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Posts posted by Kaz

  1. I love 'em. When the Bills game starts at 4:00, I can just enjoy the 1:00 game that I watch. When the Bills play a 1:00 game I'm either too up or too down to just relax and watch the next game.


    100% this.


    Though, the missus is a Washington fan, so on Sundays like this one it'll mean a loooong day at the sports bar since the Skins play at 1p. Days like this make me wish the Ticket were available on digital cable...

  2. The chant is "Seven Nation Army" by the White Stripes. Popularized first in Europe by futbol fans.


    Read and learn http://deadspin.com/...he-sports-world


    It's also the most over-used hype gimmick in American football. Every Tom, D!ck and Harry college team uses it in their stadium, and the pro teams aren't too far behind. I believe last year was the first that the Bills used it on kickoffs, and I was hoping it would be a one-and-done fad.

  3. I got a similar response:


    "I just got off the phone with my Fox rep as they were supposed to give us every Jets and Bills game we could take. The assignments came out 2 weeks ago and we just flat missed it. Fox said in the future to check them as far out as we can and they will try to accomodate us. They just will not make a change after Wednesdays."


    Bummer. At least he owned up to it, though. Not that it helps out the situation on Sunday...

  4. The Redskins' lease at FedEx Field expires in 2027. While it ranks second only to the Cowboys' AT&T Stadium in terms of capacity, FedEx Field has several knocks against it: fan-unfriendly sight lines, poor mass-transit access, and a field that may or may not have chewed franchise hero Robert Griffin III's knee into overcooked pasta last season.


    Last time I checked, a field surface can be replaced without needing to relocate to a new stadium.


    Bush league writing.

  5. That jersey can't possibly be correct - the collar doesn't have the "flywire" at all. I'm pretty sure that every NFL jersey has the flywire, one color or another. That looks like the $100 ones you get on NFL.com...the "limited" jerseys.


    There are several teams that don't feature the style of collar you mention. The Patriots are one that comes to mind.

  6. So, I went into Famous Dave's (BBQ chain) to pick up a TOGO order and I strike up a conversation with the young, female cashier. She claims:


    - 20-25% of people leave tips.

    - They split all tips with the people working the TOGO station. At that moment it was three.

    - They get paid "a little more" than the dining room servers, but LESS THAN MINIMUM WAGE.


    This is only one data point and doesn't pertain to all other places that have TOGO. But it shows there are popular places that pay the TOGO staff less than minimum wage.


    Now, I suppose I could have been a royal jackass and wave a Droid proudly displaying an electronic copy of a book by "Emily Post", dead for over a half-century, and tell her "Sorry, Emily Post says that I'm not obligated to tip you..., but could you include some extra sauce please?"


    I chose to leave a tip instead. She smiled big and said thank you...

    Move over, Mother Teresa.

  7. The big difference is Von Miller never had a game where he was so thoroughly outplayed that he didn't look like he belonged on the same field with his opponent. I admit I did not see much of Te'o before the BCS championship. I've also heard the reasons like bad day, long layoff, and Alabama players are big and mean. Fine. But to see a guy who was that highly touted be rendered utterly useless is shocking and frightening. You can't just dust that off and say "ha ha, we all have bad days." Te'o looked small, slow, and showed terrible technique tacking...if you want to call getting flicked off like a booger an attempt at tackling. Sorry. If Te'o is that lost against Alabama, then what's gonna happen in the NFL?




    So you're raising a red flag and basically calling Teo a dog (read: Aaron Maybin) based off of one game? And you freely admit you haven't really paid attention to his collegiate performance otherwise? Do I have that about right?




    On the other hand, how many of Von Miller's college games did you watch? Must've been all of 'em for you to proclaim that he "never" had a game where he was overmatched or had a bad day.


    You're laying some pretty hefty whoppers on us.


    Teo plays with a fire that Aaron Maybin couldn't duplicate if he drank a gallon of gasoline and swallowed a match. Maybin basically played one year at PSU and was given the "future star" tag by a bunch of geniuses who probably never picked up a football. Teo, meanwhile, is a four-year standout who just completed a senior year in which he was a Heisman finalist.


