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Posts posted by Kaz

  1. Draft players from big-time, winning programs. No more players from Richmond, James Madison, Bethany, South Dakota State, Troy, etc. Not that any draftee is a guaranteed success, but the likelihood of a player from Alabama, LSU, Texas, SoCal, Michigan, Florida, etc., being successful is higher than small college crap-shoot picks that we seen to be so enamored with.


    Yes, there will always be exceptions, but overall, and in the longterm success to failure ratio, I believe this is a change in draft philosophy that has to happen, and happen now!

    No, no, no, no.




    Way too many exceptions to this rule for any consideration to be given.

  2. Thanks....I actually did just break up with my GF last week.....and after that dolphins game I wanted to break up with the bills

    Sorry to hear about the double-whammy. But, one's artistic senses are elevated when times are the toughest. I think you illustrated that well! Nice essay...

  3. the bills need to bottom out. with the exception of a few awesome franchises (steelers, red wings) other teams need to suck balls before they can get good again (lions, penguins, blackhawks, thunder). it's the easiest and most efficient way to get elite talent. we need a franchise QB and game breaking pass rusher. only way to get guys like that is to pick in the top 3.


    edit: enough with this 7-9 bull ****. i know we won only 4 games last year, but once again i think we're on pace to win 6-7 games and shoot our way out of the top 10. i know this is an unpopular mindset, and i know buffalo could be shipped out of town with 20 wins over 5 years, but with sucky records come elite, exciting players. look at carolina.

    Yeah, cos Tom Brady, Aaron Rodgers, and Drew Brees were all "top 3" picks. As were Brian Orakpo, Michael Strahan and Jared Allen. The ONLY way to get those guys is to pick top-3, right?


    That is the total loser's mentality. [Caution: NBA example] Tank out every year worked GREAT for the Chicago Bulls in the post-Jordan era. How long did it take them to finally get it right? About, what, a decade? [bringing it back to the NFL] And the Cardinals and Bengals during the 90s, right? Sucking and picking in a lofty spot perenially really helped them, didn't it?


    Good scouting and (a lot of) luck (not Andrew necessarily) plus solid FA signing is the way to do it. Not bottoming out year after year.

  4. Fitz would be ok if he had superior WR's. Likewise Aaron rodgers would make the WR's in Buf look far better. But when you have margainal talent at both positions you get what you see in royal blue. I am guessing it is unusal to beable to play man coverage in the NFL on 4 WR's and have the edge at each spot, unless you are playing a team of UDFA's.


    I like how you state this so matter-of-factly. Let's hypothetically trade WR corps with the Packers. Are they even close? Are they?


    I'm sure Donald Jones and Ruvell Martin would be headed to the Pro Bowl if they had Rodgers throwing them passes, yes? :thumbdown:

  5. Fitzpatrick needs to shave that mangy, stupid looking , gimmicky beard.

    Show a commitment to a complete focus on football and not being the

    guy with the stupid beard.

    I can see hockey players growing them during a playoff run,

    but Fitz's beard does give him superhuman powers like Samson's hair did.

    Brady chopped his long hair off right after the Pat's loss to The Bills.

    It showed that he was more commiteed to football than growing out his hair to "look cool".

    Shave your beard Fitz. You look like a total f'in choad!

    Focus on your job, because right now you and the team you lead are an utter discgrace.

    What a clown. I'm glad you're in Tom Brady's head like that.

  6. If you look at it, Fitz has only played on complete game all year and that was week one I really don't know my arse from my elbow. Even during the brief time period when they were winning beating NE, Philly and Oakland, Fitz had one bad half each game, the first against NE and Oakland and the Second against Philly. He wasn't very good against Washington throwing picks and dropping balls for fumbles when nobody was near him. He has never been a franchise QB, and anyone who thought he was, was fooling themselves.



    Btw, you might want to revisit your DVR for the Redskins/Bills game. Fitzpatrick was 21-for-27, 262 yards, 2 TDs, one pick and a QB rating of 116. But, I'll give you a mulligan: It was a 4pm start on the day before Halloween, so maybe you had one too many Keystones by that point and were seeing ghosts.

  7. Can we rescind Fitzpaychecks contract as well.

    Yup, let's do that. The constant o-line shuffling, a recent plague of injuries, a lack of depth, our pourous defense, and uninspired coaching are all byprodcuts of Fitz's contract. Furthermore, none of those factors has in any way effected his level of play.




    You missed your calling, you should be a GM.

  8. Last season, we were blown out by the Packers, Jets (twice), Vikings and Patriots (at home). This year we haven't just played good teams close, but we've actually beaten a few of them (unlike last year). Plus, we also played the Giants and Bengals tough. There's really no regression if you look at this season as a whole.


