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Posts posted by Live&DieBillsFootball

  1. He seems like a pretty dumb player. never stepping out of bounds when the clock needs to be stopped. not only does he not step out of bounds. he doesn't run over the player he either.


    I agree. Twice before halftime and once near the end of the game he could have gone out of bounds and didn't. The other thing I don't like about him is he goes down as softly as Robert Royal.

  2. 25 and a lot of snow in Hamburg. It's coming down pretty good and the winds should pick up to 40 MPH or so.


    Absolutely perfect weather to play the fish in the Ralph. I can picture them huddling around the sideline heater. :wallbash:

  3. I think when elections stopped being about earning the most votes, and started being about finding the most votes by manipulating the counting after the voting finished, democracy died.


    I agree.


    I would like to see the AICPA in charge of elections. Have them create a ballot and voting process that has the proper internal controls that ensure that votes are counted once, precincts are properly tabulated and results are made accurately and timely.


    We need to find the most efficient type of ballot that cannot be left to interpretation. Then use these same ballots nationwide. I have lived in a lot of states and the best I have come across is the one where you use a paper ballot and marker and fill in the arrow that points to your choice and then the voter personally feeds the ballot into an optical scanner which records the vote and retains the paper ballot. If 3000 people signed in to vote in a precinct, then 3000 ballots were handed out and the reader should show 3000 ballots recorded.


    It probably makes too much sense, so I'm sure we will never see something like this.

  4. You don't understand what a business partnership means?


    The dealerships were partnerships with the BIG 3 and now they have to go away suddenly with no compensation. The dealership group I worked for will make it on their own. They never made "bad business decisions" and they have tons of money. However, based on principle, it's only fair to have some sort of buyout.


    Again, dealer buyouts were done by the big 3 and the other dealers in the closing dealers area. Do you think that the dealership group that you work for wants to use their "tons of cash" to compensate the other dealers that are failing? I don't see that happening. Neither will the Big 3 have the money to compensate the dealers that are closing.


    Where do you think the money for dealer buyouts should come from?

  5. And where has the talk about buyouts gone?


    They worked. The UAW people took them. Why not offer them now? It seems to me to be the fair way to go.


    $150K and out the door to both former and current employees. It seems it worked once, why not again?


    Buyouts were fine when the automakers had time and money. Now, they have neither. I don't think we'll be seeing lots of worker buyouts anytime soon.


    The other buyout that is going to disappear is the dealer buyout. In the past, when a dealer closed, the car manufacturer and the other dealers in the area came in and put together buyout packages for the dealer that was closing. In lots of cases, they got to walk away with 500k and were off the hook for their property lease, etc. I don't see this happening anymore either. Dealers are going to have to close down the old fashioned way...Chapter 7.

  6. It doesn't matter. Congress would never pass anything he proposed, but for purely academic reasons, here is how it would work in theory:




    I just read the article and can see a ton of problems with it:


    1. It assumes that every company would give each employee a raise of the full value it is currently paying for insurance. Good luck with that one! Companies pay different amounts to cover different employees. For example, the company might pay $5000 to cover a single employee, but might pay $7500 towards a family plan of $12000 with the employee picking up the rest. Does it give one employee a $5000 raise and the other a $7500 raise? Some companies even offer multiple plans with different costs that employees can choose from.


    A lot of companies currently pay an employee for refusing coverage if they have coverage through a spouse. Usually a percentage of the health care costs like 25-50%. I just don't see companies offering to pay all employees the total cost of their current health care premiums.


    2. Group coverage in most cases cover pre-existing conditions. I've never seen an individual policy that does the same. Group coverage is also cheaper and covers more than individual policies.


    3. Even if it was a good deal in year one, the employee would now be on the hook for all future health care inflation. Does the $5000 credit go up every year to cover inflation? Probably not.


    4. Where will the federal government come up with the $5000 for each family.


    Most likely, it will give companies incentive to dump their group health care plans and employer paid health care will go the same way as pension plans.

  7. There are a lot of people that keep their life savings in their local bank. Every bank has some customers whose accounts exceed the FDIC limit of $100,000. They are providing cheap money that the bank can loan to other customers.


    Most of these customers have probably never worried too much about their bank going under and losing some of their money. I'm sure they are getting nervous about it now. As the FDIC raises their limits, the banks are hoping to keep this cheap source of funds available rather than have their customers move their excess funds to other banks.


    A depositor can get around the FDIC limits by retitling their accounts. A couple can safely keep $300,000 in a bank by simply putting $100,000 in each of their names and $100,000 in a joint account. They can do the same thing at every bank in town and effectively keep all of their funds insured by the FDIC.

  8. For a receiver, I would recommend Harman Kardon AVR models. Check out ebay. I bought mine as a refurb several years ago for about half the price of new. You can get a good receiver for under $300.


    As for speakers, Klipsch makes great in-wall speakers. They also make great towers, surround & subwoofers too. These are not cheap, but I love the sound of them.

  9. It's too bad the former owner pulled the speakers out of the wall. Did he just leave the holes?


    If you want to use in wall speakers, you are not going to be able to find an all-in-one solution. This is actually good and bad news. The bad is that it will cost you more, but you will have a much better sounding system.


    If you want an all in one system, you could just cover up the holes.

  10. I think this "Friend" has decided that if "he" gets tickets to the Foreigner show this wednesday nite, "he" will call her and ask her to go. If "he" doesn't get these tickets, "he" has Darkstar Orchestra and Boston tickets in the next couple of weeks as well....plus Flo-bots.....I will let you know how "he" makes out


    You just needed people to talk a little smack to you to get fired up to do it. Good luck! :cry:

  11. I bought this stuff at Home Depot called Ortho Weed B Gone Max. You only need 2 oz per gallon of water in a bug sprayer. They also sell it in a spray bottle, but if you are doing large areas, it is a hell of a lot easier using a sprayer. This stuff works great on clover, dandelions and supposedly 250 other weeds. It works fast and didn't seem to kill any of my lawn.


    My weeds just laughed when I put down Scotts weed n feed, but this stuff kicked their ass.

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