    Yeah, your comparison totally makes sense!


    C'mon, the dude -- and the entire team, by the way -- has one stink-ola game and suddenly he's trash. Well, I guess Thurman Thomas' career was complete garbage for his performances in three Super Bowls, right?

  8. I listen to a lot of talk radio -- both sports and politics -- and nothing compares to WGR. It's the absolute worst. I used to think Philadelphia sports talk radio was absurdly sophomoric and uninteresting. But, compared with GR's local hosts, Philly sports talk seems refined and informed. I mean, the hosts detest taking calls nearly as much as they detest the callers themselves. This is especially true of the yahoos in the afternoon. Then you've got Howard Simon. I've heard college radio DJs conduct better, more thorough interviews. Every time he talks to Gailey or Nix or any player, it sounds like he's doing his first-ever interview. It's tough to listen to, but I listen because I want to hear Buddy Nix or Stevie Johnson.


    But, the attitude is what irks me mostly. Classic small market, big-fish-small-pond mentality oozes out of everything that WGR puts out. From their Bills "network" pre- and post-game shows to their drive time programming. It's chock full of hot shots who think it makes them stars to belittle and dismiss the very people who put food on their tables. "Do you have any questions for us?" Yes, how many other media markets would actually employ you in a capacity other than janitors?


    But, none of this will ever change until there is an alternative. Which will never happen in Buffalo since you're talking about a small market with just two major teams.


    Maybe I'm just spoiled having grown up listening to WFAN, but WGR is as interesting as a wet rag.

  9. I hear ya ATL! or how about in the Bills 6 loses the offense would have had to score 49, 53, 46, 36, 22, 38 to win those games or avg 40.7 pts per. and people want to rag on the QB as being the problem. there is nothing more to do but just laugh at the simpletons. :w00t:


    If that ain't the gospel of the season thus far, I don't know what is.


    Good job, sir!

  10. First of all, it was four drives, unless Fitz apologists want to take credit for the Brad Smith TD return.


    First of all, three TDs and two FGS equals five drives. You don't have to be an apologist to know how to count.


    As far as all this "when we needed him the most" garbage, it's becoming a very thing gruel. We need every player to perform on every play all game long. And, when a QB that most of you chalk up as a jock-sniffer helps compile 27 points against any team, a defense even worth .02 should be able to make that stand up, especially at home, especially against a suspect team.


    Fitzpatrick did more to put us in a position to win that game than the defense did. That's the argument.


    If our defense played worth a damn, we're not discussing a Fitzpatrick INT right now.

  11. The Titans were 10-for-16 converting either 3rd or 4th downs. They scored 7 points on each of the first three possessions of the game. In the end, 390 total net yards gashed against the worst defense in the league. And some of you have the nerve to point the finger at anybody on offense for this loss?


    Guys, blaming Fitzpatrick for this loss is like scolding your 5-year-old when he crashes the family station wagon after you've given him the keys.


    Some of you sad people spend every waking hour of your week saying Fitzpatrick is a water boy, yet you apparently expect him to react like Eli or Drew Brees or Brady on the final drive of the game? Do you guys read your comments before you click "Post"?


    I dunno, maybe if the D were to hold Tennessee to a FG on one of their five TD drives, the game would've been ours. Whaddya think? Or perhaps our absent "Senator" George Wilson can catch a ball that hits him in the chest, the game ends with a Hasselbeck INT.


    Bottom line, whether you love him or hate him, Fitzpatrick led the team on five scoring drives. For some of you people to still be howling for (and expecting) more from him -- even though we know you know he sucks, and have to suffer your brilliant "Fitzcrappy" comments all freakin' week -- is nothing short of hypocrisy. Or maybe insanity is more appropriate.

  12. I recall seeing a lot of posts and commentary in the vane of "Oh man, the Bills are going to get destroyed again this weekend" or "After we lose to the Cardinals..." over the week leading up to yesterday's game.


    Now many of these same geniuses are left with nothing else but to flame on the Bills' win by denigrating the Cardinals or calling the win lucky or ugly or unsatisfying.


