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Your Brown Eye

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Posts posted by Your Brown Eye

  1. 2 hours ago, joesixpack said:


    Strep is bacterial infection.


    CBF---drink shots of whiskey till you pass out.



    Hence the reason I said bacterial strep. I never said is it viral strep or bacteria strep. I asked if it was viral or if it was bacterial strep. 


    1 hour ago, DC Tom said:


    "Viral strep?"  :lol:. You idiot.  Streptococcus IS A BACTERIA.




    No **** Sherlock, I'm in the medical field. I guess I have to lose the "hospital speak" when I'm on these boards and dumb down my question for you guys. 


    Is his infection viral?... or is it bacterial strep?. Believe it or not there are doctors who wrongly give antibiotics for viral throat infections, because the patient complains enough. He's been on antibiotics for quite a while now with no relief. Hence the viral portion of my question, because that could explain the no relief with antibiotics, and he just has to let it run it's course. If it's confirmed bacterial then he needs a new antibiotic that works in a different manner or a stronger one because the one he's on doesn't sound like it working.


    But I'm sure you knew that Mr. Scientist.

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