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Posts posted by Iamkrgr

  1. That'd be unfortunate if things unfolded that way. 5 Qb's taken before we pick... yikes. 


    I think at worst one of the top 5 QB will be available at 12. If thats how it unfolds it'd be hard to put too much blame on Beane when teams infront of us might have no intention to trade down. 


    Mason Rudolph in Rd 1 is underwhelming though i could see him becoming a good starter under the right circumstances. Not sure if that is here. 

  2. Imo the best thing that can happen is if Allen, who i think will bust, gets picked by the Browns #1 or #4 overall. That could set off a chain of picks that allows us to stay at 12 and get a QB that drops. Of course another team may jump ahead but i have a hard time seeing it. I think it ends up being Mayfield that drops and i am OK taking him at 12. 


    As much as i want to be a believer in Lamar Jackson i have a hard time seeing it. If he is the best available QB at 12 i suppose you take that chance but that'd be a bit of a let down considering all the draft capital Beane has accumulated. That is until he comes in and wins OROY. He is the definition of boom/bust imo. Could be the next Vick. I'm not sure he makes it to 22. 


    Mason Rudolph at 12 would hurt. At 22 it'd be a bitter pill to swallow as a fan. I'd trust the process but boy Beane better get it right or he's gone pretty quick. 2nd Round? Sure. 

  3. I have my doubts regarding the validity of this rumor but damn it would cost a lot to move to #1. 


    We're talking almost everything from this draft as well as probably the 1st from next years. Who knows what else they would want. 


    If this were to happen Beane better get it right in terms of QB. If you get the right one its all worth it. Either way i don't see this happening. Browns don't need more picks. 

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  4. What day of free agency did Poyer and Hyde sign last year? 


    There is definitely a lot of work to be done this offseason. I'm a bit anxious to see how to QB situation will unfold. That will effectively decide whether this offseason is a success or not. None of the QB's that signed today were major difference makers (sans Cousins). Some of the money thrown to guys like Bradford could be better used to fill the roster. 


    I'm ok with waiting for the dust to settle a bit and see if the price on some of these "bridge" Qb's drops to a more appropriate level. 

  5. 5 minutes ago, BuffaloRush said:


    When though?  In 2018 or 2019?  I wouldn’t sign Bradham and then draft a MLB this year. I think MLB is one of those positions where rookies can step right and play well.  Wouldn’t do much good to have him sit

    The draft being where it is makes it tough. Do you sign Bradham or someone else and then have a guy fall in the draft and not take him because you signed Bradham? I think you'd still look to draft him if you liked the player enough. 


    The linebacker group needs as much help as it can get. Beyond Milano having a good rookie season and still being a bit green i don't see much on the roster. 

  6. I'm not against McCarron. A bit risky imo. 


    If Beane and co believe there is something there i don't see the problem. I still think the optimal route is to move up and get one of Rosen/Mayfield/Darnold. If no trade is available i could see McCarron as an option. At that point i think you target a QB later in the draft in hopes of developing someone. 


    I'm not sure you could call it backfiring on Beane if a trade up was never really available. For all we know the teams ahead of us have every intention of staying where they are in the draft. A McCarron signing would make the draft picks we do won very interesting as we would really be able to fill out the roster with young talent. 


    If McCarron flops we'd still have the young QB and potentially another high pick next year to try again. Lets hope it doesn't come to this though. 

  7. The OP isn't far off imo. 


    We have a few a bunch of options and it'll be really interesting to see how things pan out. As far as i see it these are the tiers for the draft:


    1) Rosen, Darnold and Mayfield all require a significant trade up. Problem with this is that there are a bunch of teams ahead of the Bills that are in dire need of a QB(Browns, Broncos, Dolphins, Cardinals, Jets). Safe to assume that you aren't trading up with those teams. Another consideration is that those teams all pick ahead of the Bills and will make it difficult for the Bills to move up. Its significantly easier to move up from 5-10th than it is to move up from 21-22. To move up all the way the Bills might need to move up twice. 


    2) Lamar Jackson. He's probably going to be available at 21. I'm not sold on him as a long term QB but i must admit his potential is tantalizing to say the least. I wouldn't be disappointed if a trade up doesn't materialize and we ended up with Lamar. It wouldn't be an ideal scenario.


    Josh Allen is a project that could use a year to sit and develop. He has potential that probably puts him in tier 1 but not enough production for my liking to be up there. Again wouldn't be disappointed as the potential is really high. 


    3) Mason Rudolph is a good prospect that in my opinion has no business being taken until the end of the 2nd/early 3rd. He will need time to develop. 


    Getting into the top tier is the most exciting avenue but also the least likely. It'll take a bunch of variables to break our way for that to happen. I would love to see Beane make a bold move and push all-in on a top tier QB prospect. 





  8. 5 minutes ago, Real McCoy said:

    Whatever Beane and McD decide I think I'll be OK with for the most part as I now trust the process after todays move.  These guys are serious about getting a a QB to get us to the next level.  Foles still has about 8 years in his tank and I'm cool with that as well but would like to see a Rudolph, Jackson or White to develop behind him.  

    The NFL is about to open up a ton in the next 2-3 years as the following will most likely be gone - Brady, Ben, Eli, Rivers and Brees


    I want us to be 100% ready to go and make some serious noise.

    I don't think Foles is the answer. There will still be other great QB's in the league(Newton, Ryan, Rodgers, Wilson, Wentz)


    I would love to see Beane swing for the fences and trade up for a top guy this year. Trading a 2nd rounder for Foles feels like the same old Bills that don't have a true stud Qb. 

  9. This is an amazing deal for the Bills. It'll be interesting to see how the QB situation plays out. I really hope we don't go for Foles. If Taylor nets an early 3rd you have to think Foles could get the Eagles a 2nd rounder at the least. I don't think he's a good enough upgrade. 


    I'd probably prefer Keenum and keeping the pick(s). 

  10. Moving up for Rosen would be a bold move. Thats a make or break move for an executive AND thats why i like it. 


    If possible i'd move picks from this draft and look to not move next years 1st. Moving next years 1st rounder is a bit too risky for my liking. This team as currently constructed has a small margin for victory. This past season goes to show how a few fortunate plays can be the difference between making the playoffs and not. The offense(even with Rosen) has holes in it that could prove costly next season. Expecting a rookie QB to come in and lead a flawed offense is a recipe for a rough season. Getting Rosen and having him develop properly might come at the cost of having a worse season than 2017. 


    I'd move both 1st and 2nd rounders to move up. Next years 1st is off the table imo. BUT i wouldn't be too upset if Beane did include it. 

  11. Problem with moving up in the draft is the draft capital that you lose. It'd take some late round surprises to be able to lose all those picks and build a quality team around the QB you moved up for. 


    Keeping the draft picks and signing Cousins would probably be a near ideal scenario. He's going to be expensive, a bit overrated, but he'd be a quality QB. I'm not sure if this is the year we pick up a QB as i don't think Cousins comes to Buffalo. If someone drops and the price to move up isn't outlandish maybe then i could see us in the mix. If Mayfield pans out even a little bit early i think he'd be an instant fan favorite. 


    Sometimes you have to build the team and then find the QB. With Tyrod signed for 1 more season we might just use him and wait for next draft. Beane said it correctly when he said that we aren't as close as some believe. This past season pretty easily could've been a 4-12/5-11 season. We might take a step back before we take a few steps forward. 

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