    You can't have it both ways, fellas.

  13. I'm sorry (not really), but your hero Vick has been garbage this year. It has nothing to do with Fitzpatrick or Jimmy Clausen or Matt Ryan.


    By the way, if you'd rather have Michael Vick than Matt Ryan on your franchise moving forward, you're as delusional as Vick himself (who does not have a fumbling problem, by the way).


    Oh, and Romo has exactly one less playoff win than Vick.

  14. If the county and tribe was dumb enough to build it over human remains, that would explain a lot.

    Just wondering if the Bills have ever beat the Redskins at the Ralph?


    Off the top of my head, we beat them handily in 1993 (MNF) and again in 2003 at Rich/The Ralph.


    Actually, I can't think of the last time we've lost to the Redskins anywhere -- home, road, cemetery, the moon, etc.


    By the way, shouldn't a team that uses a derogatory racial term as its nickname be of more interest to malevolent, ancient Native American spirits with an ax to grind?

  15. Do you ever think that Vegas might be looking for an idiot like you who will see the last half of our schedule and put money on the Bills? That is how casinos get built.


    I think one of Johnny Gold's main points is that you would NOT make decent money betting on the Bills to make the playoffs.


    I don't know why everyone is getting their panties in a bunch over this topic. For one, I think it's a heckuva lot more interesting than any of the normal crap topics that keep getting regurgitated during the week.

  16. Last week vs. NE it was C.J.'s fumble before the half that robbed us of a potential 14-point lead against a bully that was undoubtedly starting to question itself.


    Yesterday afternoon, the calamity was more man-made, if you will.


    I know a good chunk of this community is divided on what path Gailey should have followed after the Bills recovered the fumble late in the 1st half. But, I think it's very disingenuous for Chan to have created a strawman argument in his post-game presser, essentially saying he would've gotten grief from the press had he bled the clock and gone into the dressing room down 10-3.


    Okay, seriously. Is there anybody that is a semi-conscious, Bills-supporting member of the human race that would have sneered at a worst-case 7-point deficit at the half against a Super Bowl favorite on the road? Especially with this team's recent level of play (poor QB performance, leaky defense, turnover-itis). Plus, scoreboard be damned, we were getting out-gained like a mama-jama and were lucky to be trailing by only a TD.


    Instead, Gailey puts his blinders on and 'unleashes' our epic offense. Instead of having an uplifting message to deliver at the break ("They're gashing us left and right, we've played sloppy football on both sides, BUT we're right in this thing. We're gonna get the opening kickoff of the half and tie this sunavagun up and have some fun!" or something), it was more of the same sense of impending doom, I'm sure. Damage control.


    And, in the other locker room, you don't think the Niners would've been utterly frustrated having missed their chance to really bury us? If I were Harbaugh and my team was running circles around the Bills on the stat sheet, yet I'm up by just one score, I would've been pulling my eyelashes out.


    Instead, bad strategy by Gailey gifts momentum and, essentially, the game to SF.


    Playing it safe and running out the clock in that situation isn't "giving up" or "playing soft." It's called knowing the odds and knowing the situation. We didn't recover the ball at midfield, and we weren't in a groove on offense.


    To me, the risks far outweighed the rewards. And, even though Chan didn't fumble the football, he allowed the situation to occur. Being a good coaches is putting your players in the right situations. Chan does not excel at this.


    Anyways... That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

  17. Right on.


    The whining, crying and suicide threats on this board the day the Bills do leave town (God forbid) will be beyond description. To be fair, though, I'm sure a lot of that talk is from extremely aggravated and depressed fans. I'll give the benefit of the doubt that no one 'round here wants the Bills to disappear for good.


    This was a winning franchise before and it will be again.

