totals and unwillingness to revote as factors to support Hillary for the nomination.


    Where do the Clintonites get the impression that Obama is the one who prevented revotes in FL and MI? As far as I know, the states themselves decided that it was too costly or too late to have a redo. He may have been against some of the re-do proposals but so was Hillary...for example, a caucus instead of a primary.


    The states themselves screwed this one up by defying the DNC even though they were warned that the results wouldn't count. The states of MI and FL disenfranchised their voters and that's where their citizens' ire should be directed.

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