    People's memories of last year are a bit hazy in the face of this latest dilemma.

  9. I would resign him, within reason. He's well-suited for Gailey's offense. He was playing his best football as a Bill last year before the injury vs. Chicago. And, I know the injury stuff is a huge part of his makeup, but if you eliminated a guy from your grocery list based on injury history/potential, you'd be looking at a very slim list of candidates.

  10. Give us a healthy OL and a three WR set of Stevie, Nelson and Justin Blackmon (drafted out of OK St. -- I can dream, right?) and you'll stop your bitching and complaining about Fitz in a hurry.


    You guys act like Fitz is the only QB in the NFL who has accuracy issues on occasion. Start watching some other games from time to time instead of trolling on this board 24/7. Go back and watch tapes of Eli Manning's first five years and how many "oopsies" he threw...and how many were transformed into a big play by a quality, star-level WR (read: Burress, Plaxico). Or take a look at how many INTs that Drew Brees has tossed over the past three seasons. Or, how about the Chargers' franchise QB this year?


    Important: I'm not putting Fitz on par with any of the league's top QBs. But all of your Fitz bashers need to take a deep breath and examine the entire picture of what's gone on with this team over the past month. Fitzpatrick isn't out there performing in a vacuum. And stop acting like the contract is causing this, cos it's just crap reasoning that a 14-year-old would come up with.

  11. tonight and has been far from perfect the last month. Now I can enjoy the rest of the season and not be preoccupied with anger about the Colts nabbing a once in a generation player.

    Did you watch the second half? He played nearly flawless and made a number of perfect throws in not-so-perfect weather.


    You may continue crying in your nachos...

  12. kurt warner said, "Kurt Warner (@kurt13warner): Wow, @TimTebow does it again! So happy 4 him, no idea how he does it, but I remember when ppl said the same about me!"


    if you can't feel the absolute envy coming through that post for the 24/7 love timmy t is getting for beeing BFFs with jesus christ, you've probably never known an athlete that's done anything above the high school level.


    real world equivalents -


    you sit down at your in-laws table for thanksgiving.

    "this turkey is amazing. just as good as when i make it at home."


    you're driving with your wife.

    "good job parking the car honey. you did as good of a job as when i do it."


    your coworker gets a promotion for work he did on a 6 month long project.

    "nice job mark. you handled that last presentation as well as the one i gave last quarter."


    step out of the hero-worshipping shoes. athletes are pampered d*cks that have been told they are kings of the world since junior high school. it is amusing when sites like twitter break down those walls, and give a look into the actual persona of people like kurt warner, instead of the image of his wife clutching the bible on the sideline praying for her husband to throw a touchdown so he doesn't have to go back to bagging groceries at safe way.


    he probably beats her too :)



    You were wearing your tin foil hat while writing this, weren't you?

  13. former athletes, no matter what race, creed, or sex just can't stand someone else replacing them in any way whatsoever.


    i hate those little digs they always manage to get in.


    "honestly, im surprised aaron rodgers didnt win a super bowl sooner."


    life moves on old man, the world keeps spinning kurt. you're not the first professional athlete to believe in jesus, and timmy t won't be the last.

    What the hell are you talking about?? You're comparing Kurt Warner's Twitter comment to Favre's megalomaniac dig at Rodgers? Those two aren't just apples and oranges, they're apples and razor blades. Warner is a genuine guy and is being complimentary, thus the "so happy 4 him" comment. Favre, on the other hand, is a bitter turd. See the difference?

  14. What's amazing to me is that the game seemed like it was one of the worst QB'ed games in NFL history (on both sides), but look how long everyone in the country stayed with it last night. Everyone I talked to today watched it. And judging by a lot of social media, the whole country was watching.

    This is an excellent point; great observation. Even I, for once, didn't fall asleep on my couch in the late 2nd quarter of a primetime game. Tebow has that kind of pull!

  15. Just noticed that for the past five seasons the NFC contender for the Super Bowl have defeated the Bills when they played during the regular season. It is strange that we played all five of them however, it is less strange that we lost all five of them. Dallas or Giants this year perchance?

    Wow, good sleuthing! Last year, we basically wound up playing every team that qualified for the playoffs -- and both Super Bowl participants. But, the trend you have pointed out is pretty interesting.


    I'll put my chips down on the NY Giants. I think they represent the best-suited team to knock off the Dairy Empire...

  16. I agree with the sentiment. Talley obviously loves this organization and wants to get into coaching, so to me it makes perfect sense to have him on the defensive staff in some way, shape or form.


    Thanks for posting the YouTube clip, as well. Darryl is a Buffalo Bill to the soul!

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