  18. they are inter-related.


    defense holds niners to 10 points first 29 minutes and 15 seconds of ball game.


    fitz throws pick, niners take over ball on our 25 yard line, go into half up 17-3 instead of 10-3.


    we get the ball to start the half - three and out.


    niners get the ball back, short field, up 17-3, and clinch the game with a td.


    defense sitting on the sideline, like any competent human being, realizes "hey, were down 24-3, and ryan fitzpatrick is our quarterback. in 30 years of quarterbacking, he has never ONCE shown the ability to win a game against a defense of this caliber. this game is over."


    ever stat, every play after the point in the game when we fell behind 17-3 is meaningless.


    and you can say "well, fitz didnt fumble the ball, chandler did." and you're right - but the fact remains - ryan fitzpatrick sucks.


    i want to see someone, who has more time than me, give me fitzs stats on every pass that travels in the air further than 5 yards -- essentially, taking away his screens. because f*cking stephen hawking could throw a screen to cj spiller.


    give me that statistical breakdown.


    Fitz didn't throw a pick before half, it was a Chandler fumble.


    Otherwise, your logic is still flawed. Just because your team turns the ball over doesn't give the defense license to roll over and die.

  19. everyone that is so smug, saying things like "oh is it fitz's fault were allowing 8.1 ypc?"


    well, yes, it is.


    we go 3 and out or throw a pick every time were on the f*cking field, offensively.


    fitz cant hit anyone, ANYONE, if they have a defender within 5 yards of them.


    we would have lost that game if we only allowed a touch down.



    what is the defense supposed to do?

    force a turnover every possesion?

    limit the opposing team to 0 points?


    how come every succesful team in the nfl wins with a good qb, but the bills have to place the blame on everyone else.


    go watch a giants game, watch manning throw the ball, then come back here and try to blame our shortcomings on our defense.


    What is the D supposed to do? How about not giving up 600 freakin' yards!!!!


    We all agree Fitz is flawed, but this defense is Rosemary's baby type of ugly. Just because Fitz sucks doesn't mean we should allow Alex Smith to play like Joe Montana.

  20. That Eagles O line is down right terrible. I watch Eagles games, I haev a certain fondness of them. Vick is getting beaten every game. He is sporing a Kevlar vest for petes sake. Has he been good this year, no. But previous stats suggest he will get on track and put up decent numbers. Vick has always been carelss with teh ball but he is a 2 demensional QB.


    Teams go into Eagles games with Gameplans to Limit Vick's 2 demensional game. Teams go into Bills games thinking make Fitz throw the ball and we will get our chances.


    Can we get through one discussion of another team's QB without blaming their troubles on everything other than that QB? Many of you just don't want to be fair when we have discussions. Fitz has a bad game and no one is allowed to bring up the defense or the play calling or the dropped passes, etc. Otherwise they're Fitz homers. But, when Cutler or Romo or Vick come up, it's a laundry list of excuses.


    Not saying Fitz is a model QB, but neither are most of these other guys that some people talk about dreamily. If he were QB in Buffalo, I wager 75% of you would be looking to toss him off the Peace Bridge after a 4-INT game or "taking" 5 sacks, etc.


    Vick has played some downright garbage games this year...and last year...and late 2010...etc. The "proven track record" thing also doesn't do it for me. What has he won recently? He is a on a team blessed with offensive talent and a top-3 RB, but where have the results been? Now, if you want to put the blame on Andy Reid for his atrocious play calling, I might give you a mulligan. But, for someone who is so blessed with talent, ought we stop making so many excuses?

  21. WRONG again. There is no argument using numbers that will convince anyone Fitz is a better QB than Vick. I dont like Vick, but there is no doubt he is a more talented QB than Fitz and he has a better track record to prove it. He has been struggling this year, but he has also rallied his team to wins and has proven over his career he can play at a high level and WIN in this league, where as Fitz sucks again, just like every year of his career and LOSES us games rather than wins us games.


    Not sure what you've been watching or what criteria you've used, but Vick hasn't done a good job of being an NFL quarterback since 2010. Even his adopted father, Andy Reid, is dropping hints about possibly replacing him with Foles. I live in the heart of Eagles country and I can tell you that sports talk radio down here is very critical of Vick and his slipping performance level over the past year-plus. Coincidentally, not too long after he signed his big contract. Sound familiar?


    But, go on believing what you will.

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